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Sat May 11th, 2024 @ 6:30am

Chief Petty Officer Gildran Trusk

Name Gildran Trusk

Position Yeoman

Rank Chief Petty Officer

Character Information

Gender Male
Species 1⁄4 Tellarite
Age 48

Physical Appearance

Height 5'5"
Weight 198 lbs
Hair Color Dark brown but graying
Eye Color Brown
Physical Description Although primarily human in appearance, Trusk's paternal Tellarite heritage upon a closer look at his facial features and of course his short stature and rounded figure. He has bit of a wobble to his walk and cloven feet. He has dark brown eyes and dark brown hair, but with his age, his hair and facial hair have begun to turn gray. Trusk is almost always carrying a PaDD often acting as the command personnel's eyes and ears of the starship.


Spouse Guinevere Trusk
Children Eight children
Father Bernhardt Trusk
Mother Ida Schneider Trusk

Personality & Traits

Personality Overview Gildran Trusk an a persistent and tenacious individual who will hold his ground relentlessly and is unapologetic about being vocal. He has a gruff tone of voice and a stubborn personality. Trusk has been in Starfleet for decades and has worked for some of the toughest Commanding Officers in the fleet, and he's personally been witness to the brutality of Cardassians as a veteran of the border wars. As soon as he made rating he's been a Yeoman and worked his way up to becoming a Chief Petty Officer and positioned aboard starships as the Captain's personal Yeoman, a position he held aboard the USS Cairo before being transferred to the USS Thunderbird.

Medical History