The Sim

The Akira Class entered pre-production testing in 2369 using five ships. Among those were the first in class, the USS Akira, the USS Thunderchild and the USS Thunderbird. The Command staff and Chief Engineer were brought to the Utopia Planitia Fleetyards a month prior to launch to be briefed on the ship and its systems.

After the battle of Wolf 359, Starfleet engineering sought to develop a vessel heavily biased toward the combat role. The ship's design called for two large shuttlebays linked through the center of the ship that would allow for landing and launch operations to be handled simultaneously. This configuration would make the Akira Class ideal for evacuation both of small craft or personnel. During wartime, the ship could also serve as a fighter carrier with capacity for over 100 fighters.


The USS Thunderchild, third in its class, was assigned a patrol route with boundaries set by Starbase 310, Starbase 257, and Starbase 261, that follows the border of the Cardassian Union, the Badlands and the Tzenkethi Coalition.