Deck Listing

Deck 1 · Deck 2 · Deck 3 · Deck 4 · Deck 5 · Deck 6 · Deck 7 · Deck 8 · Deck 9 · Deck 10 · Deck 11 · Deck 12 · Deck 13 · Deck 14 · Deck 15 · Deck 16 · Deck 17 · Deck 18 · Pod

Deck 1

> Captain's Ready Room
> Main Bridge
> Briefing Room
> Observation Lounge
> Officers' Head
> Turbolift

Deck 2

> Captain and First Officer's Quarters
> Department Head Quarters
> Captain's Dining Room
> VIP Guest Quarters
> Workout Room for CO and XO
> Holosuites

Deck 3

> Visiting Officers' Quarters
> Chief of the Boat Quarters
> Officers' Quarters
> Holodecks
> Primary Shield Generators

Deck 4

> Office of Chief Medical Officer
> Medical Stores
> Medical Forensics Lab
> Morgue
> Surgical Suite
Primary Science Labs
Office of the Foreign Area Officer
Office of the Chief of Operations
Counselor's Office
Officers' Quarters

Deck 5

> Junior Officers and Crew Quarters
> Main Lounge
> Arboretum
> Workout Room (Weights, Martial Arts, etc.)
> Secondary Science Labs
> Cargo Bays 1 and 2

Deck 6

> Primary Computer Core Control
> Cargo Bay 3 - Primary Cargo Bay

Deck 7

> Primary Computer Core
> Shuttle Maintenance Hangar and Storage
> Auxiliary Craft Storage

Deck 8

> Primary Computer Core
> Flight Operations Armory
> Fighter Maintenance Hangar and Storage

Deck 9

> Fore and Aft Torpedo Bay Control
> Torpedo Magazine and Manufacturing Area
> Shuttle and Fighter Hangar Elevator Support Systems
> Primary Shield Generators

Deck 10

> Transporter Rooms 3 and 4
> Shuttle and Fighter Preparation Pre-Flight Bay
> Emergency Shield Generators 3-4
> Primary Maintenance Support Center

Deck 11

> Primary Fabrication Workshop
> Primary Maintenance Support Center
> Shuttlebay (upper level) [Fore and Aft access via deck 12]
> Observation Area
> Pilots' Ready Room and Briefing Area

Deck 12

> Primary Systems' Support Compartments
> Shuttlebay (Fore and Aft Access)

Deck 13

> Enlisted Personnel Living Quarters
> Secondary Shuttle and Fighter Maintenance Hangar
> Flight Deck Operations and Maintenance

Deck 14

> Upper Engineering Support Area
> Enlisted Personnel Living Quarters
> Stellar Cartography
> Astrometrics
> Lower Forward Torpedo Bay Control
> Office of the Chief Science Officer
> Armory
> Firing Range

Deck 15

> Main Engineering – M/ARA Operations Center
> Flight Operations Enlisted Personnel Living Quarters
> Transporter Rooms 1 and 2
> Armory
> Office of the Chief Tactical Officer
> Chief Engineer’s Office/Station

Deck 16

> Lower Engineering
> Deflector Control
> Main Tractor Beam Control and Emitter
> Environmental Control
> Secondary Computer Core
> Null-G Gymnasium/Weight Room

Deck 17

> Tertiary Maintenance Support Center
> Emergency Power Generators 7-9
> Secondary Systems Support
> Brig

Deck 18

> Environmental Control
> Waste Reclamation
> Deuterium Storage
> Anti-matter Storage Pods
> Secondary Shield Generators


> Deck A
-- Tactical Information Center
-- Flight Operations
-- Flight Operations Officer Quarters
> Deck B
-- TIC Maintenance and Support Section
-- Flight Operations Enlisted Quarters
> Deck C
-- Sail Torpedo Control Room
-- Sail Torpedo Launchers (Fore and Aft)
-- Emergency Shield Generators 1 and 2
-- Officers' Quarters
> Deck D
-- Sail Torpedo Magazine and Manufacturing Area
-- Officers' Quarters