
A Silence of Friends

Post Count: 112

After a brief stop at Starbase 10 to pick up personnel and a team of archeologists, the USS Thunderbird heads to Guran III. The mission is to help the team setup their base camp for a year-long archeological dig of the widespread ruins on the planet's surface. The inhabitants have been dead for a long time and the scientists are eager to explore the remarkably well preserved ruins that are untouched and pristine. A rare find.

Part of Season One (2369-2370)

No missions found

Opening Moves

Post Count: 73

One of five pre-production starships for the newly developed Akira Class, the USS Thunderbird readies for launch at Utopia Planitia.

Part of Season One (2369-2370)

The Quasinon Gambit

Post Count: 63

"The government wields a heavy hand, which is often used in an underhanded way." (Kenneth Earle)
Captain's Response: "I'd shoot zero percent before I'd shoot underhanded." (Shaquille O'Neal)

Admiral Harrison Baker orders the USS Thunderbird, to delay taking up its patrol route, and instead, rendezvous with Gul Zelar of the CDS Ocett in the Quasinon system. Under the terms of the Federation-Cardassian Armistice of 2367, Zelar is requesting Starfleet assistance in removing Bajoran personnel from a mining facility scheduled for demolition. With ion storms in the upper atmosphere, communications unreliable and automated demolition looming, the crew has a short window to get the miners out safely.

Part of Season One (2369-2370)