A Silence of Friends

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After a brief stop at Starbase 10 to pick up personnel and a team of archeologists, the USS Thunderbird heads to Guran III. The mission is to help the team setup their base camp for a year-long archeological dig of the widespread ruins on the planet's surface. The inhabitants have been dead for a long time and the scientists are eager to explore the remarkably well preserved ruins that are untouched and pristine. A rare find.

Mission Group Season One (2369-2370)
Start Date Sat Oct 12th, 2024 @ 10:15pm

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Title Timeline Location
Probing for Answers (Part 2)
by Commander Zhaan D'Sai & Captain Rylan Gray & Lieutenant Tyler Malbrooke & Lieutenant Daegan Baas & Lieutenant Juliette Barnes & Lieutenant Patrick Ryan M.D. & Lieutenant Ayryn Trynn M.D. & Lieutenant Stormy Knight
MD003 - 1430 Guran System, Guran III
Probing for Answers (Part 1)
by Commander Zhaan D'Sai & Captain Rylan Gray & Lieutenant Tyler Malbrooke & Lieutenant Daegan Baas & Lieutenant Juliette Barnes & Lieutenant Patrick Ryan M.D. & Lieutenant Ayryn Trynn M.D. & Lieutenant Stormy Knight
MD003 - 1330 Guran System, Guran III
Emergency Egress
by Lieutenant Daegan Baas & Lieutenant Tyler Malbrooke
MD002 - 2000 (after - The Morning After the Night Before) SB 310
Heading Into the City
by Commander Zhaan D'Sai & Captain Rylan Gray & Lieutenant Tyler Malbrooke & Lieutenant Daegan Baas & Lieutenant Juliette Barnes & Lieutenant Patrick Ryan M.D. & Lieutenant Ayryn Trynn M.D. & Lieutenant Stormy Knight
MD003 - 1045 Guran System, Guran III
The Morning After the Night Before
by Lieutenant Daegan Baas & Petty Officer 1st Class Jaclyn Masterson [Baas] & Lieutenant Julianna ("Jules") Raihan
SB 310
At High Noon
by Captain Rylan Gray & Lieutenant Commander Harrison Knox
MD002 - 1200 USS Thunderbird | Deck 2 | Captain's Quarters
What Was That?
by Commander Zhaan D'Sai & Captain Rylan Gray & Lieutenant Tyler Malbrooke & Lieutenant Daegan Baas & Lieutenant Juliette Barnes & Lieutenant Patrick Ryan M.D. & Lieutenant Ayryn Trynn M.D. & Lieutenant Stormy Knight & Lieutenant Commander Harrison Knox
MD003 - 1015 Guran System, Guran III
Delivering the Archeologists
by Commander Zhaan D'Sai & Captain Rylan Gray & Lieutenant Tyler Malbrooke & Lieutenant Daegan Baas & Lieutenant Patrick Ryan M.D. & Lieutenant Ayryn Trynn M.D. & Lieutenant Stormy Knight & Lieutenant Commander Harrison Knox
MD003 - 0800 Guran System, Guran III
A Quiet Night on the Thunderbird
by Lieutenant Patrick Ryan M.D.
USS Thunderbird – Chief Medical Officer’s Office
by Lieutenant Ayryn Trynn M.D.
MD002 0620 hours Holodeck 1
Spots Redux
by Lieutenant Julianna ("Jules") Raihan & Lieutenant Patrick Ryan M.D.
MD002 - 1500 Sickbay, Deck 4, USS Thunderbird
Date Night Debacle (Part 3)
by Lieutenant Julianna ("Jules") Raihan & Lieutenant Daegan Baas & Petty Officer 1st Class Jaclyn Masterson [Baas]
MD002 - 0200 Umbilical Leading to USS Thunderbird
Date Night Debacle (Part 2)
by Lieutenant Julianna ("Jules") Raihan & Lieutenant Daegan Baas
MD002 - 2000 On the Starbase
Sprucing Up the Office Decor
by Lieutenant Commander Harrison Knox & Lieutenant Ayryn Trynn M.D.
MD001 - 1330 USS Thunderbird | Deck 04 | Counselor's Office
The Science of the Matter
by Captain Rylan Gray & Lieutenant Stormy Knight
MD002 - 1000 Conference Room 2-2, Deck 2, USS Thunderbird
The Course of True Love
by Lieutenant Tyler Malbrooke & Lieutenant Stormy Knight
Stormy's Quarters
Doctor, Doctor…
by Lieutenant Ayryn Trynn M.D. & Lieutenant Patrick Ryan M.D.
MD001 - 1215 hours Sickbay
Date Night Debacle
by Lieutenant Julianna ("Jules") Raihan & Lieutenant Daegan Baas & Petty Officer 1st Class Jaclyn Masterson [Baas]
MD002 - 1900 Guest Quarters, Star Base 310
by Captain Rylan Gray & Lieutenant Julianna ("Jules") Raihan & Lieutenant Patrick Ryan M.D.
MD002 - 0900 Sickbay, Deck 4, USS Thunderbird
by Lieutenant Julianna ("Jules") Raihan & Lieutenant Daegan Baas & Petty Officer 1st Class Jaclyn Masterson [Baas]
MD002 - 0800 Deck 15 - Security - Chief's Office
Good night darlin’
by Captain Rylan Gray & Lieutenant Ayryn Trynn M.D.
MD001 - 2200 Counselor's Quarters, Deck 2, USS Thunderbird
An Old Friend
by Lieutenant Daegan Baas & Lieutenant Julianna ("Jules") Raihan & Captain Rylan Gray
MD002 - 0700 Transporter Room 1, Deck 15, USS Thunderbird
The Admiral Sends His Regards
by Captain Rylan Gray & Lieutenant Julianna ("Jules") Raihan
MD002 - 0800 Captain's Ready Room, Deck 1, USS Thunderbird
Deeper Down the Rabbit Hole
by Captain Rylan Gray & Lieutenant Daegan Baas
MD001 - 1630 Office of the Chief Security Officer, Deck 15, USS Thunderbird
More Questions than Answers
by Captain Rylan Gray & Lieutenant Stormy Knight
MD001 - 1500 Captain's Ready Room

Mission Summary

"In the end, we will remember not the words of our enemies but the silence of our friends." (Martin Luther King Jr.)

> Pick up scientists, their gear, and their shuttle at Starbase 10
> On-board new personnel

At Guran III
> Set up modular housing on Guran for the team (Engineering)
> Set up and help calibrate scientific equipment (Science)
> Check atmospheric conditions on the planet and health of team (Medical)
> Ensure safety of away team and make sure that safety protocols for the base camp are established (Security)
> Check out team members on basic flight operations (Helm)
> Make sure that the team is completely provisioned and that replicators, food and industrial, are working with enough raw material on hand for one year (Operations)