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The Morning After the Night Before

Posted on Sun Jan 12th, 2025 @ 9:19pm by Lieutenant Daegan Baas & Petty Officer 1st Class Jaclyn Masterson [Baas] & Lieutenant Julianna ("Jules") Raihan

2,307 words; about a 12 minute read

Mission: A Silence of Friends
Location: SB 310

Jules got up early and headed off to the holodeck to train. A custom-designed dojo with an instructor waited. She entered, bowed respectfully, and took her place on the mat. The session moved from warmups through trained designed to focus on individual movements; three hundred side kicks, two hundred punches, that sort of thing and once that was done, it was on to sparring. In an actual dojo, not a holographic recreation, she would have been paired up with another student. This way, in her opinion, was better since her opponent, always slightly better than her, was always a challenge and not likely to cripple her with a mistimed kick. An hour and a half later, she finished the session with another bow and moved into the changing room where she showered, dressed in casual clothes (still shore leave) before heading out into the corridor. As she walked, she knew two things. She was hungry and she had no desire to eat out of a replicator.

"Raihan to Baas," she said as she tapped her comm badge.

[SB 310]

Though the ship was docked he was still on the station and had planned to be till the next morning. He had just enjoyed a nice hot shower after his morning run and was drying his hair when he heard his badge chirp. He walked briskly over to the table with his things, tossing the towel on the bed. Picking up his badge he tapped it, "Morning Jules, everything okay?"

"Sure," Jules said, she was standing on one foot, the other hooked around her ankle, "and hope I'm not disturbing you. Anyway, I was heading onto the starbase for breakfast and wanted to know if you knew any good places? Haven't been here before and you did good with the one last night. So," she shrugged lightly, "was just wondering if you knew of another good restaurant."

"Oh no, just got outta the shower." Thinking for a moment, ~10 to 1 she's still a latte addict~. "Restaurant...or coffee shop?"

"Restaurant, I think," Jules said and then amended after the barest of pauses, "but with good coffee. Feeling like indulging a bit."

"More indulging? Well since we'll be cooped up on a star ship or setting up camp for a bunch of archeologists for a while I suppose. Meet ya at the umbilical?"

Surprised, Jules said, "sure." She smiled, soft and private, a slight twinkle in her dark eyes. "Things are going to get so very much more ordinary after this. Uniforms and away teams and all of that. I do believe in taking advantage of the moment. See you in a few."

After getting dressed Daegan was on his way to leave but stopped on a whim. Rummaging through a few of his earlier purchases he lightly dabbed on a bit of a new cologne he had picked up. Walking through the park once again he thought when he gets a command he hopes that the ship has a more natural arboretum like the station does. the current set-up aboard ship, while nice, have a fake feel to them. It didn't take to long to get to the Thunderbird's docking area and he took a seat on one of the couches in the lounge area while he waited on Jules to show.

Dressed in a patterned cobalt blue and black, long-sleeved midriff top and black pants over low, heeled boots, Jules left the ship with a bounce in her step and a sparkle in her dark eyes. More and more, she was looking forward to serving on board the Thunderbird with Daegan being a nice plus. Masterson, though, she was someone to watch. Something about the security officer set a small alarm pinging along the back of her neck but she pushed it aside when she saw Daegan waiting for her in the lounge. She smiled brightly and directed her steps toward where he sat. "Good morning," she said. "Not that it actually is as yet but with good coffee in my immediate future, the day certainly has," she let her gaze travel the length of him, "promise."

Daegan smiled, almost chuckling at he exuberance, "Someone's awfully chipper this morning, you have two or three coffees already?"

"Not a one," Jules said, "as she fell in step beside him. You surprised me though, I expected a recommendation not an escort? In need of yet another cup of coffee yourself?"

"That and some good company. Sleep well last night?"

"Yes, I did," Jules said. "Seems like forever since I danced ... just for pleasure."

Leading the way towards the promenade they walked up to, La Bonne Bouchée, a bistro like shop that had almost a sidewalk cafe feel to it. Given the French name to place its wasn't at all surprising. As they approached they were met by an old gentleman with a French accent, "Bonjour monsieur, enchanté mademoiselle would you like to sit inside or on the Promenade?"

Daegan looked to Jules questioningly.

"Bonjour Monsieur. La Promendade s'il vous plaît," Jules answered. As they followed the old gentleman toward a table that overlooked the walkway. She settled into her seat, accepted the menu, and waited until he had moved off before continuing. "I keep getting this weird feeling," she said with a slight shrug, "like I'm being ... watched. I don't know, maybe I've been undercover too much lately."

Daegan looked at her he was surprised, though he probably shouldn't have been. "When did you learn French?"

"Undercover assignment once upon a time," Jules said, "she was very French. Very into wine. And slightly insane. I kinda' miss her." She leaned forward slightly, looking to both sides as though checking for informants as she added, "she was really good with knives."

"Always on looking over your shoulder huh, I think you maybe right. Thought constantly looking over your shoulder is a hard habit to break. Although I did have that feeling too...from time to time last night. But then again, who could keep their eyes off all this...", lifting his chin and running the backs of his fingers down his torso.

Jules laughed, her rejoinder left unsaid as the waiter approached. He spoke in accented Federation Standard as he asked for their order. "Fritatta végétarienne avec pommes de terre rôties et un latte s'il vous plaît," she said and was rewarded by a warm smile. Being far from home, living outside of your native language and customs, wasn't an easy thing. Like most in Starfleet, she understood the feeling quite well.

The waiter turned toward Daegan, "Et pour vous, monsieur?"

"I'll have the belgian waffle and a tuxedo mocha."

The waiter simply nodded, "Tout de suite."

[USS Thunderbird]

Jaclyn had awoken and gotten up, had breakfast in the mess hall and reported to her station to study up on her upcoming mission. The premise was simple enough but she wanted to get a few first hand pointers on eliciting information form people while maintaining her cover identity. She dreaded having to work with Lt. Raihan but perhaps she had judged her too harshly. It wasn't surprising that to old academy friends would want to hangout, relive old times, and catch up....was it.

She shook off her doubts and jealousy, tapping her commbadge. "Masterson to Lieutenant Raihan."

Instead of the expected reply it was the computer that responded. "Lieutenant is not aboard the Thunderbird."

She flushed from her initial suspicion. "And where is she?"

"Lieutenant Raihan departed the ship at 0920 hours."

"Scan the station, is she with any other Thunderbird's personnel."

"Affirmative. Lieutenants Raihan and Baas are both in Sector D, Deck 685, section..."


Jaclyn sat there stewing. Part of her was.... ~it's nothing, they're just catching up....again after just seeing each other a few hours ago...~ The more she thought, the madder she got. Finally she bolted from her station and headed out.

[Station's Promenade]

The latte came first which settled Jules right down. She purred softly as she took a sip, closing her eyes for a moment with pleasure. "Now that's good," she said, nodding. "And you're right about the company." She looked at him over the rim of her cup and smiled. "It's been good spending time with you again."

Daegan smiled in return and he didn't need caffeine to get his blood flowing, the look from over her cup was more than enough. Raising his cup before taking a sip, "It is. Though this time we need to keep each other out of trouble instead of getting into it."

"Oh," Jules pouted, "do we have to, Daegan? I mean," she took another sip of her latte, "it's not without cause, them calling me an adrenaline junkie and all."

He chucked at her pouting. "Well if you want to be arrested, I'm sure something can be arranged," he said, arching his eyebrow with a devilish grin.

"Now Daegan," Jules said as she leaned back so that the waiter could deliver their meals, "you know as well as I do that we can march right up to the edge without jumping over into arrests, captain's masts, and brig time. Exciting but not ... career-threatening. Use your mind, man." She laughed but her gaze was caught by the fritatta. "Heavenly." She sectioned off a small bit and forked it up, all but purring with pleasure. "So good. Want a bite?"

He was surprised she missed the bait, chuckling. He was working on his waffles to let her have the first bit. "Sure", he paused slightly, "and I wasn't meaning anything... official."

Jules leaned forward, smiling, as Daegan took the bite off of her fork, dark eyes gleaming. "Why Daegan, I didn't know you had it in you. Delighted that you ... but ... didn't know." She sighed as she sat back. "The Academy seems like centuries ago, doesn't it?"

Lifting his fork, "We've known each other a long time and well...I didn't wanna push things back then. No one knew where any of us were gonna end up but now... I mean we've grown, we aren't just a couple of young and dumb cadets anymore." He put his fork down and put his hand on hers, "Look I don't wanna rush anything but if you wanna see where things go...maybe?"

"I would like that, Daegan," Jules said. "You're right, we aren't cadets anymore. We know who we are and yeah, I'd like to see where things go from here."

Smiling he picked up the for to offer her a bite of his breakfast again, holding it out for her.

Jules leaned forward to accept the bite, pulling her back with one hand, as she placed her free hand on his wrist guiding him closer.

Pausing, as she touched his hand. "Ahahaha...," he said with a big smile. "I'm a tactical officer, I can hit my target." As he guided the fork closer he intentionally raised it quickly before guiding it into her mouth ensuring there was some of the whip cream on the tip of her nose.

[Deck 683]

Looking down to the lower promenade Jaclyn was 'practicing' her surveillance and undercover techniques, She couldn't hear what was being said so she walked away from rail to a lower deck and a better position.

Back at the Cafe'

Jules laughed, her eyes glittering, as she leaned closer. "You know what they say, Daegan Baas," she said. "You make a mess, you clean it up."

Lifting his napkin he moved to wipe it off....

Jules took the napkin from his hand, cocking her head to one side, "no courage, Daegan," she asked, her voice dropping, turning into more of a purr, as she waited.

Pushing his chair back slightly he leaned in. In all the time they had known each other they had never kissed...they'd come close but something or someone had always broken the tension. Pausing he looked at her, then closed the remain space placing a peck on the tip of her nose. Not stopping he lowered his head tilting it slightly as he moved in for a proper kiss. One hand coming off the table as he placed it on her neck.

[Deck 684]

Jaclyn walked out of the lift and as she made it to the rail she looked down and to her right to where they had been sitting.

Back at the Cafe'

"Better," Jules murmured, her breath warm against his lips, as she leaned into his kiss and not a polite one either. This one, stoked with a smoldering desire, born in their Academy days, took hold as their lips met for the first time. Jules kissed him, thoroughly, and then leaned back in her seat, smiling at his reaction.

[Deck 684]

Seeing the pair leaning towards on another she watched in shock as his head tilted as he betrayed her. Jaclyn's grip on the rail tightened as her fingers went white. Her vision tunneled slightly as the muscles in her jaw and neck tightened. Tears ran silently down her face as she turned crossing the open corridor back to the lift.

As the lift sped away those outside the lift area looked about as they heard a muffled scream.

[Deck 685]

Those around them watched the display of affection with smiled of their own as Daegan returned to his seat. His heart was still pounding at the release from years of pent up desire. "Finally...took us long enough huh?"

"Some things, Daegan Baas, are entirely worth the wait," Jules said quietly.

His eyes never left hers and he raised a brow at her comment. "That it is."

Lieutenant Daegan Baas
Chief of Security

Lieutenant Julianna ("Jules") Raihan - NPC
Chief Intelligence Officer

Petty Officer Jaclyn Masterson - NPC


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