Emergency Egress
Posted on Wed Jan 29th, 2025 @ 10:33pm by Lieutenant Daegan Baas & Lieutenant Tyler Malbrooke
1,855 words; about a 9 minute read
A Silence of Friends
Location: SB 310
Timeline: MD002 - 2000 (after - The Morning After the Night Before)
Daegan had thoroughly enjoyed the second day of his shore leave. After the near disaster, that went surprisingly smoother than expected, with Masterson and the fabulous dinner with Jules, he had spent most of the wandering the stations promenade. He had picked up a few things at some of the shops, he had found a roll up keyboard that he couldn't resist. He did know how to play it...yet, but his previous host had played several instruments so he should be able to learn it fairly quickly.
It was now evening and Daegan had just gotten an absolutely fabulous massage he was off to get a late dinner. As he looked for a place that caught his eye eye spotted a familiar face. Give a shout across the way, "Malbrooke! Hey Malbrooke!"
Tyler had spent much of the day wandering the promenade. His thoughts reflected on his experiences with Stormy and where that relationship was heading. At the moment he watched a ship leave the station and head to who knows where. The sound of someone who called his name brought Tyler to the here and now. When he turned he saw Daegan Baas calling his name from across the Promenade. Tyler walked over with a smile. "Hey Lieutenant. You seem to be enjoying yourself."
Despite the drama on one hand and the relationship potential on the other he was feeling pretty good. "Well I could complain but what good would it do, besides..." thumbing back down the promenade "...after the massage I just got it would take a couple a dozen Klingons with pain sticks to ruin this mood." Looking about, "by yourself?"
"Just taking it all in as it were. I imagine that we may not have much time to take a stroll or a massage in the future. So, we should get it while we can." Tyler smiled and looked toward the spa. "Say, how much that massage set you back?" Tyler could use some relaxation. It may clear his head.
"Too much...but it was worth it. Say, the other night I found the great club. How about we go have a few drinks before we have to leave for Guran III?" Cocking his head to side and lifting his hands a bit, "First rounds on me."
Tyler had not really spent any off duty time with the crew save for Stormy. Not that he begrudged the time he spent with her. However, he thought it may be high time that he got to know the rest of the crew. "Sure, sounds like a good time and since you are buying. I haven't spent time at a bar since Oklahoma. Should be a good time."
Clapping and rubbing his hands together, "Perfect, I found this out of the way place, not on the promenade but still."
"What is the Promenade too busy? Sometimes the little hole in the wall joints are the best. My hometown is known for dive bars. Anyway... How did you hear about this place?" There was a moment that Tyler thought perhaps he should invite Stormy. Then he thought better of it. It seemed to Tyler at least that Daegan looked for a guys night out situation.
Daegan chuckled, he explained as they walked. "So many questions... I happened to talk with some of the stations security before for we docked about any spots should advise the crew to avoid. But as it was located off the promenade and an 'out of sight, out of mind' situation they didn't think it anything for the crew to worry about. Needless to say it peeked my curiosity. Seems they they have been wanting to shut this place down for some time but never have been quite able to get enough on the owner to do so." He added laughing.
As they walked in they surveyed the establishment. Calling it a dive was being generous, it was dark, seedy, and hazy with various gaming tables scattered about. "What did I tell ya...reminds me of the place on Mars on the outskirts of Utopia colony."
"I can see why they would want to shut this place down. Definitely does not do much for the reputation of the station. But, places like this usually have the best food. Come on." Tyler smiled and stepped into the hazy atmosphere and made his way to the bar. Once there he ordered a Rigellian Ale then turned to Daegan. "What can he get ya?"
Daegan looked over the array of bottles lining the wall behind the bar. ~there is is,~ he thought. "Aldebaran whiskey, make it a double." Looking to Tyler as there drinks were prepared. "So, you wanna try some of the games or have a few drinks first?"
"I have always been pretty good at darts. Could try our luck." Tyler sipped his drink and looked around the bar. At least the ale is not watered down. he thought. He half expected it to be in a place like this. The people here were not the type he would normally associate with, but he was here with the Chief of Security what could go wrong.
"Darts it is..."
The pair played several rounds and it became pretty clear that Tyler had been trying to set him up as he wasn't 'pretty good', he was really good. But Daegan had managed to hold his own even if only barely. As the night progress they had kept the drinks coming and were all the louder for it. A few spectators began watching their games and there was even a little betting going on.
The current came was going in Daegan's favor and he stepped up to the line for his throw and grin spread as a cheer went up as he extended his lead.
Darts was one of the games that Tyler was exceptionally good at. It was a matter of comprehension of your surroundings and physics. Both were things Tyler was good at. However, he was impressed with how Daegan had been holding his own. The time had come though to stop messing around as it was said. So, when Tyler stepped to the line this time he simply threw the dart and hit the exact point he needed in order to win the game. "Well now I think drinks are one you." He said with a smile.
Daegan groans loudly his head thrown back as Tyler's final dart hit...exactly where it needed to go. Several of their spectators mirrored his reaction as they had to pay up on their bets.
Tyler raised his hands and smiled. "Sorry everyone next time bet on the right horse. No autographs please." He turned toward Daegan. "You know I have not thrown like that in years. I think its time for some gin. Need something to relax with after that butt whipping I just gave you."
"Okay okay...be right back." Daegan had turned and left to get another round of drinks. While he took care of the libations others approached, facing off with the victor. "I lost a lot latinum from that throw of yours, now you own ME."
Tyler sighed a tad heavily. He detested sore losers and felt that he had just met one. "Actually that is not how it works. I owe you nothing. But, in the interest of friendship I will buy you a drink."
The Rotcivian grabbed his shoulder and spun him around as he turned towards the bar. "I don't think you understand how this works. We lost latinum, you owe latinum!" At that two others grabbed him while the ringleader searched him.
Tyler grabbed the wrist of the first person who tried to grab him. He would not allow himself to be searched or handled by anyone. "Actually it works a lot like this..." He used the guys momentum to flip him onto his back. "...I won latinum and owe nothing."
Daegan spun at the commotion in time to see Tyler yelling at someone on the floor as a punch from another was about to land. There no way to stop it but as it landed he was connecting with his own only to tackled by another.
Daegan brought down his elbow into the back of his attacker and followed with a cross as the bar had exploded into an old-school brawl. Ducking a mug of who knew what he looked though the melee to try and find Tyler...
Tyler threw three consecutive punches on three different people. Each one found their mark and the attacker staggered back. It was after that he found Daegan and made his way there. "Well Lieutenant I think this may be time for us to fight our way out. Sort of quit while we are ahead." He smiled and ducked as a stool sailed over his head.
Holding Tyler down as blasted someone trying to hit him from behind, feeling the cartilage of his nose crunch under his blow. Tyler was right though, they needed to bugout and quick. Being a security officer he knew they only had some much time before the stations security showed up and they ended up in the stations brig until things got sorted out.
A glass shattered against the wall behind him, a lucky miss for him. "Yeah, let's get outta here..."
Tyler picked up a stool and broke it over the back of one of the attackers. When that attacker reeled Tyler quickly pointed to a man next to him. "He did it." Lucky for Tyler the attacker believed him and went after the other man. This gave Tyler and Daegan the out they needed. "Right this way. I think I have made a hole." Tyler quickly made his way for the door while ducking mugs and various other objects that flew by his head.
The pair scrambled out and Daegan immediately began straightening his hair and brushing off his clothes. As they made their way though the crowd Daegan spun quickly and grabbing Tyler spinning him 180 degrees as he whispered, "Look curious."
As they blended with the crowd of looky-loo's there was shouts coming from behind them, "OUTTA THE WAY, STATION SECURITY! MAKE A HOLE!!"
While the station security made their way in, Daegan and Tyler worked their way to the rear of the crowd and into the nearest lift. Acting like nothing had happened, "Where to next?," Trying to keep a straight face.
"You know if I didn't know any better I wouldn't think you were chief of security. Perhaps we get back to the ship and have a relaxing cider and clean up before anyone wonders where the hell we got these shiners." Tyler laughed. He was not keen on getting into a barfight, but he had not had that much fun in quite some time.
Daegan laughed, "There was a time before I was in security. Your lucky you got me and not one of my previous hosts, you're right we should probably back to the ship before anyone start looking for us."
Lieutenant Tyler Malbrooke
Chief Operations Officer
Lieutenant Daegan Baas
Chief of Security