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Thu Feb 20th, 2025 @ 11:09pm

Lieutenant Tyler Malbrooke

Name Tyler Henry Malbrooke

Position Chief Operations Officer

Rank Lieutenant

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Human
Age 35
Sexual Orientation Heterosexual

Physical Appearance

Height 6'1"
Weight 212 lbs
Hair Color Light Brown
Eye Color Blue
Physical Description Tyler is athletic and clean cut. He has a tendency to walk with a little bit of swagger. His arms are muscular clearly indicating upper body strength. He has broad shoulders.


Spouse None
Children None
Father Barry Martin Malbrooke (Cattle Rancher/History Professor)
Mother Debra Lee Malbrooke Deceased (Admiral's Yeoman)
Sister(s) Lt Commander Rachel Fran Malbrooke (Attorney Starfleet JAG Office)

Personality & Traits

Personality Overview Tyler is extremely charismatic but he keeps his charisma in check and likes to play the stoic gruff officer. He prefers morality over staying strict with rules. He often will bend general orders if morality deems it worthy. Tyler is a natural leader, however, he likes to lead by committee. His leadership style is to fly by the seat of your pants.
Ambitions His ambition since being a little boy was to command an Intrepid Class Starship. He wants to do nothing more than to explore. He lives his life by the old saying just give me ship and a star to sail her by.
Strengths & Weaknesses Tyler's strengths come from his deductive reasoning skills, he has a mind similar to that of the fictional character Sherlock Holmes. He is known as being a leader who leads from the trenches. His greatest strength his undying loyalty to Starfleet and his crew.
His greatest strength is also his greatest weakness. His loyalty can get the better of him and cause him to act rashly. He is impulsive and it could have gotten him in trouble often times. It is a good thing that he has surrounded himself with crew members who keep his impulsiveness in check.
Hobbies & Interests Tyler enjoys playing 3D chess, and is a student of the old American West. He can often be found in the holodeck portraying Doc Holliday in his adventures with Wyatt Earp. He is an avid horseback rider. His most eccentric hobby is he often plays tabletop role playing games. He also loves poker. He plays the fiddle and likes to play while he thinks. He loves the outdoors and very often likes to live in simpler time one before all the technology.

Medical History

Personal History Tyler was born in the year 2334 on a ranch in Pawhuska, Oklahoma, United States, Earth. He was the son of a cattle rancher father and his mother served in Starfleet as a Yeoman for Admiral Latham. Tyler’s Dad wanted him to take over the ranch, but the stories that his mother told of Starfleet drew to him more and he relished the chance to go to the stars. When Tyler was five years old his mother gave birth to his younger sister Rachel. The commute from Oklahoma to the Admiral’s office in San Francisco especially with two young children was getting to be a bit much. Combine with this the fact that Barry Malbrooke had realized that neither of his children wanted to be a rancher. So he sold the ranch and the family moved to San Francisco where Barry became a history professor.

Growing up the two siblings Tyler, and Rachel had your typical rivalry. He excelled at things technical rebuilding machines and figuring out not just how they work, but why they work. She became an academic concentrating on ethics and the law. Tyler got into trouble fairly often. First with his parents as he took apart the home electronics to figure out how they worked. Then later at school when he would get into fights with other children. They would call him names and tease him for his bookish ways and he would not take it. He quickly became known as a hothead. His parents were called to his school on more than one occasion for a fight that he got into or because he took something apart that he was not supposed to. He made a few close friends and cherished the few that he had. Very often counting them among his family. His reputation with his friends was that if you messed with any one of them you messed with Tyler. Due to his troubles he was given the nickname Mal which stuck until his days at the Academy.

In the year 2335 when Tyler was 10 years old disaster struck his young life. His mother had made the decision that she had enough with the commute back and forth to San Francisco. So, she talked Tyler’s father into selling the family ranch and moving there. Barry Malbrooke became a professor of history, his second love. However, young Tyler was devastated to leave his friends and the life that he had built behind. Thus he began to act out worse than before. Within a few months of being in San Francisco Mal fell into his old ways.

Tyler’s first love was a bookish girl in junior high school. Her name was Emma and she seemed to always get harassed for being just a smart, girl who wanted to be left alone. He saw a kindred spirit in her and loved her from a far being the awkward boy he was. At one point Tyler was fourteen years old at the time he saw a particularly rowdy group of boys harassing Emma with a controlled drone. Tyler was able to use his personal communicator, which was only to be used to contact mom and or dad if needed, to interfere with the signal from the boys controller. He used the drone to follow the boys home and harry them with the threat of lasers. Tyler’s parents along with his principal were very disappointed in Tyler but they also had other plans. Rather than punish him, the principal set Tyler the task of creating a group of like minded boys and girls who would help keep the school’s technology in good repair and up to date.

Tyler’s largest aptitude seemed to be not so much with how things functioned but it was more why they functioned. How things operated, was what came easy to him. It was at this time that he realized two things. One like his mother he wanted to join Starfleet, what better place would there be to learn how things work, and keep them working. The aptitude cemented Tyler’s path into Starfleet Operations.

Tyler’s general schooling went by basically uneventful. He experienced all that a normal boy experienced, the same trials and tribulations. He graduated High School as the salutatorian. His girlfriend at the time Emma was the valedictorian. His grades earned him a spot at Starfleet Academy with little to no effort. His mother offered to use her clout with the Admiralty to get him anything he wanted at the Academy. However, Tyler refused preferring to earn anything he was to get.

When the Academy semester started in the fall of 2351 Tyler fought with his parents. They wanted him to stay home and he wanted to go to the dorms. It didn’t help much that his sister was arguing with them as well as she wanted to go to France to pursue a career in the legal field. Tyler’s long time fascination with why things worked set him up to be a prime candidate for the Operations program. Those first few weeks at the Academy led Tyler to meet a man who would become a long time friend. His freshman year roommate, Joshua Coslar A very smart, friendly individual from Delaware USA. Rooming with Joshua or Josh as Tyler came to call him was what sparked his interest in 3D chess. The two men used to play until all hours of the night in their dorm room. It was Josh who gave Tyler his new nickname, Ty, this name stuck with Tyler and lasts until the present time.

While at the Academy Tyler developed many friendships. Among them was an Engineering student Katherine “Kat” O’Donnell. The two of them worked almost night and day on class work and on personal projects. They quickly learned the reason that Engineering and Operations went hand in hand. They, were inseparable. They became known as the dynamic duo and the rest of their circle of friends often joked that the two were secretly married. It was when she asked him to teach her to horseback ride in their junior year that they actually became a couple.

Upon graduating and being commissioned as an Ensign, Tyler was given his first assignment aboard the Ambassador Class, USS Tudor as an operations officer. Unfortunately, the fleet had other plans for Kat as she was assigned elsewhere in the fleet. Tyler was really enjoying this new life in the fleet, and he never understood why his father was so against it.

In 2358 Tyler was happily serving as an Operations Officer aboard the USS Tudor, he had been cleared for bridge duty by this time. In December of that year tragedy struck, a number of messages from Tyler’s Dad had gone unanswered. Tyler was involved in an extremely important mission. When he finally got around to listening to the messages his father had spoken of his mother’s deteriorating health. It was the final call that did it. Tyler was about to open a channel to his father, when an incoming message from Earth was routed to his station. This message was from Admiral Latham he had contacted Tyler to tell him that his mother had died. She died without her son there to console her or to even tell her he loved her. He never forgave himself for not saying goodbye to his mother, the woman who sparked his life’s path.

In his grief Tyler sunk himself into his work, he distanced himself from all of his friends. This immersement in his work lead Tyler to take extra shifts and volunteer for dangerous away missions. In December 2358 the extra work paid off and Tyler was promoted to Lieutenant Junior Grade.

In April of 2359 Tyler was transferred to the USS Dublin to serve as an Operations Officer and a Quartermaster. For Ty the transfer was bittersweet. Going to the Dublin was a step up the ladder in the right direction.

It was aboard the Dublin that Tyler had met the man who would help guide him through the rest of his career. This man was a Lieutenant in the Dublin’s tactical department Santiago Vela, or Santi as Tyler would come to know him. Santi had a tactical mind where Tyler had a technical one, the two worked very well together. Many of the stratagems that Santi taught Tyler have stayed with him to this day. Santi was the only person outside of the Academy that would call Tyler “Mal”. Whenever Tyler would get buried in his work it was Santiago who reminded him of his oath to his wife.

In December of 2362 Tyler was granted a promotion to full lieutenant and given the position aboard the Dublin as the Assistant Chief of Operations. This promotion occurred because of the original thinking of Tyler. The Dublin had to smuggle a Federation operative out of Romulan space. Tyler managed to take an emergency transporter armband and retrofitted it to disguise the operative’s life signs. Tyler remodulated the type-7 phase discriminator to do the job. This crucial piece of equipment was then smuggled to the Intelligence asset.

A year later in November of 2363 Tyler was transferred to the Nebula Class USS Tomahawk to serve as the Assistant Chief of Operations. Tyler knew the nature of working in Starfleet meant that very often you had to leave your friends behind and seemed that is what fate had dealt him this time. His best friend on the Dublin Santi Vela was being transferred as well. So it was with a sorrowful heart that he left the Dublin.

Tyler served the Tomahawk with distinction from November of 2363 until April of 2366. It was that April that Tyler faced another test of his Operations training. After a particularly brutal skirmish with residual Cardassian forces the Tomahawk was forced to eject its warp core. Tyler worked with the Chief Engineer in a runabout to go retrieve the core. They executed repairs to the core while in EVAC suits and then managed to reintegrate the core into the Tomahawk. For his part in this exceptional mission, and his ability to improvise Tyler was promoted to Chief Operations Officer. He was also given a commendation for original thinking.

He served the Tomahawk for another three years earning many accolades. In the middle of the year 2369 Tyler was requested to transfer to the new Akira project. Specifically the USS Thunderbird to serve as Chief Operations Officer. Getting his hands on a newly commissioned ship was something that Tyler could not turn down. He was excited to begin this new chapter in his life.
Service Record May 2352 – Completes Academy Freshman Year

May 2353 – Completes Academy Sophomore Year

May 2354 – Completes Academy Junior Year

May 2355 – Completes Academy Senior Year – Graduates Magna Cum Laude with a major in Probability Mechanics and a minor in Systems Engineering

May 2355 - Sept 2357 – Ensign Operations Officer USS Tudor

December 2358 – Promoted to Lieutenant Junior Grade for exemplary service USS Tudor

April 2359 – Transferred to USS Dublin Operations Officer/Quartermaster

December 2362 – Promoted to Lieutenant Assistant Chief of Operations USS Dublin – Promotion granted for saving the life of Federation Intelligence Operative

November 2363 – Transferred to USS Tomahawk Assistant Chief of Operations

April 2366 – Chief of Operations USS Tomahawk – Promotion granted for working with the Chief Engineer to save the Tomahawk’s warp core

2369 - Transferred to the USS Thunderbird for service as the Chief Operations Officer