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Thu Feb 20th, 2025 @ 11:09pm

Lieutenant Stormy Knight

Name Stormy Knight

Position Chief Science Officer

Rank Lieutenant

Character Information

Gender Female
Species Betazoid/Human
Age 32
Sexual Orientation Heterosexual

Physical Appearance

Height 5' 7"
Weight 145
Hair Color Blonde
Eye Color Black
Physical Description Stormy is slim yet still curvaceous and "cuddly." She likes to dress comfortably when possible, preferring a uniform jumpsuit to the more formal slacks and jacket. It allows her more freedom of movement and when she puts a medical/science shirt over the top, she has plenty of pockets for all her needs.

Off-duty she loves well-worn jeans and button-up shirts, or blouses and vests.

Her hair is wavy and falls to her shoulders. It's often slightly unkempt as she has a habit of running her hands through her hair when she's puzzling out something.


Father Robert "Red" Knight
Mother Dawn Knight
Brother(s) Darque Knight
Sister(s) Savannah Knight

Personality & Traits

Personality Overview Contrary to her name, Stormy is cheerful and upbeat. She smiles often and enjoys puns and wordplay. She will occasionally sing as she works, but generally when no one else is around.

Her favorite music consists of musicals, classic rock and a smattering of everything else.

She has a positive attitude and often tries unorthodox ways of doing things.
Ambitions To do well in her career, work hard, serve well and enjoy life.
Like many women, she hopes to fall in love and live happily ever after. But so far, she hasn't had much luck with men.
Strengths & Weaknesses Strengths:
Intelligent, inventive, stubborn, cheerful, determined, sticks to her principles.
She loves science and researching answers for scientific questions.
She doesn't give up easily.

Stubborn, determined, sticks to her principles, She will follow orders, but has been known to bend a rule if she feels it's for the greater good. Stormy is a bit of a rebel at times and she has a habit of championing those she feels are being mistreated.
She doesn't like to give up if she thinks there's an answer somewhere.
She has a particular fondness for cinnamon tea and cinnamon bears (especially chocolate-covered cinnamon bears).
While she has no problem talking to people about her work, she can be a bit of an introvert and prefers to avoid social gatherings if she can help it. If she can't, she'll stay on the fringes until she can leave.
Hobbies & Interests Folk and square dancing, singing, camping, hiking, rappelling, reading. She grew up near the mountains and loves the outdoors.

She dabbles in art, enjoying sketching with pencil or pen and ink and she plays the guitar and banjo.

She loves to read and collect prints of mountains, deserts, and space. (She currently has a print of the forest near her home in Montana, a desert cacti with a red rock canyon in the background, and a print of the Mystic Mountain Nebula.)

Medical History

Past Injuries The usual array of bruises and sprains. She broke her foot once.
Known Allergies Nothing serious.
Preexisting Medical Conditions Nothing serious.

Personal History Stormy was born in Montana on Earth to a human father and a Betazoid mother. Her father was a forester and took care of the nearby wilderness areas while her mother was a poet and scholar, writing numerous articles about life in a small town. She currently teaches poetry and literature at the local community college.

Her sister was several years older than Stormy, so she didn't spend much time with her. Savannah moved to Risa to make a career as an entertainer when Stormy was still a child. They communicate from time to time, but are not close.

She is closer to her brother, Darque. The two would often play in the woods or hike the mountain trails together as children. Both went to university together in Boise, but took different career paths. Darque chose to follow his father and become a forest ranger and environmentalist while Stormy chose history.

She'd always loved to read about ancient cultures and other worlds. She read voraciously about the ancient civilizations on Earth and Vulcan, but she quickly fell in love with other cultures. While at university she studied Terran and Vulcan history, archaeology and computer science. She took several general science courses as well as she had an interest in exploring the galaxy. She graduated with a solid B average and applied for Starfleet Academy. Although she had the academic degree, there was much that Starfleet taught that would add to her learning.

During her summers she worked on archaeological digs, putting her skills to work with hands-on experience.

She was turned down the first time, so she moved to England and got an advanced degree in social science and computers. In her spare time she studied the stars. When she finished her studies, she again applied to Starfleet and was accepted.

As she had a strong background in science already, she was able to take advance courses and study astrophysics and planetary sciences.

Stormy continues to read the scientific journals in her field and chat with other scientists so she can keep up on the latest research and discoveries.

She also enjoys reading poetry, classic literature, and mysteries.


Stormy leans more toward her Betazoid side and thus is telepathic. This is how her telepathy works:

- When in a relatively close proximity, she can pick up strong surface thoughts similar to a mental shout or a thought with a strong emotion attached.

- She can't pick up more than that unless there is a pre-existing connection or emotional bond. When that exists, she is able to pick up complex or deep thoughts, but not continuously.

- At a distance, she can only pick up strong emotions such as anger, fear, pain, etc.

- If Stormy is feeling strong emotions herself, her telepathy doesn't work well. If those emotions are negative (fear, confusion, trepidation, worry, etc.), then the effect is strengthened.

- To use telepathy over a distance, there must be a pre-existing close connection or bond. Even then, the distance through space would at most be, for example, from a ship in orbit to someone on the planet's surface.

- Distance in the same place limitation is roughly 100 miles outdoors and can be less if underground or in a complex using materials and/or technology that inhibits or blocks telepathic communication. 

Service Record Graduated college with a BA in history
Obtained Advance Degree from Cambridge in history and archaeology
Graduated from Starfleet Academy
Served as historian and archaeologist on the USS Tartarus.
Served as historian and archaeologist, promoted to Assistant Chief Science Officer aboard the USS Horus.
Served as Chief Science Officer aboard the USS Atlas.
Now serves as Chief Science Officer aboard the USS Thunderbird.