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Thu Feb 20th, 2025 @ 11:09pm

Lieutenant Juliette Barnes

Name Juliette Barnes

Position Chief Engineering Officer

Rank Lieutenant

Character Information

Gender Female
Species Human
Age 32

Physical Appearance

Height 5’2” - 1.57M
Weight 103 lbs - 46.72kg
Hair Color Black
Eye Color Brown
Physical Description Juliette “Jules” is petite with dark hair, medium dark skin and dark eyes. She has an easy smile that almost never leaves her face. Her long hair is usually kept contained while on duty, but allowed to fall freely otherwise.


Father Ogden Barnes, age 64
Mother Magda Barnes, age 64
Brother(s) Josiah Barnes, age 29

Personality & Traits

Personality Overview Jules is friendly and cheerful. She will talk to anybody at any time about any subject. She is quite probably the single most optimistic and enthusiastic person you will ever meet. This can lead to a foul mood when everything goes wrong.

In both her professional and personal life, she maintains a no-nonsense attitude. She says what she means and means what she says- no exaggeration, no games. For this reason, she tends to take others at their words, which sometimes leads her to trust people that she perhaps shouldn’t.

She has a hyper focus which keeps her on task well, but if she is not careful, this can cause her to forget other obligations.
Strengths & Weaknesses +Friendly

-Too trusting
-Can become grumpy in an emergency
-Hyper-focus to the point of neglecting everything else
Hobbies & Interests Dance- tap, ballet, and ballroom- music- plays guitar and saxophone

Medical History

Personal History Born in North London on Earth, Juliette “Jules” Barnes had a relatively normal childhood. Relatively because she was an unusually happy and precocious child. She made friends with everyone of all ages even as a toddler. Recognizing a need for a social outlet for their daughter, her parents enrolled her in dance classes at the age of 3- classes she would attend all the way through secondary school.

Once she entered school, she quickly made friends with everyone. Not only was she cheerful, but she would comfort her classmates when they were upset. For this reason, she quickly became very popular. In secondary school, she developed a habit of being kind to people even behind their backs. During this time, she and her brother became very close and maintain that relationship to this day via letters and sub space calls.

After secondary school, Jules entered Starfleet Academy. Her scores in mathematics and physics steered her towards engineering and she saw no reason to argue. She excelled in her studies and finished second in her class after a friendly competition with the girl who had finished first. (Of course they are still friends.)

Upon graduation, she was sent to the USS Impala, where she again made friends with everyone. Her cheerfulness was infectious among the engineers and soon, Main Engineering was known for being an unusually happy place- especially for engineers.

After being promoted to Lieutenant, Jules was transferred to the USS Niobi, where her cheerfulness once again became legendary. After the Chief Engineer took a posting as XO on another ship, the Assistant Chief took the Chief spot and quickly chose Jules as his assistant.

A lateral promotion sent her to the USS Thunderbird at the ACEO once more. It did not take long for that to change, however, and she slid comfortably into the CEO slot, still making friends and cheering people up.
Service Record Starfleett Academy 2355-2359
USS Impala 2359-2364
USS Niobi 2364-2368
USS Thunderbird 2369- present