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Thu Feb 20th, 2025 @ 11:09pm

Lieutenant Ayryn Trynn

Name Ayryn Trynn M.D.

Position Chief Counselor

Rank Lieutenant

Character Information

Gender Female
Species El-Aurian/Vulcan
Age 32
Sexual Orientation Bisexual

Physical Appearance

Height 5ft6
Weight 125lbs
Hair Color Dark Brown
Eye Color Brown
Physical Description Average height with a slim, toned physique. Hair is usually not styled but not usually tied back, while keeping within Starfleet regulations. This has the effect of concealing the small points and curve to her upper ears which hint at her Vulcan heritage. She has a relaxed, welcoming aura which tends to put people at ease around her.


Spouse None
Children None
Father Syrak
Mother Eleryn Trynn
Brother(s) none
Sister(s) none
Other Family Raela Trynn (maternal grandmother), Ithal Trynn (maternal grandfather)

Personality & Traits

Personality Overview Ayryn, as one would expect of someone in her field of work, is a people person. She encourages her patients to consider her office as a safe space, where they can be open and honest without having to worry about judgment and tries to make her office seem as informal and inviting as possible.

She is a keen researcher, keeping up to date on recent developments not only in her specialist field but medicine in general. While she is a qualified medical doctor, her interests lie in the mind rather than the body, although she fully understands they are intrinsically linked and of the value in treating more than the wounds we can see with the naked eye.

Off duty she likes to be around people but admits there are occasions when solitude is needed. On those occasions she will often be found relaxing with a good book or enjoying old Earth movies she had been introduced to at the Academy. Either way, once her official duty shift is over, Ayryn switches out her uniform for civilian clothes and is a firm believer in having a duty/life balance (even when in her profession you are never really off duty).

When asked about why she chose this line of work, which is often mentally if not physically demanding, Ayryn will always give the same answer - to help ease the suffering and pain of those in need. While truthful, her drive is primarily due to her mother who’s own mental illness, which only manifested after Ayryn was born and was the primary cause of her death almost eight years later.
Ambitions Ayryn’s ultimate goal is to move into a research position, to find new and innovative ways to improve the psychological wellbeing of the Federation & its citizens. Having seen the toll of life aboard a starship - and more recently from events like the battle of Wolf 359, she believes more could be done and that having counselors and psychiatrists on board every ship is just the first step.

While comfortable having oversight and responsibility of a department and students, she is the first to admit she has no desire to ever sit in the Captain’s seat - much preferring her comfortable couch.

Strengths & Weaknesses Strengths:-

Warmth. In complete contrast to her Vulcan heritage, she exudes warmth and compassion. It invites people to open up and confide in her, and her patients and crewmates find her a good listener who supports her patients and encourages them to face their fears and take those steps towards recovery. She is a firm believer that you can accomplish more with honey than with a stick, and knows that earning the trust of her patients is important and can take time.

Shield. Accredited to her mixed heritage, Ayryn developed somewhat limited telepathic abilities but a strong ‘shield’ which protected her from unwanted telepathic and empathic intrusion. Over time and with training, this has become a powerful and formidable ability and one which is always active.

It is not something she is generally conscious of unless someone is making a concerted effort to overwhelm the shield. With training she has learned to strengthen it to the point where she can not only block powerful telepaths but can also (with significant effort) extend her shield to protect another mind.

Telepathy. Limited telepathy which requires physical contact and concentration, although it is simpler with another telepath. Instead she relies mostly on reading people’s physical emotional queues to aide in her treatment.

Outspoken. Be it in relation to a patient’s care or a seemingly non-sensical order, Ayryn will speak her mind to ensure all points of view are heard. She accepts Starfleet is not perfect, and doesn’t feel blind compliance is the way to fix it. That isn’t to say she will disobey orders on a whim, but do expect her to speak up and not to shy away from voicing her opinion if the need arises.


Lack of Commitment. Though not in respect of her patients or career, Ayryn has so far been engaged three times before ending the relationships (and sometimes even she would admit this) for seemingly trivial reasons. Yet she also considers herself young enough to still have time for the whole happily ever after at some point - just not today. Or tomorrow.

Messy. Borne out rebellion at her father’s very Vulcan preference for order, and encouraged by her grandmother’s contrasting free spirit, Ayryn’s quarters tend to be towards the messy side. Not offensively so, but she is not meticulous about clearing everything away or recycling that now empty bottle of wine until it becomes two… And anyone who visits her office or quarters will see she has a love of colourful cushions which are scattered on chairs and couches, which to her mind makes it more homely and bright rather than the more clinical feel.

Shield. While she views it as a positive, it is something she knows can unsettle other telepaths who take for granted that they can ‘read’ other humanoids or at least feel the presence of someone else. As such it can sometimes be a hindrance when meeting new people and patients.

Competitive. A trait which came to the forefront during her Academy days, where she participated in several athletic and social groups - which managed to awaken a competitive spirit. While not always a bad thing, she does tend to only sign up for things if she genuinely believes she will win and doesn’t accept anything less than one hundred percent from teammates.
Hobbies & Interests Classic/Old school movies - from comedy to horror, the escapism is a perfect way to unwind.

Running - Exercise is important and her favorite way to stay in shape is running, particularly on the holodeck to try and capture that feel of running outdoors with the varying terrain providing different levels of challenge.

Music - Taught by her grandfather, she can play a number of musical instruments, with her preference being the piano.

Medical History

Past Injuries Nothing of significance. Although several broken bones cliff diving and skiing as a child on trips organized by her grandmother who was keen to ensure her grandaughter spent less time with her nose stuck in books and lived her life.
Known Allergies None
Preexisting Medical Conditions None

Personal History Early Life.

The daughter of diplomats, Ayryn was born on Vulcan in 2337. Born two months premature, her arrival brought to an end a complicated pregnancy and her first few weeks were spent in the care of Vulcan healers. Yet after that initial spell, she suffered no further medical issues of note.

Growing up, her early years were somewhat nomadic and she traveled with her parents on various assignments, being exposed to a wide variety of cultures in the process. Traveling fascinated her and sparked her imagination, which in years to come would inspire her to apply to join Starfleet. But at the time she was too busy being a typical six year old child who was very much her mother’s daughter.

When her mother became ill, her father made a decision to pause their work and return to Vulcan where he took up a teaching position. It allowed his wife to receive the best medical care and ensured stability for their daughter.

To support their daughter and granddaughter, Raela & Ithal Tryn soon relocated to Vulcan and became of huge importance in Ayryn’s life. When her mother passed away when Ayryn was eight, it was Raela and her husband who would become her biggest influences as Syrak processed his own grief and in doing so, immersed himself in work.


Ayryn was mostly educated on Vulcan and at times felt she had to work three times as hard as anyone else to be considered ‘adequate’. At the urging of her grandparents, and after almost three solid days of his daughter refusing to eat or speak to him, Syrak finally secured a place for his daughter at a Federation school which catered to the non-Vulcan students of officers stationed on Vulcan. The change in his daughter was almost immediate, and she flourished while making new friends who Syrak found to be quite fascinating.

By her late teens, she had decided on a career in medicine which her father both approved of and encouraged. Healers on Vulcan had spent a great deal of time caring for his daughter after she was born and subsequently helping her to understand and strengthen her psychic abilities. In Ayryn’s mind she was, in a way, giving back. However, she made the decision not to continue with her education on Vulcan, but to instead follow the example of several friends and apply to Starfleet Academy.

With her application successful, she attended the medical academy, specializing in her final years in psychiatry after a placement in her first year made her reconsider her initial plans to become a surgeon.

During her many years on Vulcan, both her father, teachers and Healers worked with her to strengthen her mental abilities, including her telepathy and shield. The latter remained her most prominent gift of the two, although it was noted that if she applied herself properly she could undoubtedly further develop both abilities.

Service Record Attended Starfleet Medical Academy, electing to specialise in psychiatry.

After graduation, Ayryn was initially given an assignment on Betazed where she was part of a small team working with youngsters who had either been born with their telepathic abilities active, or who developed the abilities early. It was here that she learned how valuable her ‘shield’ could be and she quickly found herself thinking of the planet as a home from home. The vibrancy and free spirit of the people reminded her of her grandparents, and was something she was quite sure would drive her father a little crazy.

2363 - Just a few weeks before her 26th birthday, she was reassigned to the USS Hood. There she was one of three psychologists within the medical division and it was quite the adjustment from a planetary assignment to life on a starship. She also found it an adjustment dealing with the very different issues which presented in a starship crew, which were certainly less demanding upon her than her previous posting.

2364 - Formed part of a landing party after requesting more field experience. However, the mission did not go to plan, with the shuttlecraft they were aboard encountered an unusual energy surge when entering the planet's atmosphere - disabling the engines. Their pilot made an emergency exit and they all escaped with minor injuries after landing in the middle of a lake.

They soon discovered the planet was not as uninhabited as they first thought, with the indigenous population coming to their aide. With their first officer unconscious, Ayryn took the lead in establishing a peaceful introduction and attempting to minimise any possible breach of the prime directive. It was a difficult process, with no common language but it was clear the people of the planet meant no harm and treated their injuries until a proper rescue party could find them.

2365 - Ayryn took a career break to participate in a research study, returning to duty in late 2366.

2366 - Assigned to USS Saratoga where she served until the ship was destroyed at the battle of Wolf 359. Ayryn does not recall how she got off the ship, but does remember waking in an escape pod to face the utter devastation in the aftermath of the fleet’s engagement with the Borg, with many former classmates and shipmates among the dead.

2367 - Following the battle of Wolf 359, she requested a transfer so she could work with fellow survivors to help in their rehabilitation. With no ship to go back to, it was an ideal solution to allow her to help her fellow survivors recover from that day, if such a recovery were possible.

It was demanding, intensive work and not everyone appreciated the offer of help. In early 2369, as their unit was preparing to disband, she took a leave of absence to travel and unwind before receiving her new orders and starting the next chapter in her career..

2369 - Assigned to USS Thunderbird.