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One of five pre-production starships for the newly developed Akira Class, the USS Thunderbird readies for launch at Utopia Planitia.

Mission Group Season One (2369-2370)
Start Date Fri Mar 15th, 2024 @ 1:13am
End Date Wed May 15th, 2024 @ 1:13am

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Title Timeline Location
A Scientific Meetup
by Lieutenant Commander Harrison Knox & Lieutenant Stormy Knight
MD01 - 13:30
A Friend of the Family
by Lieutenant Ayren Kelan
MD021 - 1900
Anomaly in the Regulations
by Lieutenant Sarah Graesyn
MD0026 - 1045 Tactical Weapons Bays
The New Fly Girl
by Lieutenant Commander Harrison Knox & Lieutenant JG Shizuru Chikura & Chief Petty Officer Gildran Trusk
MD026 - 1000 Shuttlebay | USS Thunderbird
Time to G0
by Captain Rylan Gray & Lieutenant Sarah Graesyn & Lieutenant Stormy Knight & Lieutenant Ayren Kelan & Lieutenant Commander Harrison Knox & Lieutenant JG Shizuru Chikura
MD028 -0800 Bridge | Deck 1 | USS Thunderbird
Dinner Planetside
by Captain Rylan Gray & Lieutenant Sarah Graesyn
MD0013 - 1750 Various
One last HooRah - Part 2
by Petty Officer 1st Class Jaclyn Masterson [Baas]
MD023 - 0750 Earth / USS Thunderbird
A Stormy Arrival
by Captain Rylan Gray & Lieutenant Stormy Knight
MD023 - 0900 Ready Room | Deck 1 | USS Thunderbird
Ship in Harbor -- But Not For Much Longer
by Captain Rylan Gray
MD027 - 1530 Bridge | Deck 1 | USS Thunderbird
The CMO Meets Her Number One
by Lieutenant JG Sloane O'Rourke
MD022-0800 Sickbay | Deck 4 | USS Thunderbird
Anomalous Healthlines - Pt. 1
by Lieutenant Sarah Graesyn
MD021 - 1300 Sickbay | Deck 4 | USS Thunderbird
The Doctor's In
by Lieutenant Commander Harrison Knox
MD024-0930 Sickbay | Deck Four | USS Thunderbird
A Gentle Exam
MD022-1000 Sickbay | Deck 4 | USS Thunderbird
One last HooRah - Part 1
by Petty Officer 1st Class Jaclyn Masterson [Baas]
MD0022 - 1630 San Francisco
A Stormy Transfer
by Lieutenant Stormy Knight
MD022 - 1430 En Route to Utopia Planitia Ship Yards
A Passing Storm
by Captain Rylan Gray & Lieutenant Commander Harrison Knox
MD022 - 1400 Captain's Ready Room, Deck 1, USS Thunderbird
Don't Mind Me
by Lieutenant Commander Harrison Knox
MD024 - 1353 Science Dept. & Lounge
Reporting In (Or Not) (Part 2)
by Captain Rylan Gray & Lieutenant Commander Harrison Knox
MD022 - 1330 Captain's Ready Room | Deck 1 | USS Thunderbird
Reporting In (Or Not) (Part 1)
by Captain Rylan Gray & Lieutenant Commander Harrison Knox & Chief Petty Officer Gildran Trusk
MD022 - 1300 Various
Intel To Be Delivered
by Chief Petty Officer Gildran Trusk & Captain Rylan Gray
MD022 - 1230
Knowing is Half the Battle
by Chief Petty Officer Gildran Trusk
MD022 - 1215
Trusk Has Arrived
by Captain Rylan Gray & Chief Petty Officer Gildran Trusk
MD022 - 0930 Captain's Ready Room | Deck 1 | USS Thunderbird
Weapon Certification
MD021 - 1400 Phaser Range
by Captain Rylan Gray & Lieutenant Ayren Kelan
MD021 - 0830 Ready Room | Deck 1 | USS Thunderbird
by Lieutenant Ayren Kelan
MD021 - 0800

Mission Summary

The Captain and Executive Officer have spent the last month learning about the ship, its systems, and about the area in which they will be patrolling. They are joined by the Chief Engineer who has also spent several weeks learning the ship. Now, as launch approaches, the crew reports in for duty.