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One last HooRah - Part 2

Posted on Thu May 2nd, 2024 @ 3:26am by Petty Officer 1st Class Jaclyn Masterson [Baas]

2,552 words; about a 13 minute read

Mission: Opening Moves
Location: Earth / USS Thunderbird
Timeline: MD023 - 0750

[Next Morning]

The light on her eyelids woke Jackie and she opened them slowly. The sheets, the bed, the room were not familiar at first, until her memory returned, and she smiled. She turned her head only to find two blue eyes looking at her belonging to the man she spent the night with. "I thought your eyes were grey", she murmured as she snuggled up against him.

Running the back of his fingers down her abs, “Well they're a little bit of both.”

"Interesting," she said smiling, her fingers tracing the spots on the side of his face. She moved closer and slowly slid her legs over him, rolling him on his back, her lips now continuing where her fingers left off.

Leaning his head to the side as she followed his spots down his neck.

Jackie went all the way down with her lips kissing and stroking him in preparation for another round of love-making. Some time later they were lying side by side, breathing hard. "All this sex makes me thirsty and hungry," she laughed softly. "For food... " she added with a giggle as she got up lazily and walked to the replicator, "Want something?" she asked.

Checking the time and finding it still early, he nodded as he watched her naked form sway across the room. "Absolutely. Though if you keep that up we won't have time...and I do have some work to to do this morning before returning to Utopia Planitia. Have a briefing this afternoon."

"Oh really...." she laughed giving him a full view after she replicated a cup of coffee for each and couple of bagels. "So you will have to choose... food or 'this'" she said as she motioned herself with her hands as she walked to him slowly.

His brow arched and his head shaking, "You're killin me ya know that right??" A wry grin spread over his face. "To bad you picked coffee and bagels...could have had both....maybe next time..."

When Jackie laughed she lit up the room, clear and even slight melodious. Now she laughed like that as she walked over to him handing him his coffee and bagel. She sat down crossed legged in front of him." Yep if I wasn't so hungry... " she said as she bit into the warm bagel. Her eyes fell on the clock at the side of the door. "Shit! Do you know what time it is!? u o yo know what time it is!? I am going to be late for my briefing!" she said as she started to get dressed and eating. I still have to report to HR... Damn.... " Once dressed she gave him a deep a deep long kiss. "Till next time, Sailor!" She thought of leaving her details for him but thought better of it. There were so many ships, what were the chances of them being on the same one?

The chances of them having an assignment ever close to one another was slim at at best, but still his curiosity got the better of him. Just in case. Using the rooms terminal he looked for any humans bay the name Jackie...she had mentioned HR so she was probably in a trasfer status and between assignments. That had narrowed their results considerably but to no avail. To bad too...

After showering and waitin for his call he packed up the last of his things finding something she had left behind. Smiling he tossed the bra into his bag as the teminal sounded. Turn to it he sat down and accepted the tranmission.

The face one the other end became instantly angered. "You are not Saman Baas! How did you..."

"I'm Daegan Baas, Saman was the previous host...and you still owe Baas a favor."

The Romulan diplomat looked at him intently as the Trill continued.

"You and I both know the behind the scenes deals made during the Algeron negotiations, beside you and Saban always felt the need to keep the back channels open..."

" stave off disaster. What do you want?"

"Information. I assume you still have friends in the Tal'Shiar. What have you heard about Cardassia? Anything stirring in the wind that you can tell me."

"There is always something going on when dealing with Cardassians, especially now with the wormhole. How long will you be at you current location?"

"Not long. But I will set up a forwarding in the computer here. Same encryption key?

The Romulan eyed he closely with a hint of a smile, "yyesss."

Daegan smiled in return. "Thank you. How is the family?"

"They are well. Fairwell my friend..."

[USS Thunderbird - 1400 New staff orientation]

Jackie's mind returned to the night before, and the morning of course. It brought a small smile to her face. "Oh... really, it was that good?" Alice asked. "I must know everything!" she said as she made her way to inside. "Everything!"

Jackie rolled her eyes at her friend. "For me to know and for you not to find out!" she said after Alice just before she turned into her new workplace to report for duty as the investigations officer at the Security Department. There were a few other new security crew there already and she introduced herself to those closest to her.

Having technically still had a leave he took his time getting ready but let the staff currently on the ship that he would be available to do the onboarding brief, much to their relief. He had done a quick search for the woman he had met last night but could find nothing on a ‘Jackie’. That had raise some suspicions but their had been no attempts on her part to elicit information from him so he set it aside for later. Thinking to himself, ~Maybe she didn’t want him to know who she was…~. No matter he had a briefing to get to and he grabbed hi padd and his iced tea and headed to the briefing room.

Entering the rear of the room. He stood there for a brief second. Doing a quick count it looked as if everyone was accounted for but he would confirm that once he had everyone information transferred to him. With this final group his staff would be complete and for the first time he would be calling the shots for an entire department. The room was filled with idle chatter as everyone talked amongst themselves, but he took a deep breath and walked the isle to the lectern to begin.

“Good afternoon everyone, and welcome aboard the USS Thunderbird….”

The voice... she felt a flutter in her stomach before she even looked up, her heart now drumming so loud she thought everyone could hear it. And there he was. Her new chief. The Trill she slept with last night and this morning and just before she rushed here. "Shit....." she whispered to herself and moved as quietly as possible to be positioned behind a taller person so he could not see her. It was futile, of course he would find out that she was assigned to his department.

Alice bumped her in the ribs and make big eyes at her. Jackie just pursed her lips, trying to disappear.

He had turned to his display going over the unique features of the Akira class starship." addition to the end to end shuttle/fighter bay we a something no other starship has; port and starboard firing torpedo bays. Other than that everything else is pretty sta...", As he turned there was a pair that seemed to be trying to hide unsuccessfully. His next thought, ~Ohhh shit!~, but he continued. "...standard. Prob..problems are handled within the department before taking them to the XO or higher.

“Now, your individual shift and duty assignments have already been sent to your personal databases. That's it. Take the rest of the day to finish anything you might still need to address."

As everyone stood and started to make their way out, "Petty Office Masterson. Can I see you for a moment, there was an issue with...your records transfer."

Jackie was now fully exposed as the person in front of her moved away and so did everyone else. The fluttering increased in her stomach and not only there. Only when she thought she had a measure of composure, she briefly met his eyes. "Of course.... Lieutenant," she said, her voice a bit unsteady and she cleared her throat as she walked towards him. "There is?" she asked very busy on her padd.

Waiting a moment for the room to clear and shooing her friend with a subtle smirk and a wave. He looked at the woman, not with anger or frustration, but still intensely. Letting out a long breath, "What the hell...Jackie, not Jacalyn? No wonder I didn't find you when I tried looking you up."

Jackie also let out a breath she didn't even know she held. "You were trying to find me?" she said with a small grin, trying to find some humour in this predicament. "I didn't really know who you are either," she said. "A little ironic for a investigations specialist..." she added a little annoyed with herself. "So now ... what are we to do... not do?" she asked folding her arms across her chest. "I can ask for a transfer..."

That would have been the simplest solution but..., "Yes....I was. A transfer? ...And have your friend there," waving at the door, "dagger eye and stir things up for send you thank you. What we shared was fantastic...but... I mean it will be one thing if you were an officer, that would at least give us an option if we wanted. But with me being your superior and you being enlisted..."

His hands went to his face in frustration. "Uuuhhhh.... Okay. We have to keep things professional from now on. Agreed?"

"Sure" she said pulling the corners of her mouth down with a little shrug. "You are not my first one night stand," she said non-chalantly. ~But you were the first that made me feel like this...~ she thought, adding to the annoyance.

He could see that she didn't like the resolution to the situation, but they didn't have much of a choice. "Well, it was definately memorable. Oh, you wouldn't be missing anything would you?" A thin knowing grin on his face.

She reciprocated the grin with one of her own. "Not more than you wouldn't be missing anything," Jackie quipped back.

Shaking his head slightly. He almost replied in kind, but visibly stopped himself. "I meant clothing."

"Clothing.... oh shit... yes," Jackie said, blushing a little because 'clothing' was not on her mind. "You have my bra?" she asked whispering the last word.

Laughing he grabbed his padd and motioned to the door. "Come on, let's go get your stuff."

"You brought it with you .. as a momento?" she asked then answered her own question with raised brow and mock triumphant smirk. "I don't blame you though.. I am 'memorable.."

He shugged as they walked the corridor. "I don't know about that...but I was going to look you up and send it to your Captain to return."

"You were going to send my underwear to a Captain, oh please..." she laughed. " 'Captain... so and so, I would like to return this package to a petty officer on your ship I had sex with," she pretended the conversation."Of course the Captain would know anyway exactly what is in the package before handing it to me..." she said, at least soft enough that no one could overhear. "Where is my bra and whatever else?"

Laughing himself at her playing out of the scenario. "Oh don't underestimate my skills. It just would have appeared on his desk with a note 'Property of PO Masterson, Thanks for the memories '. But since I never got the chance their still in my quarters."

"Haha,"Jackie said. "Lead the way Lieutenant, those were not replicated undies..." she added.

As they neared his quarters another officer was moving in the other direction. He smiled and nodded, but his brow wrinkled and he got the distinct feeling he knew her.

For a moment they held eye contact, but Ayren merely returned the greeting. Did she know the officer? A small frown appeared on her brow, but she shook it off and continued on.

"Who's that?" asked Jackie as they entered his quarters. It was different to what she expected, not that she knew him well enough to expect anything. "Interesting" she said as her fingers followed the line of a guitar in a stand, next to the door. She noticed it was one of several. Her attention was drawn by a surf board resting against the opposite wall. "That is from earth?" she asked trying to read the signature. "You surf too, Sailor?" she asked as she turned towards him

"Don't know, just seemed familiar somehow. The surf board, oh yeah. Two of my previous hosts had spent quite a lot of time on Earth so their was a strong interest in human hobbies and other past-times. Before I was joined I was already into outdoor activities, watersports, camping, that kinda thing so surfing was a great fit. As to the board, while at the Academy I was in Hawaii for the surfing championships. Afterward, there was a little....disagreement at a local club between the champ and a few of the surfers that didn't place. I just happened to be there, with a few classmates, and well...the next morning Andrew Slater's, an actual descendant of Kelly Slater, championship board was signed and waiting for me when I checked out of my hotel."

"Sweet, Kelly Slater is a legend. Whatever you did to deserve this beauty is worth it. My brothers surf when they get the chance. I tried too, but I was never good at it..." she said as she turned to him. "I was better at other things," she said as she stepped to right in front of him. "My undies," she asked with a coy grin and her palm extended.

Turning to his sofa he lean over to open his bag. Pulling out the lace brassiere turning to return the item...

She took it from him, their fingers touching briefly. "I will have to put it on, I can't carry this out of your room and have nothing to put it in," Jackie said as she looked for his bathroom.

He sat as she head off. "What? You don't wanna walk the ship with black lace in you hand? You could really just own it and twirl it on you finger", he added laughing.

"Sure," she said from his room. A few moments later she reappeared. "You mean like this?" she said with a mischievous grin as she spun the said piece of underwear slowly around her finger walking towards him, with nothing on but a pair on non-standard issue panties.

He was frozen. He knew what he should do but he was transfixed. All that he could think of was the night before..."Oh Hell...."

Lieutenant Daegan Baas
Chief of Security

Petty Officer 1st Class Jaclyn Masterson
Security Investigator
NPC played by Ayren Kelan


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