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A Stormy Arrival

Posted on Wed May 1st, 2024 @ 4:24pm by Captain Rylan Gray & Lieutenant Stormy Knight

859 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: Opening Moves
Location: Ready Room | Deck 1 | USS Thunderbird
Timeline: MD023 - 0900

Stormy didn't take long to find her quarters, change into a fresh uniform and report to her new commanding officer. The ship was due to depart shortly and she knew the captain would be busy with last-minute preparations. So, to her thinking, the sooner she reported in, the sooner she could visit medical and counseling and then get to know her new department. At some point she'd have to unpack and settle in, but as long as she had the necessities, the rest could wait.

Once she'd freshened up, she tapped her combadge. "Computer, where is Captain Gray?"

"Captain Gray is in his ready room."

"Excellent." She took a quick look around her quarters and headed for the nearest turbolift. She had a lot of questions, but knew most of them would be answered as she settled in.

She paused briefly to look at the bridge, but all too soon she was standing outside the ready room door, pressing the chime.

"Enter," Rylan called out. A cup of Yorkshire tea, gone from hot to tepid, sat forgotten on the desk; his attention snagged by the intelligence report on his monitor. It was comprehensive and came with a tart note from its author regarding the manners, or lack thereof, of one Chief Petty Officer Gildran Trusk. Rylan had laughed at that, murmured 'get used to it' at the monitor before losing complete track of time. He had the presence of mind to shut down the report and clear his desk of classified material before the individual (and please let it be an incoming department head -- any of the three they needed would do) crossed the threshold. He rose to his feet at once; the schools he had attended as a youth instilled manners that were embedded as deeply as any of his lessons ever were. "Please, do come in."

Stormy walked in and gave the commanding officer a polite smile. "Stormy Knight, reporting for duty, sir." She knew she should salute, but she'd never gotten used to that particular formality and so far, hadn't been called on it. She did, however, stand courteously in front of his desk. To her thinking, that was close enough to standing at attention.

"Our new Chief Science Officer," Rylan said as he gestured toward the pair of chairs in front of his desk. His welcoming smile reflected genuine pleasure for he was a man who believed in civility. "Please, have a seat." He waited until she had taken hers before resuming his own. "I do apologize for the abruptness of your orders. I would have preferred to give you more time but we're due to depart in a five days."

"Yes. I had some time to look up a little about the ship while I was on my way here. I think five days will be plenty of time to familiarize myself with the department and its personnel. Is there anything particular you expect from the science department?" She might as well get the question out of the way as it would likely lead to other questions she or the captain might have.

"You know then that the Thunderbird is one of the first five in its class, third to depart. Between now and then, you'll need to inspect all of your labs. Make sure that the equipment was installed and calibrated correctly and that your supplies have been stored properly. None of that has been done, I'm afraid. Once you're assured that you are ready for departure, please inform the ship yard's hand-off team. They've been rather frantic of late." He reached for his cup of tea, took a sip, his nose wrinkling slightly as he set the cup back down. "What else? I think that's about it other than the usual on-boarding procedures. Do you have any questions for me?"

"Not yet. I'll need to look over the department first," she replied. "But once I do, I'll definitely let you and Commander Knox know." She wasn't sure what would be needed, but chances are there would be something. From her experience, there generally was, especially with a new ship.

"Very well then. Lieutenant Knight, I formally accept your transfer to the USS Thunderbird as our Chief Science Officer. Computer, make note of this in the record and adjust her access to the ship accordingly."

"Recorded. Lieutenant Stormy Knight accepted as Chief Science Officer," the computer's male voice reported.

"Since there's nothing further, Lieutenant," Rylan said, "welcome to the USS Thunderbird. You have about four days to get your department ready for departure so I won't keep you."

"Thank you, sir," she said, standing. "I look forward to working here." Serving on one of the first Akira-class starships was a fantastic opportunity and she hoped to have time to walk around and get familiar with more than the science labs, but the next four days were bound to be busy.

"You are dismissed, Lieutenant," Rylan said.

With a nod, Stormy turned and left the ready room, her step light as she headed for her next stop.

Captain Rylan Gray
Commanding Officer
USS Thunderbird

Lieutenant Stormy Knight
Chief Science Officer
USS Thunderbird


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