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Time to G0

Posted on Thu May 9th, 2024 @ 3:25pm by Captain Rylan Gray & Lieutenant Sarah Graesyn & Lieutenant Stormy Knight & Lieutenant Ayren Kelan & Lieutenant Commander Harrison Knox & Lieutenant JG Shizuru Chikura

1,324 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: Opening Moves
Location: Bridge | Deck 1 | USS Thunderbird
Timeline: MD028 -0800

Ayren slipped quietly onto the Bridge and stood at the back. There was no need for her to be there, but there was no way she would miss momentous occasion.

Daegan was at his post, manning the primary tactical station waiting on the official handoff from the yard to the Captain. Nodding the counselor as she came in.

Stormy wasn't going to miss the transfer of command and so was early to arrive at the science station. She also wanted to have those few minutes to take a good look at the configuration and make any adjustments she felt necessary to suit her preferences and apply them in to her login.

At precisely 0800, Rylan Gray emerged from his Ready Room and stepped onto the slightly raised platform, commonly called the Command Area, where Commander LeCroix was waiting for him with a sheet of paper in hand and a smile on his face. "Well, Sir," he said, in an accent that betrayed his Southside Boston roots, "are you ready?"

At Rylan's nod, the commander lifted the PaDD and began to read, his voice, trained to carry over a near constant construction din, carried easily. "To Commander Michael LeCroix, Chief Engineer, Engineering Team 12, assigned to the Project Thunderbird-AK3, and currently in command of the USS Thunderbird. Effective this date, you are hereby requested and required to relinquish command of the USS Thunderbird, NCC-63458, to Captain Rylan Gray, formerly Executive Officer of the USS Ark Royal. Signed Commodore Chiane Nyx, Starfleet Command."

"Computer," LeCroix said, "transfer all command codes to Captain Rylan Gray. Voice authorization Zeta Kappa 12 Zeta."

"Transfer complete. The USS Thunderbird is now under the command of Captain Rylan Gray."

Rylan came forward. "I relieve you, Commander and thank you for all your hard work."

"I stand relieved." LeCroix smiled cheerfully at the ship's new commanding officer. "Just don't dent her the first day, alright?"

"If I do," Rylan answered, "I'll know where to bring her for repairs. My compliments to your team, Commander. And to yourself of course."

LeCroix grunted at the comment on repairs and waived away the compliments though he was smiling all the while. "Well, I'm off to my next project. Be safe out there, Captain." As he left the Bridge, Rylan sat for the first time since he'd accepted his transfer in the command chair. "Order the crew to assume their stations," he said. "And notify the Fleet Yard that we are preparing to depart."

"Aye, Sir," the Operations officer on duty, an ensign on their first assignment said. He'd been up for hours the night before going over procedures to make sure that he could do it all right.

"Notify Engineering to bring internal power on line," Rylan said and the Operations officer complied quickly. "Helm, once we have power, set thrusters to station-keeping."

At the helm station, Lieutenant Chikura sat, her hands running over the smooth cool surface of the console. She tapped at the controls. "Thrusters are set to station-keeping Captain," She reported.

Sarah was at her station and ready in Engineering; as soon as she heard the relayed command her fingers were already flying across the main Engineering console and within moments the reactor hummed to life and the vibrations from it could be felt throughout the decks and she smiled. “Engineering reports ready, Bridge. She purrs like a pleased kitten.”

Operations answered almost on top of Helm which brought a bit of smile to Rylan's lips as he turned toward his first officer. "Have all the department heads reported readiness to depart?"

Knox smiled. All of this traditional showmanship was usual, but it was new for Harrison Knox in the capacity of First Officer. "Just about, Captain " noted Know. "Lieutenant Daegan, how's tactical?"

Daegan looked down and over to the XO's position. "Tactical ready. All docking ports secured with yard umbilicals and gantries retracting. Tactical sensors online. All other offensive and defensive systems are operational and operating at 100%."

"All departments report ready, Captain Gray" stated Knox. "First Officer also ready" he added with a little extra.

"Glad to hear that, Commander," Rylan said as he favored Possum with a slight smile. "Take us out of the system."

"Helm, you've heard the Captain" Possum said and settled in with confidence. "Once we're clear of umbilical, lay in a course out of the system, and take us out nice and easy."

Shizuru nodded. "Aye sir," she replied. She powered up the rear thrusters and slowly the Thunderbird began to move out of the drydock. She gently navigated the new starship through the normal traffic at Utopia Planitia and finally into open space. After a few minutes, Shizuru looked back over her shoulder. "We've cleared the fleet yard, where should I set a course to Captain?"

"Starbase 310," Rylan answered. His briefings over the past month had defined the patrol route along with all of the latest intelligence on the major powers in that area. He could picture it all in his mind and thought that it had probably been burned into his synapses; the boundary of their patrol area, defined by Starbases 310, 257 and 621, required their route to take them the edge, although they would respond wherever needed. "Warp 6, Lieutenant."

"Setting course for Starbase 310, Aye," Shizuru acknowledged as her fingers danced across the helm console. "Engaging at warp six."

[1400 Hours]

To answer an incoming message from Admiral Harrison Baker, Rylan returned to his Ready Room. He seated himself behind his desk and told the Operations officer on duty to put the call through. The Admiral was running one hand through close-cropped, curly brown hair that was turning more and more silver each year, and dropped his hand when he saw Rylan on screen. "Captain Gray," he said in voice that was meant to be heard over the sound of crashing waves on the deck of a sailing ship rather than the spacious office afforded him as an Admiral, "I'm sending you coordinates where you are to rendezvous with Gul Zelar of the CDS Ocett in three days' time in the Quasinon system." The Admiral paused, accepted a over-sized mug from his yeoman and Rylan would have bet anything that it was black coffee inside. "The Cardassians have requested our assistance with evacuating a mining colony they have on Quasinon III. I'm sending you a briefing packet with all the details. But you know the situation we're in."

"Yes, Sir," Rylan answered, "I do. Under the terms of the cease-fire, we've agreed to maintain a neutral position and to render aid when asked. I understand Intelligence is not convinced that the Cardassians want to go through with the treaty. That they're looking for a reason to back out."

"Some of them are certainly," the Admiral said. "And since the discovery of the wormhole, there's no small amount of dissatisfaction with the decision to leave Bajor. So," he said, fixing Rylan with a look that would have send ensigns, fresh out of the Academy, scurrying for cover, "don't make waves. The treaty must go through."

"Understood, Sir," Rylan said. "Diplomatic best."

One corner of the Admiral's mouth kicked up as he lifted his mug to his lips to hide the action. "Not asking for miracles. Gather what information you can and play nice. Baker out."

Rylan sat looking at the screen, replaced now with the Starfleet logo rather than a scowling Admiral, and added a few more things to his mental to-do list. With the next three days looking to be busy, he returned to the Bridge. "Set course for the Quasinon system, Lieutenant. Warp 6."

"Aye sir," Shizuru answered as she altered the ship's course. She smiled as she manipulated the controls. "Engaging at warp six."

Captain Rylan Gray
Commanding Officer
USS Thunderbird

Lieutenant Commander Harrison Knox
Executive Officer

Lieutenant Daegan Bass
Chief of Security

Lietenant Ayren Kelan

Lieutenant JG Shizuru Chikura
Flight Control Officer

Lieutenant Stormy Knight
Chief Science Officer

Lieutenant Sarah Graesyn
Chief Engineering Officer


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