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The New Fly Girl

Posted on Sat May 11th, 2024 @ 6:30am by Lieutenant Commander Harrison Knox & Lieutenant JG Shizuru Chikura & Chief Petty Officer Gildran Trusk
Edited on on Wed May 15th, 2024 @ 1:13am

1,084 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Opening Moves
Location: Shuttlebay | USS Thunderbird
Timeline: MD026 - 1000

The type six shuttlecraft banked as it approached one of the many drydocks that made up the Utopia Planetia Fleet Yards. The shuttle, which carried the name "Ramsay" was being piloted by a young Japanese Woman, Lieutenant Junior Grade Shizuru Chikura. She manipulated the controls with precision and skill and several shipping containers sat behind her in the aft compartment.

"Shuttlecraft Ramsay to Thunderbird," she said directing a comm channel to the new class of starship. "Requesting permission to dock. I have on board several supply crates expected by your Operations department."

A few seconds later she got a reply. "You're cleared for docking Ramsay. Sending flight path instructions now."

Shizuru smiled as the instructions came through. Gently she guided the shuttle through the bay doors and touched down on the deck. Slowly the aft compartment began to open, so she locked down the controls, grabbed the duffle bag on the seat next to her and proceeded to make her way to her new assignment.

"Hello Lieutenant," the shuttlebay officer greeted her. "Chikura correct?" He asked, his gaze going from her face to the PADD in his hand. "Another pilot... You should report into the XO."

"Aye," Shizuru replied giving him a slight bow. "I'll make my way there now."

"Commander Knox uses the Deck 1 Conference Room for meetings," the shuttle bay officer said. "You should find him there."

[Short While Later - Bridge Conference Room]

"Lieutenant Commander Knox" the gruff tone of Trusk addressed the Executive Officer of the USS Thunderbird as the Tellarite approached the man with two glass steins with an orange liquid fizzing and spritzing with a lot of tiny bubbles. Chief Yeoman Trusk grunted handing one of the steins over to Harrison Knox. The lieutenant commander studied the beverage and looked at the Tellarite with an inquisitiveness. "Try it or don't, but you were the one in the lounge boisterously asserting that you were 'worldly'" stated Trusk.

Knox scoffed and looked at Trusk. "That sounds like a dare, Chief," he said the the shorter man. Harrison accepted the drink and raised the stein to his nose, the aroma was something but the dancing bubbles nearly triggered a sneeze and he could taste the spice in his throat. "What in the hell is this?"

The Tellarite chuckled and slung back the fizzy beverage, chugging it and belched loudly. "A man's drink," he stated firmly and looked up at Knox in a challenging stare down. "Real men. Tellarite men. Your Human tongue may not be able to handle it, perhaps one of our child's beverages would be better for you? Some juice, Commander?"

Harrison accepted the challenge and took a swig. It burned going in, and burned worse going down. This will kill me coming back up thought Knox. "Hah," he said pushing the half drunk stein towards Trusk's chest. "Take this trash back to wherever it came from. Next time you want me to try something, it had better not be battery acid."

Chief Trusk laughed and headed towards the exit of the conference room. When the doors opened, a young looking junior lieutenant was standing there. "Lost, little one?" asked the Tellarite.

Chizuru looked around, seemingly dismissive of the Tellarite. "No, I don't think so." She said. "Wait... Little one?" She looked the Tellarite up and down. "You can't talk about height can you?!"

Trusk held both steins in one hand and with the other made a gesture with his right hand to indicate and inch or so. "Got you by a smidgen, Lieutenant." The Tellarite continued onward out of the conference room.

Harrison Knox smiled and gestured for the woman to come in further, "Don't mind Chief Trusk. He is harmless so long as you clean up any crumbs and make sure uniforms aren't wrinkled" teased Knox. "You must be one of flight control officers?"

Shizuru turned to face the Commander. She snapped to attention. "Yes sir, Lieutenant Shizuru Chikura reporting as ordered," the words rolled off her tongue as of she had practised this meeting beforehand. She wouldn't admit it, but she had done a little prep after her morning shower with the mirror.

"Ah yes," replied Knox. He retrieved a PaDD that was lying on the table and queued up. "Lieutenant junior grade Shizuru Chikura, flight control" he said and handed the young woman the PaDD. "Let's have your first shift be night watch. That should help get you some experience. I'll have you on call for relief rotation."

The young Lieutenant nodded. Ahe had hoped for a little more action than the night shift. Usually the course has already been locked in and the night helm officer was just there to maintain it. She had done this before, but it was always rather tedious and dull in her opinion. "Yes sir," she replied to the XO, gently relieving him of the PADD.

Before transitioning from the enlisted life to being an officer, Knox was well acquainted with tedious. Before making his rating, he was a crewmen that was Cinderellaed into various tasks that more senior enlisted personnel did not want to do. Some of it was tedious. Although all tasks aboard a starship were important.

"Very well, Lieutenant. You should make yourself acquainted with the ship and its crew" Knox said. "The lounge tends to be a popular gathering place."

"Aye sir. I do have one question however..." Shizuru asked.

Knox smiled. "Ask and you shall receive, Lieutenant? What may I answer for you?"

"Well..." she began to fidget slightly. "My last medical physical was only a few months ago. I was hoping that I didn't... need to go through... that again?" She asked nervously. "Being on a new ship and all..."

"You learn very quickly not to touch the medical domain" Knox replied. "I'll leave that in their hands" he stated.

" Yeah... Well... You know... white coat syndrome and all that..." she said stuttering slightly. "But I guess... I'll find... out.." Anyone with an observant eye could likely see the young Lieutenant trembling slightly at just the meer suggestion of sickbay and/or it's contents.

Knox nodded. "You'll be alright, Lieutenant. I promise" said the First Officer. He flashed a reassuring smile in her direction. "Dismissed" he added.

Shizuru nodded. "Yes sir," She said giving him a slight bow before turning and leaving the room.

Posting by:

Lieutenant Commander Harrison Knox
Executive Officer
USS Thunderbird


Lieutenant JG Shizuru Chikura
Flight Control Officer
USS Thunderbird


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