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Anomaly in the Regulations

Posted on Sat May 11th, 2024 @ 4:18pm by Lieutenant Sarah Graesyn
Edited on on Wed May 15th, 2024 @ 1:12am

1,157 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Opening Moves
Location: Tactical Weapons Bays
Timeline: MD0026 - 1045

[Security Center - Chief's Office]

Now that the ship had its own Chief Engineer, Daegan didn't have to deal with the Yard Master anymore. He had already tinkered with and improved the efficiency on one system, might as well work directly with the ships CEO to improve them all. With that thought he sat the padd aside. "Computer, locate Lt. Graesyn."

"Lieutenant Graesyn is on Deck 9, Torpedo Magazine and Manufacturing Area."

He dropped his head with a slight grin as he shook his head. "Well, she'll either thank me for the effort or chastise me for messing with her ship."

One of his staff, overhearing his comment, "Hmmm, better go armed just in case."

Chuckling he walked out of his office and toward whatever fate awaited.

[Deck 9]

Sarah hung halfway into a safety overriden torpedo tube and was half dangling, upside down from beneath the railing to the above walkway, secured by a thin cable that though it didn't seem so was many time stronger than it's appearance. Her legs were for the moment free of braces though she had a small medical bag set nearby her position as she inspected the torpedo magazine below her head. She was listening to the sounds of the ship at the moment and had a specialized glove and armband on that let her use a partial holo-display to relay input to the ships computer. It was a piece of technology that she had actually designed after working aboard the Alexandria, very much an inspiration from her previous postings experimental tech, itself being experimental and in the works of a trial that she hoped would prove to be effective to make the lives of Engineers across the Federation just a touch easier.

Upon reaching the torpedo magazine again he entered to see engineer dangling as she worked. "Wouldn't an anti-grav belt work better than hanging there?"

Her free hand reached up and secured the tricorder she had been utilizing back into its holster at her hip and she gripped the cable to tug herself back up slowly until she was sitting properly and raised a hand to her temple as the headache set in and she had to apply pressure to try and assuage it back down before it turned permanent.

“Ordinarily, Lieutenant, yes. But I have no desire to be stuck inside that tube… particularly considering that I have no desire to attempt and break myself trying to get out as a phaser beam would be rather disastrous even with it in a safety override.” She carefully knelt before standing, moving very deliberately as she did so. Once she had gotten fully upright she extended a hand to him. “Sarah, though since you knew where to find me I suspect that you already knew that and sought me out.”

Taking her hand with a warm smile. "This is true. Daega Baas, Chief of Security. Since we finally got a Chief Engineer assigned, I wanted to make sure the yard master let you know of the fine tuning I had done. But since you are here, I assume they did let you know and you were checking thing out yourself. "

She nodded her head and picked up the PaDD from the nearby console. “You mean these adjustments I presume? As is the norm for fleet yards Engineers they said nothing to me about them, I noticed them when I was running the first of many Shipwide Diagnostics this morning.” She reviewed her tricorder data and then the PaDD and looked Daegan square.
“Your adjustments are above Starfleet Reg’s and according to simulations I have been running for the last two hours; they should continue to function at increased efficiency with little need for readjustment. I’ll tip my hat to you on these, well done.”

"Thanks. To be honest both I, and one of my previous host, tend to finds Starfleet regs a bit...conservative at time. I have to admit though I was prepared for the 'What did you do to my ship' when I got here." His smile broadened, "Glad to see it went the other way."

"Well; I do like to run a very tight ship... so..." She paused and gave him a serious look, though there was no anger in it. "...Please, in the future contact me when you are making adjustments and we will have no issues, alright Lieutenant? If you can agree to that I will go ahead and add you to the list of Authorized people to make adjustments to the weapons systems and trust that you won't make any that jeopardize my ship." She extended her hand to him with a light smile of her own.

"Oh not to worry. Normally I would have brought any recommendations for enhancing any system would have gone through you. But there was no one aboard yet, and we both know the yard can be. Besides, the Captain already gave me the once over for adjusting things on my own."

"Excellent; and aye. I know full well how the yard can be. They are still a nightmare thorn in my side since we haven't officially been handed the ship yet despite the fact that the crew is for the most part aboard... though I am still missing a few of my Engineers." She nodded as she ran her fingers across the PaDD. "Computer, Authorize Lieutenant Daegan Baas on the Engineering list of crewmembers for Tactical Systems Adjustments and notify the Captain and XO that it needs their approval"

"Authorization for Lieutenant Daegan Baas made, notification sent."

"Well thank you, but if I do do any other tinkering I will still run it through you."

"I appreciate that; How about you help me get the Tactical systems fully installed and online, huh? Two would certainly make it go faster and with you and your symbiont's unique views we may come out of drydock with an advantage."

Daegan clasped and rubbed his hands together. "Let's get to it. Afterwards we can grab some lunch and compare notes on how the Yard as screwed things up."

Sarah couldn't hold the laugh at that comment and she smiled afterwards. "Yes indeed, and they have done exactly that. I swear that they forget she has to go out into space and actually do its mission outside of dry dock conditions" she indicated her case and then motioned toward it. "grab what you need and lets get to it; only have about about an hour or so until lunch starts in the mess."

Hiking up his sleeves as he surveyed the what needed to be reassemble first, "Let's get cracking." With that he grabbed a few tools and got to work.

OOC - Yes the last quote was a movie reference ;) Clues: Disney, Sci-fi. First one to DM me with the answer gets a free character image crested. ;)

Lt. Daegan Baas
Chief of Security

Lt. Sarah Graesyn
Chief Engineer


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