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A Friend of the Family

Posted on Mon May 13th, 2024 @ 12:32am by Lieutenant Ayren Kelan
Edited on on Wed May 15th, 2024 @ 1:12am

2,092 words; about a 10 minute read

Mission: Opening Moves
Timeline: MD021 - 1900

Daegan couldn't shake the feeling of familiarity. Her face kept popping into his mind and he felt he knew her some how. Since he couldn't seem to piece things together himself he accessed the ship personnel files. She had been wearing medical blue and had had lieutenant's pips on her color so that narrowed his search considerably. The second her file appeared he had his answer.

Sitting back reviewed the information he had found, not that he had needed to, since he had his answer. As a Trill it was frowned upon to associate with those from their lives of their previous hosts but Edriar was gone and Aryen was child when he, well his previous host, had worked her with her father. He smiled at the memory of playing together, her fascination with his spots, and her sadness at her father's memorial.

Deactivating his terminal he changed from his lounge pants into something a bit more presentable; a black shirt that was fitting and a pair of tan pants and headed her way. It wasn't late by any means, but the ship had that 'evening' feel.

Ayren was engrossed in her reading. She started out sitting, but the longer she read, the more she occupied the couch which she had all to herself. By now she was lying with her back supported on the one armrest and her long legs taking up the rest of the couch. The white shorts and t-shirt she had on showed that she wasn't too worried about her looks. On the coffee table was a plate of cheese, a bottle of red wine and her sandles. How it ended up on the table and not on the floor she would not be able explain. Her one hand holding a book and the other nursing a glass of red wine. On the fringes of her senses there was an alert of someone familiar approaching so she ignored it, not consciously giving attention to it.

Stopping before the door he took a breath and activated the chime. Another memory of the little girl playing popped into his mind as he waited.

Ayren had such a fright she nearly spilled the precious wine, but just managed to just hold on to it. Now she was far more aware of the familiar sensation, but could not place it. She gasped in surprise as it dawned on her. "Baas?" she asked herself. "Come in" she said as she stood up ready to run into the old Trill's arms.

He shouldn't have been surprised by the restrained anxiousness of her greeting but he was. Then again his memories were fresh in his mind so she most certainly picked up on them. "So you remember me, well who I used to be that is."

Ayren barely heard his words as she had already run into his arms for a hug the moment he stepped through the door, her arms circling tight around his chest. But it didn't feel right. The body was harder, and bigger and smelled different. "Oh.... " she said confused and embarrassed as she looked up into the face belonging to the body she just hugged. "You are not old and better looking..." she said the first thing that came to her mind as she peeled herself away from the uncomfortable closeness. "Uhm ... I meant... uhm Saman was old and..." she added, feeling totally stupid as she stepped away from the very different looking Trill.

Daegan was surprised, well not really at the sudden hug followed by the hesitation. He smiled warmly as she stammered. "Nothing to be embarrassed about. You sensed an old friend from your childhood. Saman remembers you and your dad fondly. When I passed you in the corridor the other day I just got a feeling that I should know who you were. The pretty little girl form his memories had definitely grown into a beautiful young woman. If that not too forward of me to say."

Ayren felt herself blush and rolled her eyes at herself as she turned towards her lounge, hoping to hide the flush tone of her cheeks. ~Blushing? Really?` she chided herself. "Please come in, make yourself at home," she invited as she grabbed her book and tidied up the pillows on he couch. "You are the Security Chief, right?"

Following her in her grinned as her back was turned having caught her blushing. As she led him into the room he glanced down thinking to himself as he took in her form, ~nice~. He immediately lifted his eyes looking around the room at the various decorations about the room. "Yes, yes I am. So you took up counseling. Didn't you want to follow in your father's footsteps as a negotiator?"

"Actually, I thought that was all I wanted to do. I wanted to study Political Science and become a Federation Ambassador. I started out with exactly that at the Academy. But on our very first break, someone my father knew got murdered. Because it was an interplanetary incident, he had to get involved. Since I was with him and a student, I was able to follow some of the investigation. It turned out to be one a of series of murders and they brought in a profiler. I got hooked. The whole process of profiling sparked my interest in forensic psychology. So I just altered my major to psychology. I still studied political science but as an elective. So here I am and I really enjoy it. I have assisted in some investigations over the years. Even now when I was on Betazed, I was asked to consult on one," she explained. "So if ever you need some insight..." she added with a grin. "I also talk to much when I am nervous.. Can I get you something to drink, eat?"

Cocking his head to slightly, arching his brow with a humorous smirk, playing on her admitted nervousness. "Are you asking me to stay for dinner?"

Ayren swung around to face him. "Well, it is evening and I am offering to replicate you something to eat, which is not exactly 'dinner' in my book, because then I will cook it," she said with a little humorous smirk of her own. "But sure, let's have supper" she grinned. "What can I replicate you?"

He thought for a moment, making a show of contemplation, but settled on the unknown. "Surprise me."

"You are going to have to settle for what I feel like," she grinned. "Two bowls of green salad, with orange balsamic dressing," Ayren ordered from the replicator. She also replicated two elegant wine glasses and produced a bottle of red wone from the cabinet. "This is not replicated, can I pour?"

"Pour away, trying to get me drunk already I see."

"But you are a willing participant... but looking at body size, it will effect me before you," she giggled as she poured them each a glass, "But don't worry, I won't feed you salad only," she said. "One large and one medium dishes of Ayren 2," she ordered from the replicator. "You will also have to contend with my mom's mac and cheese," she said as she placed two hot plates on the table.

He smiled and the the old school Terran staple. "It's been along time since I had seen this...". His memory flashed to the little girl eating the very same dish. "Sooo what do you call a date with someone you knew as a child?

"Awkward...." Ayren answered akwardly, cocking her head to the side. "Wait... so this is a date?"

"Newly acquainted people, well reacquainted, occasional embarrassment, dinner, wine, sounds like a date to me", he said with a flash of humor.

"Well lucky you to have a date with me," she quipped back.

He chuckled a raised his wine glass. "And here I was going to say the same thing to you."

"I know, but I said it first..." she said and raised her glass at her triumph. "Do you mind pouring some more, the bottle is closer to you?" she asked as she pushed her empty glass in his direction.

"Not at all." Picking up the bottle he refilled her glass as he continued their conversation. "You know that's cheating."

"A girl has to have some advantage," she said with her eyebrows raised ever so slightly. Her console beeped and she checked the time. "That is a reminder that my son will phone me in about an hour," she explained when he looked up.

His eyes widened in surprise. "Little Ren has a little one herself??? That's fantastic! Congratulations!"

"Oh my gosh, I haven't heard that name forever!" she laughed. "But yes thank you. His name is Ethan. He is six years old but he thinks he is twelve," she chuckled, getting up. "This is him," she said, tapping a holo-cube. (Think cube or projector...imager is the camera)

Daegan laughed, "I wonder where he got that from. I seem to remember you trying to handle a bat'leth when you could barely lift it.

"I still have the bat'leth you brought me," Ayren said smiling at the memory. "My mom was horrified. Do you remember her face?" she laughed as she tried to imitate Jessica: "You brought my little girl a blade? Next thing you will teach her to hunt and catch her own food! But then you also produced this..." Ayren said as she went into her room, opening a drawer and walked back to his side of the table. She held out her hard smiling. In her hand was a delicate hairclip, with various rare and precious stones. It was a beautiful and elegant piece of jewelry. "My mom forgave you but I wasn't allowed to wear it until I was eighteen."

He called after her as she walk away. "That was definitely an interesting evening. But you father was on the Klingon Home World, it only made sense for you to learn Klingon traditions." When she returned he stood as she held out the piece of jewelry.

"You still have it...she probably knew it was made from a jinaq."

"Yes, then my mom passed away and he took me to Vulcan with him, and then we went back to Q'onoS" she said smiling. "I really needed that blade. jinaq?" she asked. "She never explained that, what is it?"

"A jinaq is a traditional piece of Klingon jewelry, usually an ornate necklace but I had it re-made into the clip, that is worn by a Klingon woman who have come of age...ready to take a mate."

Ayren's mouth literally dropped open. "Oh my gosh? This is a jinaq?" Ayren asked exasperated. "That is why Klingon men look at me funny and women growl at me," she said. "My mom never told me, and my Dad probably didn't even think much of it. Really... but I love it, it is so pretty," she added half disappointed.

Cocking his head slightly, 'What?"

"I will still wear it, I like the clip too much," she said fingering the exquisite piece of jewelry. Then she suddenly looked up at him. "Wait... why did you choose a jinaq to remake, knowing I will wear it when I grew up? I mean apart from being so unique," she asked cocking her head also slightly a little smile playing around her lips.

Clearing his throat a bit. "Soman memories were of you being so into Klingon culture when you were little that he couldn't resist it when he saw it, but he know your mother so had chains removed from the necklace and the the central ornament redone as a hair piece."

Before she could reply he took a step back. " You know, it's getting a bit late. I should probably be going..."

Ayren was acutely aware of the changing atmosphere in the room and stepped back as well. "Of course, it was nice meeting you and Baas again," she smiled.

Bowing his head slightly, "The pleasure was mine..." He almost asked if she wanted to get drink some time but thought it might come across wrong. Instead he turned for the door.

She nearly responded to what she thought she sensed, but she respected him not uttering his thought out loud. Instead she smiled as she showed him out. "Until next time.." she heard herself adding. Internally she roled her eyes at herself for the lame greeting. ~A good night would have sufficed...~" she thought.


Lt. Daegan Baas
Chief of Security

Lt Ayren Kelan



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