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FAO Reports

Posted on Wed May 15th, 2024 @ 2:57am by Captain Rylan Gray & Lieutenant Cayde Sechs

577 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: The Quasinon Gambit
Location: Ready Room | Deck 1 | USS Thunderbird
Timeline: MD001 - 0700

Cayde, dressed in a neat Starfleet uniform, entered the bridge and paused just this side of the turbolift. Far enough that the doors wouldn't try to open but withdrawn from the activity. Odd, having the turbolifts on either side of the viewscreen, but infinitely more practical. In this configuration, everyone could see the new arrival's approach.

If, he thought wryly, they were actually looking. There were panels open and engineers in small groups working on calibrations. I wonder how many belong to the ship and how many belong to the yard. And just how contentious the relationship is. One of the senior engineers looked up, met his gaze, and nodded before returning to his work.

Cayde took that for a sign and made his way to the Ready Room door. The department heads arrived a week ago. He should have as well but delays are inevitable when you have an Admiral standing on one foot. Working long, long hours, he submitted his final report, gathered his gear, and arrived an hour before the change of command ceremony. Busy day for the Captain but the, captains are always busy.

He pressed the chime and entered when he heard the captain call out his permission. Rylan Gray. Student of prestigious schools in what had once been England (and, he surmised, to those who lived there, still was). Boarding away from home from the age of thirteen. Son of Aedan Gray, mathematician and engineer, formerly Starfleet and later, Imperial college where, his sources said, he was allowing his once remarkable brain to go to rot teaching and hosting parties.

The captain was not particularly remarkable in appearance. He was described as being 'mildly attractive' and yet, every report also noted that there was something about him. He had been told that this captain was not the sort to be taken lightly. 'More than what he first appears to be.' That had been the exact quote. Cayde was good at that. Exact quotes. An eidetic memory had its uses. For one thing, he seldom had to carry a PaDD with him, except for 'window dressing'.

"Captain," he said as he crossed the room and came to stand before the organized desk. "Lieutenant Cayde Sechs reporting for duty. I trust my orders preceded me."

"They did," Rylan said as he gestured for Cayde to take a seat. "Foreign Area Officer with Ph.Ds in psychology and sociology. An expert on the Cardassian Union, the Bajorans, and the Klingons. From all accounts, we're lucky to get you."

Cayde nodded. While the compliment meant nothing to him, he was pleased to see that the Captain had also prepared for the meeting. He also liked that Gray went straight to business. He appreciated direct. "Thank you, Captain," Cayde said. "I'm happy to share what I know and even happier to learn more."

"Hopefully, that goes for everyone," Rylan said with a slight smile. "Your quarters are on Deck 2 and an office set up on Deck 3. Since you won't have any direct reports, you fall under Command but essentially, you're a department of one."

"Thank you, Captain," Cayde said. "With your permission, I'll get settled. Busy day for you."

"It is indeed," Rylan said. "Very well. Lieutenant Sechs I formally accept your transfer to the USS Thunderbird as a Foreign Area Officer. Welcome aboard."

"Thank you, Captain," Cayde said with a slight bow. "Glad to be here."


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