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Thu Aug 15th, 2024 @ 5:08pm

Lieutenant Ayren Kelan

Name Ayren Kelan

Position Counselor

Rank Lieutenant

Character Information

Gender Female
Species Betazoid/Human
Age 34
Sexual Orientation Heterosexual

Physical Appearance

Height 158 cm
Weight 54kg
Hair Color Black
Eye Color Black
Physical Description Of medium height and slender, Ayren has a wavy mass of long black hair and black Betazoid eyes. She is beautiful and carries herself with a quiet confidence. She keeps herself fit and exersizes everyday, resulting in a toned body.


Spouse Mark Kelan (deceased)
Children Ethan (living with her parents when not with her)
Father Edriar Kelan
Mother Jessica

Personality & Traits

Personality Overview Ayren is intelligent and has a wide range of experience. She faced some really tough situations herself and therefore developed insight as to assist others to deal with difficultires. Her focus is on mental health, and has a positive psychology and a coaching approach, encouraging her clients (not patients) to take ownership and work with her rather than she advising them. They are the experts of their own lives, she is not. Her style of counseling is based on trust and building relationships, rather than counselong room, formal approach. But she adapts and will do what the person needs, not what she thinks they need.

Ayren is warm and friendly with a great sense of humour, mostly only amusing herself, but does not easily allow people close to her. Her name meaning "making peace" describes very much who she is, but she is often underestimated because of her feminine appearance. She can be tough as nails and as logical as a Vulcan. Where her work is concerned, she is composed, serious and competent. She has an adventurous side, is independent enjoys challenges.
Ambitions At this point, she just want to regain confidence as a counselor and work towards healing her psionic abilities.
Strengths & Weaknesses Compassionate and warm, positive and laugh easily. She is strong and determined, and generally calm.
She can withdraw and then appear to be aloof, but that is when the past overwhelms her. She is hard on herself, and sometimes blunt.
Hobbies & Interests She keeps physically fit and is trained in Vulcan martial arts. She loves equestrian sport and competed in dressage at an intermediate level. You will often find her in the holodeck schooling a horse. She is also an artist and paint in oils on canvas, does irish dance and plays celtic music. She also has a lovely voice, but only sings when she is alone.

Medical History

Past Injuries Medical:
Broken shoulder
Broken ankle
Broken wrist
Cracked ribs
Above due to horse riding injuries or other extreme sport related activities

Telepathic abilities:

DX: Psilosynine Deficiency Sydrome (Complicated)
Description: Away mission: USS Wolverine, Code: DF455x1
Complete loss of psylosynine enabled abilties due to neurological interference used to suppress patient identity and insert new identity.
Result: Patient lost the ability to produce psilosynine

Cause: Interruption in production of
psilosynine - alpha - hydroxilase. No conversion of Pre-psilosynine-dioxyanine (PPD) to psilosynine
Transferred to Betazed

Rx: TTRAP - 5% to 10% increase - 6 mnts.
Medical telepathy Treatment sessions - 6 months

Known Allergies None
Preexisting Medical Conditions Psilosynine Deficiency Sydrome
Patient recovery in progress. Telepathic and empathic abilitites irregular, but improving.
Norm for Patient:
Telepathic (50% of full Betazoid) and empathic (50% of full Betazoid) abilities.

Continued Treatment protocols:

Patient reporting: Weekly telepathic and empathic ability progress (irregular vs regular episodes) against norm.

Weekly psilosynine levels monitoring required: 278.0 to 290.8 pmol/L
For levels < 278.0 pmol/L : TTRAP 10% daily till levels > 290.8 pmol/L sustained for 3 consequetive days.

Personal History She spent her early years on earth until her mother, Jessica passed away when she was 9. Her father, Edriar Kelan, was a Betazoid diplomat with Starfleet at the time. After Jessica's death he accepted a diplomatic appointment on Vulcan. Ayren attended a Vulcan school and was trained in logic and to utilize her telepathic potential.

She had also spent time on Qon'oS when her father was posted there.
Her father travelled extensively and Ayren never missed an opportunity to join him on missions. She wanted to serve in Starfleet since she could remember. She was exposed to many cultures and loved getting to know people. She entered Starfleet academy at the first opportunity, trained as a counselor and then while serving as counselor on Starbase 263. Her exposure there promted her interest in profiling, in which she did post gruaduate studies. At this time she met, fell in love with and married Mark, a pilot from the USS Roland, a ship attached to the space station. They had a son, Ethan. In a terrible accident Mark was killed, leaving Ayren and their small child devastated. The took a position on the USS Wolverine as it was too difficult to stay on the Starbase. Her son could join her, but spent time with her parents and family on Betazed too. At a time her son was away with her parents she had a harrowing experienced whilst serving on the USS Wolverine. On an away mission, she and the crew were "stamped" with new identities Ayren became Erin and ran a club and was a singer. Slowly but surely she realised she was different and used her ability to sense emotions and read minds to serve her patrons. Eventually she started to remember snipits and she and the Wolverine's security chief, who was a boss in the crime world, played a role in getting the crew together and sabotage the "stamps". Ayren lost her telepathic abilities which was a tremendous shock for her. She went to Batazed to recover and still struggled.

Ethan was happy where he was on Betazed and enjoyed living there. They decided together that he would stay there and when he had the opportunity and her assignment allowed for it, he would join her. After a year on Betazed, her parents and son agreed that it was time to get back on a ship and have some fun. She applied as Chief Counselor on the USS Thunderbird
Service Record SB 263: Counselor - Ensign - promoted to LtJD - 7 years
USS Wolverine: Chief counselor - Lieutenant - 3 years