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Reporting In (Or Not) (Part 2)

Posted on Thu Apr 25th, 2024 @ 5:24pm by Captain Rylan Gray & Lieutenant Commander Harrison Knox

1,265 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Opening Moves
Location: Captain's Ready Room | Deck 1 | USS Thunderbird
Timeline: MD022 - 1330

"Thank you, Chief Yeoman," Rylan said politely and waited. Personally, he believed that people often undervalued 'waiting' as a tactic.

Knox stepped in and looked at Rylan. "Lieutenant Lorut Vila from the Science Department, Captain" stated the First Officer. "Chief Trusk was..." Knox looked at the Tellarite. "Very efficient in locating the Lieutenant," added Knox.

"By all reports, Chief Trusk is remarkably efficient," Rylan agreed, maintaining his neutral manner, "but tell me, why was I notified of an unauthorized site-to-site transport? I spent five lovely minutes listening to an irate member of the shipyard's design and engineering team on the matter."

"Trusk cleared his throat and looked at Lieutenant Vila. "That," he prefaced looking back at Rylan. "Would be because of the lieutenant. You had tasked me with finding her and bringing her to you to report for duty. She would not stay still, would not come see you, and the only way I could ensure catching up to her was to use the transporters to head her off."

Trusk shook his head. "I would not have done so unless I needed to. She made it necessary. I have already written her up for making me use the transporters. I will ensure the paperwork is submitted."

"She refused to report as ordered," Rylan asked as he sat forward slightly in his chair. "Is that correct?"

"She was too busy," Trusk said. "As I recall, she felt if it was that important you should have left the bridge or Ready Room, and come see her."

Knox just bit his lip. He knew the Bajoran was going to be difficult, but there was difficult and outright disobedient. He looked at Rylan to see how the Captain would take that.

"Excuse me," Vila interjected, loudly and coolly. "I can talk," she said. "I needed to pee, and your yeoman here wasn't going to have it until I had to literally pull a rank card. I was PLANNING to check in, I've just been busy," she said. "Whoever ran your science department before me was inefficient and sloppy," she said.

Knox smiled before interjecting. "Lieutenant, technically nobody ran the science department in any official capacity," he stated. "That would be why we are where we are, and why your reporting in was of significant importance."

"Quite right, Commander," Rylan said. " In point of fact, you have no standing on this vessel until you report in to me, which you are required to do immediately after your arrival, at which time I decide whether or not to accept your transfer." His expression turned wintry as he regarded her. "This is not a good start to your time on this vessel, Lieutenant."

"Permission to leave?" Trusk asked looking at the Captain. "I suspect this conversation is going a direction you may not want a Yeoman present for."

"Permission granted, Chief," Rylan said with a nod. He turned his attention to Possum and gestured for him to take a seat and then turned his wintry gaze back to the Lieutenant.

Knox took a seat. He had seen the expression worn on Rylan's face. It was one that Knox had viewed in the past aboard their previous assignment together when Rylan had been First Officer.

Vila returned the stare, just as cold as his. "Sir," she said, waiting.

"I see," Rylan said quietly. "Stand where you are, Lieutenant." He turned his attention to his First Officer and shook his head. "Once I'm finished," he said to Possum, "I'll turn her over to you for discipline. For now," he returned his attention to the Lieutenant. "You are a Starfleet Officer and you should know better. That you don't does not speak well of you. That you are unwilling to do the barest minimum required of you as an officer on this ship means that you are not ready to lead a department on this ship. Computer, effective immediately, Lieutenant Lorut Vila's transfer to the position of Chief Science Officer is denied and her access to ship systems is to be adjusted accordingly."

"Recorded. Lieutenant Lorut Vila is no longer an incoming member of the ship's complement," the computer responded in its neutral masculine voice.

"Commander, I trust that I do not need to detail for you the reasons why I am turning her over to you for discipline," Rylan said.

"Oh, I've had enough raktajino today," Knox replied. "I'm awake and alert. I've been here listening to everything. So, yes, I understand why you are turning her over to me for discipline. That is part of my duties as your First Officer" stated Knox.

He looked at Vila. Though Knox could not save her from Rylan's disappointment, he would do what he could to ensure she was not entirely destroyed. "It will be handled," added Knox.

"Good. Now, Lieutenant," Rylan said as he turned back toward her. "I'm deeply disappointed. So here's what I'm going to do. I'm giving you twenty-four hours on board this ship to think about what you want to have happen next and what you're willing to do to make that happen. During that time, you will have no access other than that of any civilian guest. I suggest you use that time to decide how you want to proceed. If I don't see you back here in this office by this time tomorrow, your file will be forwarded to Starfleet for reassignment. And Lieutenant? I want to caution you. Be careful what your next words are."

"Since I arrived literally this morning, I thought I had some more time. I was planning to report in at the end of the day, as I think it's more worthwhile to get ACTUAL work done while I am on the clock, don't you think? Now, if you agree, then I think the best course of action is for me to return tomorrow, perhaps we can-how do you say? Try again. And Captain. I might suggest you read my personnel file-checking in is noted as a thing that I find...quaint, and frankly, a waste of EVERYONE'S time. You know where I am, and so does the Fleet and the Federation. Trust me, if I need to be somewhere, someone somewhere will let me know," she said. She fought an urge to roll her eyes. Humans. They came in, thought they could meddle in the affairs of races that outpaced theirs by millennia's and were superior by sheer..hubris. Pain in the ass. Her ex-husband was the epitome of that mindset-"I know best because I am Human." Sure. Where were these humans when her people were being subjugated?! Where were they when Bajoran children were being slaughtered?

Rylan, who of necessity had a formidable set of personal shields, looked up in surprise at the wave of hostility and disdain rolling toward him. This changed things in his mind. Their patrol route would be taking them into a politically complex, potentially volatile situation and he needed people that he could count on to maintain their composure under those conditions. This individual clearly did not meet those standards. He was more certain of that than ever.

"You arrived yesterday," Rylan said quietly. "It seems you've already made your decision. I am, therefore, denying your transfer to the USS Thunderbird and your status changed to awaiting reassignment. Commander Knox, please assist the Lieutenant with her departure from the ship."

Captain Rylan Gray
Commanding Officer
USS Thunderbird

Lieutenant Commander Harrison Knox
Executive Officer
USS Thunderbird

Chief Petty Officer Gildran Trusk
Captain's Yeoman
USS Thunderbird

Lieutenant Lorut Vila
(Formerly Chief Science Officer)
USS Thunderbird


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