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Don't Mind Me

Posted on Thu Apr 25th, 2024 @ 7:50pm by Lieutenant Commander Harrison Knox
Edited on on Fri Apr 26th, 2024 @ 9:31pm

2,870 words; about a 14 minute read

Mission: Opening Moves
Location: Science Dept. & Lounge
Timeline: MD024 - 1353

Daegan and his personnel had been going deck by deck and space by space checking every arms locker on the ship. They had started at the bottom and had been working their way up verifying and in some cases correct the the information from the yard master had provided.

Entering the Lab area he noted that whoever was at the terminal had ignored his entry so he went about his task opening the emergency weapons locker and comparing the information on his tablet to that in the weapons themselves.

Lorut Vila was in the back lab, getting things set up to how she liked them. She planned on being able to start experiments by the end of the week. The beginning of this week was her meeting the staff, getting them up to speed on how she liked to run things, and setting things up. She was carrying a vial of green liquid, but her face was buried in a PADD. She settled the vial on the table in front of her, then turned around. She let out a scream.

"AUUUGGH!" Once she calmed down after a second, she panted shortly. "Who the hell are you and why are you here? Especially without safety glasses?"

Lieutenant Commander Harrison Knox had followed Daegan Baas and his men, noticing Baas had entered a science lab. The scream caused Knox to rush in only to find Lorut Vila had been started. "This would be Lieutenant Daegan Baas, Chief Tactical Officer and Security Chief. I believe the Lieutenant was just doing routine safety inspections?" Knox said.

He smiled reassuringly. "Thorough," added Knox. "We have an auxiliary weapons locker over there" stated Knox. "In the event the ship is boarded" he elaborated.

At the sound of the scream Daegan had dropped the padd and the weapon he had been checking had activated and readied as he spun dropping to a knee and preparing t deal with whatever threat there may have gotten aboard. Seeing that it had been a false alarm, his reply was cut off by the XO appearance and explanation. "My apologies for startling you Lieutenant. I guess you didn't hear me come in."

Replacing the phaser in the locker he closed the compartment and pick up the padd. "Not a safety inspection. We had discovered several discrepancies in the Yard's inventory data in the main armory, so me and my staff are going deck by deck locker by locker to check every phaser aboard ship."

Vila shook her head and narrowed her eyes. "Very well, but you shouldn't be in here without PPE," she said. "What if I had splashed you with this Ferrous Sulfate?" She asked, holding up the vial. "You could be blinded," she said. "Besides, it's not a good idea to enter a room with a female alone, and especially not a Bajoran," she said. He was damned luckily she hadn't drawn her phaser and given him the Cardassian treatment. She looked to the Commander. "It's Ok. I am fine. Continue on, I am sorry for the interruption." She sighed deeply. That shock would set her back a bit in the trust department.

Daegan nodded respectfully. "Don't worry about me, having lived 4 previous lifetimes you learn how to handle almost anything; even a Bajoran", he added with a warm smile. "But your point is well taken about caution in a lab area. Perhaps an isolation barrier or field to protect against any unforeseen intrusion...or you could always just lock the door."

Knox smiled as he observed the exchange. "I am glad that you are settling in and getting right to work" he said to the science officer. "Apologies for intrusion" he added before refocusing his attention on the man.

"Baas, discrepancies with inventory?" Knox was not fond of hearing that. "Nothing I need to be too concerned about I hope?"

"Nothing major at this point. Thus far, only a miscategorization. Serial numbers on a type 2 marked as type 1. Nothing unaccounted for as yet, but if there is you will be the first to know."

Vila just shrugged. "It's ok," she said. ""A shield is a good idea," she said, stepping into the other lab. "If you need me for anything else, I'll be in here," she said.

Daegan spoke up immediately. "Before you go. I will be scheduling weapons recertifications for the crew, just to make sure everyone is up to date. Also...", he paused slightly, "...if it's not too much to ask I'd like to talk to you about your time in the resistance sometime. Completely up to you though."

Vila's eyebrows flickered upwards. "What do you want to know?" And why?! She wondered. Some people found it fascinating for whatever reason. For her, it had been a means to an end-a way to find some kind of justice in the face of unspeakable horrors.

"I'm interested in tactics, of all kinds." He raised his hand slightly to show he was understanding of any issues she may have, "If it is too difficult for you to talk about I completely understand. Like I said, completely up to you."

Vila nodded. "When you're finished here, I don't mind," she said. She really didn't mind. She kind of like the shock of it, really-a woman like her, a scientist, who had specialized in improvised explosives and had a nearly-perfect kill record.

"Great. We still have decks worth of lockers to check. How about 1800 in the lounge?"

She nodded. "That'll be fine," she said, and turned around to go to back to her microscopes.

Good, that went better than expected thought Knox with a small smile. "I will leave the two of you to resume your activities" stated Knox as he himself prepared to continue on his own.


It had taken them longer than expected to go through all the weapons lockers and to confirm all the phasers aboard the Thunderbird and issued to her crew. Now that it was done he had the findings to report, but that could wait until morning. Making a note to include the XO he nodded as one of the lounge staff brought him his drink. Taking a sip he leaned back to relax as he waited.

The CSO wasn't exactly excited to be meeting the Engineer in the Lounge, but still, she had agreed. She turned up in a pair of jeans and a black sweater. Her brown, wavy hair hung down but you could see the traditional earring in her right ear. Besides that, she hadn't changed much from her work day-she had only changed from her uniform to regular clothes and stepped into black sneakers. She sidled up to the bar. "Springwine, please," she said. She raised a hand towards Daegan. "Hi," she said. Her first instinct was to be a bit icy, but she had been working on her personality issues with a counselor before, so she stopped a moment to collect herself.

Daegan stood and returned her wave, with a gesture he invited her to join him. "Hey there." Her dark sweater set of het lighter skin tone and hair. Thinking to himself, ~She looks cute casual.~

She smiled. "Can I sit here?" She asked, indicating the stool next to him.

He remained standing and pulled a chair out for her allowing her to sit before retaking his seat. "Thanks for again for agreeing to meet. Have you eaten? Can I get you anything?"

She shook her head, but sat. "You don't need to hold my chair," she said. "But thank you. Some dinner would be nice, what's on the special?" She asked. "Otherwise, perhaps just some Larish pie," she said. She ate a lot, usually, but she was still getting comfortable here and her nerves were on high alert. "I have the Springwine, anything you suggest?" She asked. "You are...the Chief Engineer, right?" She asked. She hoped she had heard correctly earlier.

He smiled as the took his seat. "Just being courteous. But to answer your last question, no I'm the Security Chief. My request probably makes a little more sense now doesn't it. As to you your first question, to be honest I don't know what's on special. Or even if there is one. However, you've peaked my curiosity. What is 'Larish pie'?"

"Ah," she said. "I figured Engineering would be looking in walls for things, but that makes sense," she said. "Larish pie is a Bajoran dish. Larishes are animals similar to sheep on Sol," she said. "I guess I am on my own for the menu, then," she said, reaching for a PADD where the replicator "menus" would be. "Looks like simple pasta," she said. "Are there even any other Bajorans on the ship? I need to send a dietary request to the proper people, I suppose," she said.

"While I do like a good pasta dish, I'm not really in the mood tonight, and like I said, ya got me curious. If it's' similar to sheep I'm sure the replicator will have a Shepherd's pie, or maybe a Lamb stew recipe on file. Would either of those work for ya?"

Vila nodded. "Indeed, the Shepherd's pie," she said. "It's very similar," she said. "My ex-husband made that a lot when I wanted Larish pie. It's an ok substitute," she said.

While waiving over a waiter, "Well until we can get Bajoran food programmed into the replicators for you I guess it will have to do." Looking up to the waiter as he arrived. "Two orders of Shepherd's Pie."

"Right away."

Daegan picked up his drink and leaned back. "It shouldn't be too long a wait. Where on Bajor are you from?"

Vila sighed. "I am from near Jalanda City, originally," she said. "Most of it doesn't exist anymore," she said. "It's mostly all...Batal now, one of the Interment cities," she said, making air quotes around the term. "Most of my family has now settled in the Northern Province," she said. "My mom and one of my brothers and his wife," she said, "That is." she said. "My other brother has moved to New Bajor, and my father's family has settled in the Capitol," she said.

He had heard of the destruction of Jalanda and he features sank at hearing she was from the region. Such a waste. The northern parts of Bajor was a wide area with several provinces, but he decided no to push things. He would let her open up in her own time, they had only recently met after all. "Well I hope their move works out for the best. Was Hendrikspool Provence where you fought in the resistance?"

Vila nodded. "Yes," she said. "We were recruited into that cell. We is myself and my middle brother. My oldest brother wouldn't go," she said. "Said our mother needed someone to stay with her. He was probably right," she said. The were interrupted by their food arriving. She smiled. "I take you want to know what I did in the Resistance?" She asked. "We all had different jobs. We did a few days of shadowing the others...the younger ones of us were mostly runners and go-fers, but I had an affinity for building bombs," she said, her face completely poker straight. She STILL enjoyed building-and using-bombs. "I am a chemist," she said, with a shrug.

He had nodded to her initial question as he took a bite. It wasn't unheard of you the young to be utilized for menial tasks like she mentioned. It was fortunate that they hadn't been used for worse. To many times in too many cultures had the young been used for much much worse. "I'm sure that, skill came in handy, both then and now." He had a random thought. "You know...I think many in Starfleet are too dependent on the technology of the times. Would you be willing to teach me and my staff how to adapt, to recognize and use what's at hand?"

Vila considered for a moment. "Yeah, I can do that," she said. "The methods I was taught are kind of...well, the Fleet isn't exactly excited about guerrilla warfare but I can teach you the basics," she said. "My brother did a lot of medic stuff. He was more conscientious than me. I was out for blood, he was out for the good of Bajor," she said. She stopped to sip her drink. "Over time, I understood what he meant. I have a near-perfect kill record, though. All but one Cardassian I targeted died," she said. Poor bastards.

"What Starfleet wants and what needs to be done can sometime be two different things. It's all well and good to hold high ideals but becoming complacent within those ideals is never a good thing." He looked up trying to remember the quote. "How did it go...'Better to be a warrior in a garden than a gardener in a war'. Regardless of what the fleet may want, I think it better to have the skills and not need them. However one thing IS for certain." He waited for a questioning look and when it appeared, "I definitely be keeping myself on your good side."

Vila chuckled. "That's probably a good idea," she said. "What kind of things, specifically?" she asked. "And why me? There's at least a few holograms on the subject," she said. She knew, but wanted to hear it. It was always the same from the humans-a woman "like her" that had a killer instinct and instincts to survive was some kind of prize or something. Ben had been the same.

He smiled at her laughter, even if just a chuckle it was good to see her expressions lightened. He shrugged at her question, as he hadn't considered the specifics yet. "I think I could leave the specifics up to you. As to the 'why me', that's simple. Sure there are programs to teach the facts and techniques, but they are all preprogrammed with [air quotes] approved content. Someone with first hand experience knows the nuances that no program could convey. There is an aspect to direct experience that carries an emphasis that always trumps learning from a program. It's the live interaction that enforces the critical nature of a subject like this. Especially when it come to the hunches, the gut feelings, the...the ability to know when to adapt or how to improvise... No computer program can do that."

She nodded. "I see," she said. "I can do that," she said. "And indeed. It is one thing to watch battles and such on a screen and play-act but it's quite another to be in the action and have to rely on your own senses," she said. "Of course, when you're just trying to stay alive, you do what you have to," she said. She stopped speaking again, and sipped her drink. "But yeah, any time," she said.

"Excellent. We'll get something set up on our training roster." Shifting the subject, "How's your shepherds pie?"

She hadn't really touched it. "Oh," she said. "It's Ok," she said. "It's not at all Larish pie," she said. "But it's ok." She took another small bite. "How about yours?" She asked, trying to make conversation.

He shrugged. "Not even the real thing unfortunately. I'm gonna talk to Ops and see if we can get some newer files. That reminds me, I have some food scans to upload. I got into the habit of taking a scanner with me on leave to scan anything that I really like."

Vila simply nodded. "I have some, as well, from my previous posting," she said. "Mostly Bajoran and Human," she said. "But a few other things. Our ships' chef was Andorian, but he made several other things," she said. Andorian cuisine was...strange to her palate.

He shook his head. "Andorian food and I don't get a all. About the only thing I can do is an occasional ale, but that's it. One of my previous hosts was an aid to the negotiators during the talks leading up to the Treaty of Algeron, absolutely loved Romulan food."

She nodded. "I see," she said. "What is Romulan food like? I admit that's one I haven't tried-never had the opportunity." She said. She was finished trying to pick through the meal, and pushed it aside.

Recalling the memories of his previous host. "I guess a good word to describe it would be powerful. Powerfully seasoned, powerfully bland, powerfully bitter, powerfully tart."

Sh nodded. "Interesting," she said. She wouldn't have pegged that. "I might like it then," she said. "Nothing on Bajor is bland," she said. "Jumja is a bit sweet for my taste, but it's not bland," she said. "Sour I like. I wouldn't have pegged Romulans for that," she said. "Their ale is something else," she said.

He smiled, nodding his head. "That it is."

The pair reminisced for a while longer, mostly idle chit chat, until she finished her drink and rose bid Daegan a fairwell.

Daegan rose as well bidding the Bajoran a good evening. "It's been a pleasure."

Lieutenant Daegan Baas
Chief of Scurity

Lieutenant Lorut Vila

Lieutenant Commander Harrison Knox
First Officer


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