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Trusk Has Arrived

Posted on Mon Apr 15th, 2024 @ 6:45pm by Captain Rylan Gray & Chief Petty Officer Gildran Trusk

1,149 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Opening Moves
Location: Captain's Ready Room | Deck 1 | USS Thunderbird
Timeline: MD022 - 0930

Lieutenant Commander Harrison Knox sipped his raktajino and looked at Rylan. "Next?" Knox echoed what Rylan had said as the Chief Engineer left. Before the First Officer could answer he heard commotion from outside the Ready Room and heavy footfalls of boots.

"I should leave you to get acquainted with Your Yeoman, Sir" Knox added playfully. He stood from his seat and proceeded to the doorway which once it opened a shorter and rounded man with a beard looked up at Knox.

Knox gave a nod. "The Captain will see you," he said gesturing the man in. Before he left Knox had looked at Rylan. "Captain Gray, this is..."

"Chief Petty Officer Gildran Trusk, formerly of The USS Cairo and proud Yeoman" the man said as he approached the Captain's desk and extended a hand over the top. The desk nearly came up to man's sternum. "My belongings are being sent to my quarters. I took the time to consult the ship's computer and locate my living assignment. Nice ship...very quaint."

"Quaint," Rylan repeated as he extended his own hand in return. "Third in her class to launch, fresh off the drawing board. What makes you think she's … quaint … as you put it? And please, have a seat."

The man with evident Tellarite heritage let out a small huff as he sat. "Small and cozy" he elaborated to the Captain. "There's nothing wrong with that," he added and took a look around the room. It was different than his previous postings.

"I understand this ship is contemporary and constructed for more combat" said Trusk. "The Cairo was larger. Twenty nine decks, seven hundred fifty souls aboard. An Excelsior class, dated by the time I came aboard."

"From everything I've learned in the past three weeks, the Thunderbird is a fine ship though admittedly smaller than the Excelsior Class. Fully crewed, we'll have 500 aboard," Rylan said, "though in emergency conditions, we can go as high as 4500 if needed." He paused a moment, marshalling his thoughts with respect to the novel notion of having a yeoman. "Now, about your position. As you saw, there's a desk in the antechamber where you'll be seated. Keep in mind, it's not the only means of access to my Ready Room. There's a corridor that leads to the Conference Room at the rear of the Bridge as well."

Trusk grunted and nodded with affirmation. "There will be no unnecessary access to you or your Ready Room, Captain," stated the man. It was more than a statement. It was a promise. "My previous Captain did not want to hear anyone's... 'bullshit,'" quoted the Tellarite gingerly and looked at his current Commanding Officer. "I understand that there are a lot of files to review and requests that come your way. Between your First Officer and myself, we'll ensure to filter what we can."

Rylan stilled for a split second at Trusk's use of common vulgarity but he let it pass because the larger issue arrested his attention. "As long as I'm not left out of the loop," he said, "I'm agreeable though it may take me some time to get used to the notion of a gatekeeper, as welcome as it will be."

The Tellarite snorted. "Hardly a gatekeeper," he said and shook his head. "Your pips are freshly polished, Captain. I can step aside and let your office be an open door if you'd prefer. The paperwork will pile up, you'll lose sleep. I don't recommend that."

"Fair point," Rylan said. "Welcome aboard, Chief. Let's get to work, shall we?"

"Always preferable," replied the Chief Yeoman. "What is our first order of business Captain? Have all the department heads come aboard? What tasks do you have for me. I'm ready to start as soon as you need me to."

Rylan considered for a moment, mentally ticking off those who reported and those who hadn't. "Haven't seen Science, Flight Ops, or Operations as yet. If you could track those down, see what the status is?"

"Science is aboard according the your First Officer, but has not officially reported to duty" Trusk briefed. "The other two, I will look into. Nevertheless, I will track down your Chief Science Officer for you."

Rylan arched an eyebrow at that but said nothing, preferring to move onto the next subject. "Also, Knox and I are supposed to receive intelligence briefings on the situation with Cardassia and Bajor. If you could check into that?"

Trusk snorted and grunted. "Consider it as good as done," he replied gruffly. "I will see to it that the briefings are delivered to your promptly, Captain." The Tellarite understood how crucial those were and indeed how sensitive that information was.

"Good though I warn you that the clerk that's holding onto them isn't exactly forthcoming," Rylan said with a slight shake of his head. "Claims they just need a bit more work every time we speak. At this rate, we'll be halfway through our first patrol before I receive them." He thought for a moment, running down a mental checklist in his head. "Alright, that's about it. Remind Commander Knox that he's cooking dinner tonight and that should do it."

"I will remind the Commander that he is cooking," said Trusk. The thought of a challenging clerk was exciting to him. "I look forward to contacting this clerk. I will have a lot to say to them. I hope that are prepared for a very exhausting day and evening." If there was one things Tellarites were renowned for, it was their arguing. It was truly a respected form of art.

Having lost his own arguments with the clerk, Rylan had no mercy for the man and found himself smiling at Trusk. "Excellent. Unless you have any questions, you are dismissed. Welcome aboard the Thunderbird."

Trusk gave a nod. "We have used enough of one another's time productively" replied the Chief Yeoman. "I will go see where this science officer is. Do you want me to send her to you or to handle it myself?"

"Find her and send her to me," Hale said, "and have Commander Knox join us. That's enough for now, you're dismissed, Yeoman."

Trusk had stood and made his way to the doorway before stopping. "Chief Yeoman," he said with his tone firm and gruff, not agitated, but very Tellarite. "Or Chief, whichever is more preferable to you, Captain." With that, Trusk exited the man's Ready Room. It was a point of contention for the man. He had made rank to the upper echelons of enlisted personnel, not merely your average Yeoman PO. He had served in Starfleet for years.

Rylan looked at the door for a long moment. Truth was he'd never had a yeoman of any rank before, having always done everything himself. "My apologies, Chief," he murmured to the closed door and then returned to his duties.


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