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A Scientific Meetup

Posted on Fri Jun 7th, 2024 @ 9:34pm by Lieutenant Commander Harrison Knox & Lieutenant Stormy Knight
Edited on on Fri Jun 7th, 2024 @ 9:35pm

1,014 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Opening Moves
Timeline: MD01 - 13:30

After meeting with the captain, Stormy went in search of the first officer. She wanted to dive into the science department and learn everything she could about every lab, but she had to get the obligatory check ins taken care of first.

The computer informed her that the first officer was in the lounge. Well, at least I'm getting to know the ship, she thought as she again stepped on the turbolift and headed down.

In the Thunderbird's lounge, Lieutenant Commander Harrison Knox was sitting on a small sofa with a petite table and another sofa nearby. He was nursing an ice cold peach lemonade as he glanced over some personnel files that had come him way. He was glad that they were able to secure a competent science officer to head the department, and ideally one that was more by the book. It was certainly an interesting experience to have Lieutenant Vila arrive and be dismissed so quickly.

She recognized the man she sought from his profile and walked over to him. "Hi. Sorry to disturb you, but I'm the new chief science officer and wanted to say hello."

"You are not disturbing me at all," replied Knox and he greeted her with a polite tone with that Cajun spice cutting through with his accent. "Stormy Knight, yes. I have read your personnel file."

He wanted to make it less threatening sounding. "Thank you for arriving so quickly. We had a small hiccup with the science department. You were qualified and available."

"No worries about the orders," she said, It was the nature of Starfleet and she liked the name of the ship. "A hiccup?"

Knox nodded and looked at the woman. "Yes, a bad case of the Bajoran hiccups," stated Knox wondering how to approach the matter. On one hand, she did not need to know, but Knox felt the payoff of providing her with the information would be an officer that understood the importance of her position.

"We had a lieutenant come aboard that was in line to hold the Chief Science Officer position. Unfortunately, she had a well-rooted hatred for the Federation and Starfleet. I cannot fathom why she would go through the academy and earn a commission, and serve for over a decade in a uniform she had zero respect for, but she did."

She looked at him for a moment, then shook her head. "No, that doesn't make sense. Why serve an organization you hate? There are thousands of alternatives that would serve Bajor better." Although, if she were honest, that level of hatred did her home world no service and would actually be more of a detriment.

Knox nodded in agreement as he shared the questioning. He shook his head shortly thereafter. "Nothing about her made much sense to me. It was contradiction after contradiction. I am glad that you were available and nearby, Lieutenant. A starship without a science department is not one that I'd want to be on. It's your department that keeps us safe. Us gallivanting the galaxy aimlessly would not be wise."

"Each department is necessary, but I am partial to science." She grinned. "I'm glad I was nearby, too. I'm partial to scientific gallivanting." Then she changed the subject, not wanting it to be all about her. "Where did you work before joining command?"

"With Captain Gray aboard the USS Ark Royal, I was Chief Tactical Officer. He was the First Officer" replied Knox. "I've been in Tactical my whole career, but not as an officer. When I first joined Starfleet it was through enlistment."

Knox thought about his younger years and laughed a little. "I was just a simple boy born and raised on the bayou, and I got myself into a whole bunch of trouble. I thought too much of myself. I was only seventeen when I enlisted. Starfleet taught me discipline and when I started to let it open my mind more, I learned a lot more about myself."

"You've come a long way from that boy from the bayou." She smiled, thinking of her own journey. "I think we all have our own personal growth curve. Mine was university. I loved history, but I didn't really understand how much there was to learn until I went to school--although there are days I'm still just a girl from Montana."

The First Officer smiled. "Then we both are from humble roots in the North American continent, and have come a long way from there to here, traversing the stars, lightyears upon lightyears" stated Knox. "I'm looking forward to meeting more of the crew and learning about their personal journeys."

Stormy nodded. "On a ship this size, it'll be a little easier than a galaxy class." She couldn't help chuckling. "Although there are more people on this ship than in my high school." But she did have more at university, so she wasn't quite the same small-town girl.

"I could not fathom being First Officer of a starship that large. They may as well classify those Galaxy classes as city ships or capital ships. You could start a healthy colony with the amount of crew and passengers they fit" noted Knox. "I'm quite content with smaller starships. Cozy, quiet, and personable."

"The science department on a Galaxy class is impressive, but I don't know if I'd want to be in the command team there." She did like the feel of the Thunderbird and looked forward to getting to know more of the crew.

"Nor am I, Lieutenant. I have some learning to do as it us" Harrison replied. "Nevertheless, I look forward to working with you. If you need anything at all, feel free to reach out."

"I will. Thank you." Even though she'd been excited about serving on an Akira class starship, knowing she could work well with both the captain and first officer was a relief. She gave the commander a nod and headed off to her next check-in.

Lieutenant Commander Harrison Knox
Executive Officer

Lieutenant Stormy Knight
Chief Science Officer


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