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Surf's up (Part 1)

Posted on Fri May 31st, 2024 @ 1:25am by Lieutenant Commander Harrison Knox & Lieutenant Tyler Malbrooke & Lieutenant Daegan Baas & Lieutenant Stormy Knight & Lieutenant Ayren Kelan & Captain Rylan Gray
Edited on on Wed Jun 12th, 2024 @ 3:00am

2,319 words; about a 12 minute read

Mission: The Quasinon Gambit
Location: Bridge / Holodeck 1
Timeline: MD029 - 1900

Daegan had opened his mouth and fallen victim to his own suggestion. As a result the Thunderbirds first departmental sponsored Captain's Mess was his to prepare. He had spent some serious time thinking about what to prepare. But then the thought occurred. This would be the group meal/Captain's mess after the ships departure so they had reason to celebrate, why not a bit of a party as well. During his little jaunt to Earth, before the ship had left Utopia Planitia, Daegan had done a little shopping and had some food stuffs packaged in stasis and transported to his shuttle.

0500 - Holodeck 1

Daegan had had the stasis cubes with his supplies transferred to the holodeck, which he had reserved for the entire day for his surprise under the guise of 'departmental training'. Activating the program he began to set everything up for the longest part of the foods preparation. Once things had started cooking he secured the holodeck and returned to his quarters to get ready for his shift.

1400 - Bridge

Throughout the day he had monitored things from his console having configured his display to include a periodic update of the main courses status. And with everything he had to prepare he needed to excuse himself and get thing set up. "Captain with your permission I need to get started preparing everything for tonight's Captain's Mess."

"Permission granted," Rylan said. And although his expression appeared serious, there was a deceptive twinkle in the depths of his eyes. "We'll be some time yet getting to our patrol route."

Securing his station until his relief arrived, he replied. "Thank you Captain. Once everything is ready I will let everyone know." Without any thing further he moved to the nearest lift.

Knox was a bit nervous about the festivities. He enjoyed being around people and parties were not an unknown scene for him; however, this would be his first in the capacity of First Officer. "How did you do this aboard the Ark Royal?" he asked Rylan Gray, his friend and someone that had been in his boots not that long ago. "I feel like I'm supposed to be some poster model for the Thunderbird and its crew. You are going to be there, and I have to be there."

"Make an appearance mostly. The idea is to chat a bit, eat a bit, and then duck out so that everyone can enjoy themselves," Rylan said. "I was never there by the end of the event. Just stayed long enough to be sure that everyone was having a good time."

1430 - Holodeck 1

After changing and getting back to the holodeck he got straight to work preparing the other entrees, side dishes and desserts. Everything was authentic, even the drinks. Sampling a a piece of fruit or here and there as he chopped, skewered, and mixed served to put something on his stomach since he hadn't had lunch.

He had actually finished ahead of schedule, which was a pleasant surprise. Stepping back he surveyed the set up...everything was ready. "Computer, add characters."

Ayren was on her way to her office when she passed the holodeck. She stopped in her tracks and do something she usually would never do. What she sensed was just to intriguing to let go. She pressed the chime

The chime was not something he had expected and he turned from his final preparations. "Arch." Stepping over he hailed whoever was on the other side of the door. "Can I help you?"

"What are you cooking up in here?" Ayren asked as she tried to see past him.

"Ahhh spoilers. Shooo."

"Oooooh, sounds serious if you shoo me away," Ayren said in mock earnestness. "You know you can't really hide it from me, I am half Betazoid..." Ayren chuckled. "But I will keep that illusion for you," as she made an exaggerated zip sign over her lips.

"I haven't forgotten, just like your father...always peeking. Now get, you'll just have to wait like everyone else."

Ayren laughed as she walked back to her office. "Interesting..." she thought, as she looked back over her shoulder towards the holodeck door.

1900 - Holodeck

The character immediately set to work raising the main entree and he summoned the ships senior staff. "Senior officers report to holodeck 1 for this evenings Captain's Mess". Closing the comms he looked to his holographic 'staff', "Ok everyone. I'm gonna go wait for everyone and then I will bring them all in."

"We gotcha boss."

Daegan gave everyone a thumbs up. Moving out to the corridor, dressed in shorts, flip flops, and Hawaiian shirt, and a lei, he waited for everyone to arrive.

[Outside the Holodeck]

Stormy had never been invited to a captain's mess before and was both curious and excited at the opportunity to meet other crew members in what she hoped was a more relaxed setting. Since they were off-duty, she chose to wear a pair of worn jeans and a bright blue blouse with white flowers on it. Her hair, as usual, was left loose.

As she approached the holodeck, she noticed the man standing outside the door and smiled at his choice of dress. "Hello," she said when she approached him.

"Evening..." He hadn't met the woman before and recalled her personnel file, "...Lieutenant Knight. Here for the Captain's mess?"

"I am, and please call me Stormy."

"Nice to meet you finely. I hope you are ready for a festive evening."

"I am. This sounds like fun," the science officer replied.

Ayren was looking forward to the mess and as usual couldn't quite decide to wear. But after a few tries and discarded dresses on the bed, she settled on a bright green sun dress wedged slip-ons, her long hair left loose, but for a clip at the back to keep the top layers in check. "So what are you hiding there Lieutenant?" Ayren asked but she could already smell food.

He wagged his finger at her. "You already tried to peek once'll get yours soon enough."

Ayren pulled a face of mock disappointment. "So mysterious, must be a big surprise"," she said to Stormy. "I am Ayren, ships counselor," she introduced herself.

"Hi! I'm Stormy Knight, Chief Science Officer. Nice to meet you."

"Nice to meet you too. I think we are going to have a lot of fun tonight," Ayren said with a little wink.

Stormy grinned. "Looks like it."

Rylan, still in his duty uniform, made his way to the holodeck and while it was often said, in innumerable lectures given to command staff, that one must maintain a distance and that the crew didn't start having fun until after the Captain and First Officer left, he was looking forward to dinner. He enjoyed cooking and enjoyed culinary experiences. Probably a good thing given the alien interpretations of fine dining he'd been exposed to as First Officer on his previous posting. He smiled delightedly at Daegan's choice of attire and nodded politely when Daegan caught his eye over the head of his Chief Science Officer.

Daegan nodded top the Captain, "Even Sir." He had notice his look at his clothing and glanced down at his own outfit. "I know it's not standard fair, or location, for the Captain's Mess but there is a method behind the madness."

Rylan nodded and took a position off to one side, waiting for the festivities to begin.

Sarah arrived wearing a pair of dark jeans and a black blouse, her hair pulled up into block braids along the right of her skull and then meeting the rest of her hair in a ponytail with a tight hold that falls into luscious waves.

Once everyone had arrived he clapped and rubbed his hands together. "Welcome everyone. For those of you that I have not officially met yet I am Daegan Baas, Chief of Security. While dinning with the Captain and XO after reporting aboard I made the suggestion of a rotating Mess where the the various department heads would have the responsibility of hosting. Being MY suggestion and since I was the first to report I fell victim to my own big mouth."

Sarah chuckled and looked to Daegan. “You seem to have a habit of falling victim to yourself, Daegan.”

He shrugged with a grin and wink as he leaned over whispering, "But at least I'm consistent."

Continuing, Daegan continued, "Normally a Captain's Mess is a more....official affair...but we are commemorating several firsts. Our first Mess as a crew, the first voyage of our ship, our Captain's first command, for some of us the first time we have been the heads of a department, not to forget we are going to and area with the first stable worm hole ever, and going help those tasting freedom for many of them for the first time. With all these firsts I thought a celebration was in yes I went a little overboard. Okay a lot overboard, but don't worry about that, just have fun."

"That said," Daegan backed up triggering the doors and the music began, "ALOHA!!

To the right was the a beach with the surf rolling in and out. The sky was red as the sun approached the horizon. As the traditional Luau music played two characters approached to place leis on everyone. "Before we begin tonight's festivities," waving to the left of the pavilion, "if you'd like change into beach attire, there are changing areas available."

"Now you're talking," Ayren said smiling brightly as she walked passed Daegan. She slipped into a cubicle and chose a bright orange crossover one-piece with a sarong printed with big flowers which she tied around her waist. She left her shoes in the cubicle and walked back bare feet.

Rylan found an unoccupied changing area and sorted through the dress options and while it wasn't exactly circumspect, it did fit the theme. He chose a black Hawaiian shirt decorated with star orchids and a pair of off-white knee-length shorts and a pair of 'slippahs' that went by the name Locals. Being naturally tanned and shaggy dark hair, he hoped he wouldn't look too out of place. He hung up his uniform and headed out to join the party.

Stormy loved the setting and quickly found another cubicle and changed into a one-piece halter-top swimsuit in blue with yellow flowers and a red Hawaiian shirt with white flowers to wear over the top. She slipped on a pair of beach sandals and headed out to see what was for dinner.

Sarah stepped into a cubicle herself with a smile, scrolling through the selection and emerging a few minutes later in a knee length green and red grass skirt, red, black and gold braided band around her waist, ankle and wrists. Her top was a bandeau in scarlet and gold with small black leaf print woven through it.

Daegan was waiting patiently for those deciding to change to do so. Once everyone was back he smiled at the glance at the torches, table and the spread next to the stage. "As you can see there is lots of food. For those of you unfamiliar with a luau allow me to walk you through everything. The main course is a Kalua Pig, slow roasted pork in an underground oven called an imu. Next we have Lau Lau - w/ Mahi-mahi; this is a traditional Hawaiian dish involving meat, in this case fish wrapped in ti and Kalo leaves, Huli Huli Chicken which is barbecued, teriyaki marinated, chicken. The marinade consists of soy sauce, brown sugar, ketchup, sherry, ginger, sesame oil, Worcestershire sauce, garlic, and Sriracha. Now as a little twist there are also a assortment of beef, chicken, or shrimp kabobs that can be prepared to choice on the grill pots on the table we are all sitting and can be season with a marinade of your choice.

"For side dishes we have Molokai sweet potatoes, roasted sweet potatoes that have a unique purple coloring, steamed rice, Hawaiian sweet rolls, pineapple salsa, and it wouldn't be a luau without Poi.

"For those wanting cold or dishes on the lighter side, I set up a small Poke' bar with various ingredients & raw tuna, as well as Lomi Lomi Salmon a cold, filleted salted salmon chopped up with chopped onion, scallions, and tomatoes.

To sweeten things up there is an assortment of fruits. We have Pineapple, Apple bananas, Lychee, Mango, Coconut, Papaya, and Guava. There are also uncut pineapple that can be cut for you and you can enjoy fresh coconut can also take it over to the bar and have a cocktail made of it.

"To wrap it all up there are a few deserts to pick from. Kulolo, a traditional dessert consisting of coconut milk, sugar, and pounded Kalo root, wrapped in ti leaves and cooked in the imu. Guri Guri, a fabulous ice cream hybrid made with strawberry syrup, condensed milk, and cream. Passion Fruit Ice Cream and Coconut Macadamia Nut Bars.

"To wash it all down, you can get any tropical cocktail you want. I highly recommend either the rum punch, the mai tai, the frozen pineapple-mango lemonade, or the lava flow.

"Just so you know, the only thing replicated is the Kalo leaves, the ice cream, the poi, and the cocktails. So yes, I'm done talking. Everyone dig in and once everyone is seated the show will being."

Continued in Part 2

Captain Rylan Gray
Commanding Officer
USS Thunderbird


Lieutenant Commander Harrison Knox
Executive Officer
USS Thunderbird


Lieutenant Daegan Baas
Chief Tactical Officer
USS Thunderbird


Lieutenant Tyler Malbrooke
Chief Operations Officer
USS Thunderbird


Lieutenant Stormy Knight
Chief Science Officer
USS Thunderbird


Lieutenant Ayren Kelan
USS Thunderbird


Lieutenant Sarah Graesyn
Chief Engineer
USS Thunderbird


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