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One last HooRah - Part 1

Posted on Sat Apr 27th, 2024 @ 5:05pm by Petty Officer 1st Class Jaclyn Masterson [Baas]
Edited on on Sun Apr 28th, 2024 @ 1:57am

1,312 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: Opening Moves
Location: San Francisco
Timeline: MD0022 - 1630

With his check in done, Utopia Planitia still officially in charge of the Thunderbird, and his staff briefing wasn't until tomorrow afternoon, after the last of his staff arrived. So with all that; once he was off duty we took a shuttle back to Earth for one least evening of real air, real, and real fun.

Docking at the orbiting space dock Daegan beamed down to San Francisco's Bay Bridge area. After getting lodging for the night, he sent a signal to a man who had sat on the opposite side of the many a negotiation table to his previous host and when to reply. His message sent he set out to kill some time and have a little fun while he could. Daegon enjoyed a fabulous steak and fresh sushi on the waterfront before he headed south to the marina near Oracle Park. As luck would have it there was a series of parrises squares match starting at the stadium there and he was just in time.

While enjoying the heated match he had struck up a conversation with and attractive redhead there with a group of her friends. The group pulled him into their debate on the various teams and players, who was best, how they compared with the greats of the past. As things were wrapping up there was talk of what they were going to do but as Daegon wasn't a part of their original plans he said his goodbyes, not wanting to assume he was still in their plans. "Well thanks, Jackie. It was really nice meeting you and your friends."

Jackie studied the Trill for a few moments. ~ What the heck~, she thought. She had to report for duty the next day and tonight us the last night out for a while. "Why don't you join us? We are going to a club near by", she said flashing him a wide smile, hooking her arm through his so, he didn't have much of a choice.

"A little bold even for you," Alice, her friend whispered as she walked passed Jackie. "But I get it, he is a looker…"

Jackie glanced in Daegan's direction, not sure if he heard what Alice whispered. That would be a rather embarrassing, but she kept her arm right where it was.

Smiling, he cocked his head to the side slightly as he bowed it, placing his hand on her as she locked it against her. "I would be honored.”

[Folsum Night Club]

Even though it was still relatively early for a night club they managed to get a few tables pushed together and the drinks began to flow. As the even progressed and the laughter continued Daegan had kept close to Jackie. The music pumping and feeling that it wasn't out of place he but a hand on her back, as he tipped his head towards the dance floor. Even close he had to raise his voice. "Wanna?"

Jackie grinned looking into the very handsome face. "I thought you will never ask..." she replied. They weaved into the center of the floor to get lost in the music and the mood of the evening.

They spent what seemed like an eternity out on the dance floor. At first the simply faced each other as they moved with the music but as the night went on, they drew closer and closer. With her only a few centimeters shorter than he, their bodies melded together perfectly.

Jackie had not been feeling this strong chemistry to anyone for a long time and reveled in the attraction she felt to him. She made very sure that she sent a clear message that she was available for more than just dancing.

Having lifted her as they had danced he held he against him as they spun and he slowly began lowering her as she slid against his body.

As her body moved down against him, she held his eyes with her arms around his neck, allowing her body to mold against his. "Get a room!" Alice said above the noise as she moved past them dancing.

"The night is still young," Jackie said back without looking away from the eyes that held hers captive. Whether he heard that or not didn't matter to her, a room they would need, sooner or later. "So Sailor, she said trailing her fingers down the spots on the side of his face, "I figure you are a joined Trill," she asked.

Smiling as they swayed together. "And how did you figure that?"

"Joined Trills have different eyes, more mature, not seeking, but settled," Jackie explained softly. "Also more experienced.." she added with a clear double meaning. "So who am I dancing with, the Trill, the Symbiont, or both?"

He had cocked his brow a bit. "When joined, their is a blending not only memories but personality too. It would really freak people out if one personality was dominant or you could switch from one to the other." Slipping his hands lower, passed the small of her back, pulling her in tighter, not that they could get any closer. "So to answer your got the full package. Five lifetimes worth of...experience."

"I am looking forward to experiencing that 'experience'," Jackie said as she allowed herself to be molded into his body. "I want a little taste first.." she said as she slipped her hand behind his neck and pulled him gently into a kiss.

"As I said... get a room!" Alice said as she passed the couple on the dance floor.

His arm coiled around her one hand moving up her frame to the back of her head. He lifted her off the floor with ease as their kiss deepened passionately. Spinning them with the music.

The club, the people, the music, all became just background on the fringes of her consciousness as Jackie gave herself fully to the kiss, her one leg circling his. She wanted him and she wanted him now.

[2 AM]

After shutting down the club they had gotten a cab to his hotel and even before the lift doors closed, they were in each other’s arms. With one arm around her waist and his other hand entwined in her hair above the nape of her neck. Pressing her against the wall of the lift his lips moved across her cheek to her neck.

Her arms were around him and her leg hooked around his as she arched her neck back. Her one hand found his hair and she guided his head so his lips could find hers. Hungrily they kissed, neither thinking that the lift would stop at some point.

The lift stopped and he looked see it was his floor. Pushing off the lifts wall he looked to the people standing their waiting. "Sorry...this lift is full." Pushing the door closure he pressed his lips to hers again.

The interruption just added fuel to the flame between them. Jackie leaned back and stopped the lift which halted between floors. In the back of her mind she hoped that they were high enough so that no one could see what was going on through glass side of the lift. "Is that the only thing that is full?" she asked breathlessly as her hand moved to his groin to loosen his pants.

Eventually finding their way to his room their lips still locked as each kicked their shoes off and removed various pieces of clothing. With a deft pinch her bra was undone, after all he had been a woman before. He slowly slipped the straps from her shoulders.

In no time they were in the bedroom on the bed to engage in what they had been wanting to do from the moment they laid eyes on each other.


Lieutenant Daegan Baas
Chief of Security
USS Thunderbird

and ... "Jackie"


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