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Sun Apr 28th, 2024 @ 9:54pm

Lieutenant JG Sloane O'Rourke

Name Sloane O'Rourke

Position Head Nurse

Rank Lieutenant JG

Character Information

Gender Female
Species Human
Age 28

Physical Appearance

Height 5'1"
Weight 110 lbs.
Hair Color Strawberry Blonde
Eye Color Blue
Physical Description Straight, strawberry-blonde hair falls to below mid-back; she wears it in a variety of styles depending upon how much time she has and how much she wants to impress. She owns a few dresses but they wouldn't be her first choice -- after all, can't run in them, can't shoot hoops in them, and well, she's never been one for ostentatious anything.


Spouse None
Children None
Father Liam
Mother Saoirse
Brother(s) Declan, Finn, Sean, Patrick, and Brian
Sister(s) None
Other Family Many

Personality & Traits

Personality Overview Having grown up in South Boston, youngest of six, with five older brothers, she's used to standing her ground. Tons of practical jokes have made her all but immune to fear, not at all squeamish, and devious in her means of retaliation. She's a team player, assertive on the job, a bit of an adrenaline junkie with a strong adventurous streak.
Strengths & Weaknesses Strengths
+ Has a knack of knowing what people need before they need it (like if you ask for salt, she'll already be holding the salt shaker out to you)
+ Empathic/Caring/Loyal
+ Believes in keeping her word

- Has a bit of a temper (usually works it off on a punching bag)
- Stubborn.
Hobbies & Interests - Loves to be active - running, basketball, field hockey, swimming
- Lifelong learner - picks up small, seemingly irrelevant skills
- Likes adventures especially when it involves a bit of danger

Medical History

Personal History 2341: Born in South Boston, Earth

A maiden aunt, a couple of generations back, made it her mission to figure out the family geneology and claims the O'Rourkes are tied to one Tiernan O'Rourke, King of Breifne, or Tignearnan Ua Ruairc. Course that was a long way back and no one in the family had the heart to tell her that they didn't believe her story. For Sloane, who was all of 5'1" tall and cursed with five older brothers (unless her mother was listening and then it was 'blessed' of course), it was the least of her worries. If it wasn't practical jokes, it was their unfortunate tendency to drive off anyone who was even remotely interested in her.

And that wasn't on. No Sir.

Clever and devious, she learned to give as good as she got and they learned that messing with Sloane was a big mistake. Huge. By the time she was eighteen, she'd earned her place in the family hierarchy. And while her brothers respected her, they still interrogated anyone who even came close to liking her. And since they'd all found their way into Starfleet, in one form or another, she became a master at subterfuge and half-answers, at least as far as they were concerned.
Service Record 2359: Entered Starfleet Academy, Nursing Major/EMT Minor
2363: Graduated Starfleet Academy, Assigned USS Phoenix

Yes, she was on board when all that happened and no, she doesn't want to talk about it. Suffice it say, they found her in the brig because some things were just not on. Period. Her record was wiped clean and she returned to Starfleet Academy for additional training before reassignment.

2369: Assigned USS Thunderbird as Head Nurse