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Thu Aug 15th, 2024 @ 5:08pm

Lieutenant Cayde Sechs

Name Cayde Sechs

Position Foreign Area Officer

Rank Lieutenant

Character Information

Gender Male
Species El-Aurian
Age 232

Physical Appearance

Height 5'10"
Weight 155 lbs.
Hair Color Black
Eye Color Dark Brown/Nearly Black
Physical Description Lean and naturally tan, Cayde tends toward the understated. He is reserved in both mannerisms and dress, preferring to blend in rather than stand out.


Personality & Traits

Personality Overview Cayde is something of a paradox. On the one hand, he is a secret keeper. He listens well, learns a great deal, but it can be hard to pry the information out of him. At the same time, he's a natural storyteller with a million tales, often with an embedded message. He is independent, strong-willed and highly resourceful with a focused tenacity when it comes to figuring something out or tracking someone down. Retreat and regroup are possible; quitting isn't and as an El Aurian, he's willing to put in whatever time it takes to succeed. He has a good sense of humor coupled with a vast curiosity about many things. He is comfortable wherever he is, mansion or meanest hovel. He gets along with most people but can be very direct when he feels it necessary.
Ambitions * To never be bored
* To visit every world with intelligent life and learn about them
* To find a place he could consider home
Strengths & Weaknesses Strengths:
> Eidetic Memory
> Specialist in Borg, Klingon, Cardassian and by extension, Bajoran culture, politics, etc.
> Highly skilled analyst, good at putting the pieces together, figuring out the pattern
> Skilled Linguist including but not limited to Cardassian and Bajoran languages/dialects

> Plays things 'close to the vest'. Tendency toward the cryptic in conversations.
> Driven. Can get wrapped up in the work to the point where he doesn't sleep/eat regular meals.
> Fears being too late. Getting it wrong. Not being there when needed.
Hobbies & Interests > Chess
> Reading - always non-fiction
> Meditation
> Mixed Martial Artist
> Sleight of Hand

Medical History

Personal History Cayde was born in 2137. After the invention of transparent aluminium and before Earth began its period of deep space exploration.He was born 128 years before the El Aurian home world fell to the Borg and he remembers home in the way that only an eidetic mind can. He can, literally, close his eyes and return to the home he grew up in, the places he played as a boy, the schools he attended. All of it.

He comes from a people who delighted in travel and by the age of one hundred, highly educated in archeology, he followed the path of his restless feet and left his home world. At the time, he was interested in dead worlds and after a period of research and study, he had found a world where he settled in for a long study. Living out of his ship, he spent the next twenty-eight years learning about a prolonged civil war that left them vulnerable to attack from another world. It had taken time to dig into the ruins, figure out the language, understand enough of their culture to figure out where to look for the most sensitive information. He sent frequent reports home, talked to his family over the communications gear in his ship, and always intended to get home for the next celebration. He just needed a little bit more time.

And then, suddenly, there was no more time. The El Aurian home world had fallen to the Borg. In the weeks that followed, once the crushing grief had let up enough for him to think again, Cayde came to some decisions. His passion for dead worlds was gone now that his own was among them. Years of aimless wandering, moving from small settlement to small settlement, listening to their stories, sharing their lives for a time, brought him to a new purpose -- the study of what he called predator species. Borg. Klingon. Cardassian.

What he intended to do with the information, he couldn't have said. For the moment, learning about them was enough. Ultimately, his wanderings brought him to Earth where he returned to school and began to make preparations. He earned back to back PhDs in psychology and sociology. Jobs were offered and declined. Instead, he set himself up as a trader of goods and his colleagues shook their heads and thought 'what a waste'. He reinvented himself, the first of many alter egos he would use in his studies, and began to travel to more dangerous places. Cayde Jeden, Cayde Dva, etc. When he found something missing within himself, he took the time to learn and master those skills.

When you work alone, survival requires a different set of skills than does the lecture hall and the classroom. Time wasn't his enemy. He listened. He learned. Made friends. Stopped for a time. He wanted to understand what would bring one species to the point where they were willing to destroy another. Why his world had to fall.

He learned many things. It was the occupation of Bajor that changed the direction his life was taking. Their world didn't fall exactly but to be oppressed for fifty years by a predator species that saw little value in anything that wasn't Cardassian, that came close. He admired their determination, their fighting spirit, and helped the resistance when he could, even if it was just bringing in necessary goods. And for awhile that was enough until it wasn't.

He returned to Earth in 2349 as Cayde Sechs and joined Starfleet Academy. Placement suggested science but when Intelligence reached out, his answer was an immediate yes. After graduation, with Intelligence knowing his history, he worked as an analyst and as a field agent, alternating positions, until finally, receiving the assignment of Foreign Area Officer for the USS Thunderbird.
Service Record 2349 - 2353: Starfleet Academy, Intelligence Major
2353 - 2360: Intelligence Division, Field Agent
2360 - 2367: Intelligence Division, Analyst
2367 - 2369: Starfleet Academy, Additional Courses
2369 - Now: USS Thunderbird, Foreign Area Officer