Lieutenant JG Jinani Sharma

Name Jinani Sharma MD

Position Medical Officer

Rank Lieutenant JG

Character Information

Gender Female
Species Human
Age 29

Physical Appearance

Height 5'4"
Hair Color Dark Brown
Eye Color Dark Brown
Physical Description A small petite woman of only a hair or two over five feet in height, Doctor Sharma is not the least bit intimidating until you get to know her and see her in action. She is quick and nimble, has steady and skillful surgical hands, a steely eyed gaze with ironclad concentration. Her eyes are a dark abyss, and her dark brunette hair is long but often neatly tucked away in a bun or pulled back. From time to time, especially if she’s not on duty, she’ll permit herself to wear her hair down to her shoulders. She wears jewelry whether or not she’s off duty or on duty, though this is usually small earrings and a nazar worn around her neck.

Though she greets everyone with a smile, it is clear that there is a lot more going on in her mind that simple pleasantries. She’s analyzing and assessing. This is potentially a brief flicker of incite that the good doctor is not all that she appears to be. Her mixed heritage have given her more than dark hair, dark eyes, and an olive skin tone. Her ancestors on her maternal side were often noted as ‘gifted,’ something Jinani does not openly discuss with others.


Personality & Traits

Personality Overview Doctor Jinani Sharma is quick-witted individual, clever in various situations, and some would say even whimsical. She keeps herself professional without being too serious, allowing herself to have a bit of fun along the way, but never at the expense of patients. Her years of experience and adaptable nature have made her an asset not only in Sickbay, but on the bridge as well, advising starship captains in great times of need. Her thinking is not always conventional or by the book lets allows her to see past rules and regulations from time to time, and sometimes offer an alternative outlook on a situation or scenario.

A straight shooter, Doctor Sharma can come down a bit forcefully on those who do not listen to her. Mistakes made in Sickbay especially are ones that she seeks to immediate fix, and if one of her staff messes up, she will ensure they do not make the same mistake twice. She’s as much of a teacher and guide as she is a medical practitioner. Working alongside a medical staff especially those still in their residency or internships bring her great joy as she loves to see the satisfaction on their face when they learn something.

Sharma is a balanced and versatile person, presenting herself as a physician and philosopher. She is a bit of a control freak which is evident in the ‘tight ship’ she runs from Sickbay. Her reports are always thorough and submitted well before the placed deadlines. She has an extensively intimate knowledge of Klingon culture having been engaged to one for several years before their glorious death in battle. Doctor Sharma, however, was never taken in by the Klingon house though her surgical skills are rivaled by those of her precision of Klingon bladed weaponry.
Strengths & Weaknesses Strengths:
● Curiosity – The Doctor loves an intriguing mystery, an enthralling puzzle, or good old-fashioned conundrum. Her fascination with problem-solving can become an obsession if she is not mindful enough. Her pursuit for answers will often take her into unfamiliar modes of thinking, new areas of personal exploration, and depths that she has yet to previous touch. Good thing for her, she is adventurous and flexible, never afraid of taking risks if it the risks are primarily on herself.

● Enthusiastic – When something captures her attention or inspires her, Doctor Sharma is eager to share her enthusiasm with someone else, anyone else whether they want to hear about it or not. She is often as excited about her own thoughts and discoveries as she is of those made by others.

● Vibrant & Festive – Though Doctor Sharma loves deep intellectual conversation, she also enjoys light-hearted ones as well. She herself can be a spontaneous individual. She knows how to do her job and do it well enough that she can balance work and play. You do not want to be a ‘dull boy’ around her as she will drag you off into some sort of activity for fun and socialization.

● Restlessness – Though she may seem to be at peace with herself, Doctor Sharma rarely gets a good night’s rest because her mind does not shut off. She is constantly thinking about a lot of things: haunted by her past, her present, and even her future at times. She wrestles with mistakes made and worries about what’s to come.

● Unfocused and disorganized – Jinani is not the cookie-cutter Chief Medical Officer that most people expect her to be. Her workspace often looks more like a warzone than an office in a starship’s Sickbay. Her mind is constantly going but hopping from place to place rather than sticking to one task at a time. She loves projects and working with others. So, she will constantly be collaborating and forming strong inter-departmental relations.

● Volatile – Behind her serene beauty and good bedside manner is the heart of a warrior. It is no surprise that she was engaged to a Klingon once you experience her wrath. Doctor Sharma can be as peaceful as a valley of flowers on a midsummer’s day, but as merciless as an erupting volcano if something ignites her fiery passion.

Medical History