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Wed Jul 3rd, 2024 @ 9:10am

Ensign Robyn Loxley

Name Robyn Marian Loxley

Position Science Officer

Rank Ensign

Character Information

Gender Female
Species Human
Age 26
Sexual Orientation Heterosexual

Physical Appearance

Height 5' 3"
Weight 105
Hair Color Brown
Eye Color Green
Physical Description Robyn is on the slim side. She likes to wear coveralls while working as she spends a lot of time digging in the dirt and climbing trees.

When she has her hair pulled up under a hat and is wearing her coveralls, she can be mistaken for a boy, which annoys her to no end.


Father Robin Loxley
Mother Marion Flynn
Brother(s) John

Personality & Traits

Personality Overview Robyn is cheerful. She often sings to herself while she works in the arboretum.

She doesn't mind talking to people, but she isalso comfortable with her own company.
Ambitions To one day be responsible for a large garden where she can showcase the various species of flora in the galaxy.
Strengths & Weaknesses Strengths:
Intelligent, curious, cheerful, friendly.

Likes to spend hours working by herself. Is overly fond of chocolate chip cookies and ice cream.
Hobbies & Interests Folk tales: especially various tales of Robin Hood.
Trees. She loves growing trees and climbing in them.
Robyn loves music adn theatre. She often sings while she works and enjoys recreating her favorite novels on the holodeck.

Medical History

Past Injuries Scratches and bruises caused by gardening or plant injuries.
She broke her foot once dropping out of a tree.
Other than that, nothing unusual.
Known Allergies None
Preexisting Medical Conditions None

Personal History Robyn was born on a small colony on the planet Endor. The planet ismostly forest with a number of largelakes dotting the planet.

Robyn and her brother, John, spent long hours outdoors playing. Robyn became an expert tree climber. She could climb a tree faster than anyone else on her planet. She began to study trees, how they grew, what the various types were, and what type of conditions they needed to grow.

When she wasn't outdoors, Robyn was on the computer, learning bout other plants and trees. Learning alone wasn't enough. She wanted to travel and see the various worlds and their flora herself.

When a Starship stopped at her planet, she took the Starfleet entrance exam -- and passed. The ship, the USS Calypso, took her to Earth and dropped her off in San Francisco where she spent a month touring the planet before entering the Academy.

On her tour she visited and fell in love with Sherwood Forest and the legend of Robin Hood. Since then she has collected a dozen different variations of the legend and every vid she can get her hands on.

While in the Academy she focused on flora. Hydroponics, gardens, vegetation for colony ships. But her love has always been trees.

She continues to study, taking any opportunity she can find to experiment with hybrids and to make plants better able to survive in space.

Standard, Endorian, Vulcan, Bajoran.
Service Record Graduated Starfleet Academy in science with a specialty in botany and horticulture.
Served as botanist on the USS Republic.
Served as botanist in charge of the arboretum on the USS Shiloh.
Serves as botanist over the arboretum and the USS Thunderbird.