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Thu Aug 15th, 2024 @ 5:08pm

Ensign Iren Th'ashianet

Name Iren Th'ashianet

Position Engineering Officer

Second Position Structural/Environmental Specialist

Rank Ensign

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Aenar
Age 27
Sexual Orientation Straight

Physical Appearance

Height 6' 0"
Weight 180 lbs
Hair Color White
Eye Color Milky-Blue
Physical Description With high, chiseled cheekbones that formed an almost almond-shaped face that narrowed as it fell gracefully to a just rounded chin. His lips were thin and often pulled into a tight line across his face, particularly when he was deep in thought or focused. Antennae of a pure snow white rose from his forehead and waved subtly and constantly while eyes of a milky blue sat in slightly recessed sockets, giving Iren a slightly gaunt appearance. Emotions of much more substance than the average humanoid altered his typically stern face as though cracks and lines forming in a stone wall.


Personality & Traits

Personality Overview Iren very frequently was pensive more than any other trait though he dedicates a handful of hours each day to pursue things that he considers hobbies and that aid him to develop as a person. He is a very dedicated worker and will go to great lengths to ensure he has fulfilled the needs of his duties before much else; occasionally to the detriment of his normally alotted time. He struggles with interpersonal matters at times due to the awkwardness of coming up as a societal outsider, however he rarely lets that prevent him from making an effort.
Ambitions * Contribute to the ship in any way within his powers.
* Prove himself to be an asset and of worth.
* Improve his ability to relate to and interact with his peers.
* Achieve a greater rank within Starfleet.
Strengths & Weaknesses Weaknesses:
- Hard on self
- Sometimes too sensitive about criticism
- Blind (relies on telepathy and 'sonar' from Antennae to 'see')
- Semi-Reclusive

- Quick on his feet
- Knows toolkits by touch memory
- Good dexterity
- Military Engineering family background
Hobbies & Interests - Tinkering (likes to disassemble and reassemble machines to figure out what makes them tick)
- Modelcrafting
- Kal-toh
- Parisi Four-Square
- Fencing

Medical History

Known Allergies - Tree Nuts - terakine and bicaridine - dermaline - digoxin - alkysine
Preexisting Medical Conditions Natural-Born Blindness

Personal History Born to a small family of engineers on Andoria Iren has been exposed to the workings on starships and most Federation technologies since a very young age. During his youth he had at first despised the fact that his parents were often across different parts of Andorian space working aboard some starship or at some far-flung outpost though as he grew older he began to realize the importance of their work and took a personal interest in following in their footsteps. At ten years of age his parents procured an old, single-person shuttlecraft that had been retired and mothballed and told him that if he could get it working again it could become his.

It took him until his seventeenth birthday to work out how to fix it and manage to get it airborne again and he used the project as an introductory of his skills when he applied to Starfleet Academy. His first application was rejected on the basis of his natural-born blindness however a kind Starship Captain had been present looking for new prospects for their crew and had offered to aid him in filing an appeal and getting a competency exam added to the normal application qualification schedule, an exam on which he excelled, surprising the examiners and he was offered admittance; an achievement which he prized greatly. He took to his studies with an extreme amount of dedication and vigor and he graduated from Starfleet Engineering Academy with high, but not perfect marks; coming in at the top fifteen percentage of his class which enabled him to have a good pick of assignments.

He chose to stay onboard at San Francisco division of Starfleet Engineering, working in its headquarters so that he could familiarize himself with Starship Design and the intricasies of Standard Starfleet procedures and design schema. After a couple of years on earth he received a commendation for outstanding achievement in the area of Starship Mechanics and chose a new assignment aboard Earth Spacedock working with the Engineers that built new starships and maintained or upgraded those already in service. He was there for another handful of years and was given a position as Team Lead within the division due to hard work and extroardinary effort which he held for a year before being offered an assignment aboard a starship.
Service Record - 2342: Born on Andoria
- 2359: First Application to Starfleet Academy
- 2360: Second Application and Acceptance into Starfleet Academy
- 2360-2362: San Francisco Division, Starfleet Engineering Corp
- 2362-2367: Earth Spacedock, Starship Construction and Retrofitting
- 2368-2369: Team Lead on Earth Spacedock, Starship Construction and Retrofitting