Tour - Ready Room

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Description of the Ready Room

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Location Deck 1
Description When not on the bridge, the Ready Room provides the Captain with a place to do work that requires more privacy than can be found on the Bridge. It is perhaps one of the only places on board, other than personal quarters, where the commanding officer is not always under scrutiny. In size, it is roughly equivalent to the Briefing Room and is located on the right side of the Bridge, the door nearest the captain's chair on the Bridge. There is no hallway between the main bridge and the Ready Room.

The Ready Room is done in a blue and gray color scheme with rich carpeting and comfortable seating. The credenza behind the desk has a collection of memorability including a piece of shrapnel suspended in a clear cube and there are shelves above the credenza that contain a number of first-edition books.

The captain's desk is curved and has two adjacent chairs, facing the desk, for visitors. As you are facing the desk, to the immediate right, is another door, leading to an outside corridor so that the captain can enter or leave his Ready Room without passing through the Bridge first. To the left of the desk are two steps, leading down into a seating area dominated by a large viewport with a sofa, small coffee table, and shelving on either side of the sofa.

The desk has a LCARS terminal with access to the ship's main computer and is seldom pristine. There's nearly always a teacup on the desk (if its not in the Captain's hand) and a few PADDs scattered about.