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Bajoran Sendoff

Posted on Thu Aug 22nd, 2024 @ 3:18am by Captain Rylan Gray

978 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: The Quasinon Gambit
Location: USS Thunderbird Bridge In Orbit Over Quasinon III
Timeline: MD003 - 1300

"Sir, ship leaving the surface," the on-duty Operations officer reported. She had a bit of a squeak in her voice, being her first time on the Bridge and all. "Cardassian freighter."

"Scan the ship," Rylan said as he leaned forward slightly in his seat. "Cardassians aboard or Bajorans?"

"Bajorans, Sir," she reported as she looked up from her readout to focus on the screen. "They've escaped planetary gravity and are setting course for the Badlands."

"No weapons," the security officer reported. "But the Ocett's shields just went up and they're moving to intercept."

"Shields up," Rylan ordered. "And move us between them and the freighter. Contact the Ocett."

"Aye, Sir, moving to intercept." Her fingers danced over the controls and a few moments later, the commander of the Ocett, Gul Zelar appeared on screen.

"That's our ship, Captain," Gul Zelar said. His expression was as chill as ever and his voice, deep and sonorous, seemed to fill the Bridge. "I'm not in a giving mood."

"You asked us to save the Bajorans," Rylan said, keeping his own voice measured and neutral. "They're off world now and safe from the bomb you intend to set."

"And they have our ship," Gul Zelar said. "I said you could save them ... on your ship."

Rylan's mouth quirked slightly though he kept his composure. "If you check your logs, and I'm sure you have them, you'll discover that you left part out. They've been rescued and we've fulfilled our end of the deal. They took a ship you were to blow up and you'll let them go in it. To do otherwise would be in violation of the cease-fire agreement your people agreed to."

Gul Zelar's eyes glittered as he studied his opponent. He did love a challenge. "As you say, Captain. In deference to the cease-fire agreement, we are hereby gifting the Bajorans with the freighter. But we will need a chance to review the ship's computer. To ascertain what information they have aboard."

"From a mere mining colony," Rylan asked his expression turning mildly curious. "That's ... interesting."

"Protocols," Gul Zelar said with a slight shrug. "You have yours, I have mine. But," and here he bowed slightly, the way one did before a fight, "we can share the contact."

"Hail the freighter," Rylan said. And together with the Cardassian Gul, they waited for contact to be made. After a few moments, an image appeared and the Operations officer worked a bit to clean up the connection. The Bajoran leader came into view, lean, with long hair and marks of the abuse he suffered clearly visible on his bare arms and across his cheek.

"I am Captain Rylan Gray of the USS Thunderbird. We were sent here to rescue you but it would seem, you rescued yourselves."

Dar grunted and accepted a cup of something hot and steaming from another of his people. "I'm Dar," he said. "Now captain of the this vessel which we have claimed as partial compensation for the abuse we suffered at the hands of the Cardassians." He cocked his head slightly to one side, revealing the ear which should have held his earning. "Do you mean to return us to our captivity, Captain?"

"Hardly," Rylan said. "The Cardassians signed a cease-fire agreement with Bajor earlier this year. I'm here to enforce that agreement and to ensure your safety."

"A cease-fire," Dar said. He turned to someone out of range of the view screen and fired off commands in rapid-fire Bajoran. Dar listened to the response and when he turned back, anger surged through his body. "Why were we not told? Why were we forced to labor under the Cardassian whip when all of Bajor went free?"

"Communications are ... problematic ... on Quasinon," Gul Zelar said smoothly. "Frequent ion storms in the upper atmosphere. When I found out you were here, I contacted Starfleet immediately."

"Unlikely," Dar said, folding his arms across his chest, "but we are free now. And we will never go back."

"Nor will you," Rylan said. "Gul Zelar has requested a look at the ship's computers. To make sure that you are not taking sensitive information. Will you permit that?"

"No," Dar said flatly. "It would be too easy for him to tamper with the systems and render the ship inoperable."

"You are free to go," Rylan said. "But before you do, if there is anything ... "

"We would take nothing from you," Dar said at once, his voice snapping with anger. "The Federation wasn't there for us when we needed them. You give too little too late, Captain. And we are done." He gave a signal and the channel closed between them, leaving the Gul on the screen. "They are free to go," Rylan said.

"Of course, Captain," Gul Zelar said as he gave the command to lower their shields and take the weapons offline again. "Until we meet again." And as Rylan closed the communication channel, Gul Zelar turned to a member of his own Bridge crew and said, "well?"

"They had nothing," the man said. "We were thorough in our search."

"Good," he said. "Take us out of here. We are due to return to Cardassia Prime."

And while the Ocett took off and the Thunderbird waited for its crew to return, Dar turned away from the view finder. "Did they search?"

"Of course," the man said. "You were right. As you were right to keep the information out of the ship's system."

"Set course for the Badlands," Dar said. On the console in front of him, lay a device, Cardassian in design, and he grinned as he looked at it. "We don't want to be late," he said. "We have a meeting to get to and a present to deliver."

Captain Rylan Gray
Commanding Officer
USS Thunderbird


Gul Zelar
Commanding Officer
CDS Ocett


Team Leader
Bajoran Resistance


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