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Doing his thing

Posted on Thu Aug 22nd, 2024 @ 2:59pm by Lieutenant Patrick Ryan

400 words; about a 2 minute read

Mission: The Quasinon Gambit

Patrick Ryan stood in his quarters, the strains of Beethoven’s Symphony No. 9 playing softly in the background. The familiar melodies filled the room, a comforting presence as he packed for his journey. His new assignment awaited him on a distant starbase, where he would eventually join the crew of the Thunderbird as its Chief Medical Officer.

His movements were methodical as he folded clothes and secured medical texts in his bag. A stethoscope, an old-fashioned piece of equipment that had been passed down through his family, was the last item to go into the bag. It wasn’t necessary for his work, but it was a link to his past, to the long line of doctors in his family.

Patrick paused, letting the music wash over him, its crescendos and diminuendos matching the ebb and flow of his thoughts. He had always found solace in classical music, its structure and beauty providing a sense of order in the chaos of life. As the final notes of the symphony played, he closed his eyes, taking a deep breath. The anticipation of meeting his new crew, of stepping into his new role, was mixed with the bittersweetness of leaving behind familiar faces and routines.

With his bag packed and ready, Patrick decided to take a moment for himself before the journey began. He made his way to the holodeck, where he pulled up one of his favorite programs: a serene hiking trail through a lush, forested mountain range.

The doors of the holodeck hissed open, revealing the trailhead. The air was crisp, and the scent of pine trees filled his senses. Patrick started down the path, the sound of leaves crunching underfoot and the distant call of birds creating a peaceful ambiance. The stress of preparation melted away with each step, his mind clearing as he immersed himself in the natural beauty around him.

The hike was exactly what he needed, a way to center himself before the next chapter of his life began. As he reached a scenic overlook, Patrick paused, taking in the breathtaking view. The sun was setting, casting a warm glow over the landscape.

He lingered for a moment, then turned back toward the trailhead, feeling rejuvenated and ready for the journey ahead. The starbase, his new assignment, and his future awaited, but for now, he savored the last moments of tranquility before the adventure truly began.


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