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A Down Home Dinner (Part I)

Posted on Mon Sep 16th, 2024 @ 12:38pm by Lieutenant Stormy Knight & Lieutenant Tyler Malbrooke

1,678 words; about a 8 minute read

Mission: The Quasinon Gambit
Location: Tyler's Quarters
Timeline: 1930 hours


Tonight would be Stormy's first date in quite a while and she wanted to look her best--especially as the last time Tyler saw her she was half covered in mud. While dirt and mud weren't that uncommon for an archaeologist, it generally wasn't on a starship.

After a long, hot shower, she spent some time going through the replicator files to find the perfect dress. She finally selected a sleeveless dress that draped to just below her knees. She changed the color to a deep sky blue and added crystal buttons up the back. When she was satisfied, she replicated it. Then she added sandals in the same shade of blue and crystal earrings. A touch of lily-of-the-valley perfume and a final glance in the mirror and she was ready.

At precisely 1930 she rang the door chime to Tyler's quarters and tried not to let her nervous excitement show.

Tyler had been mussing and fussing for the past hour or so. He wore a plaid shirt in the western American fashion with a pair of light blue jeans, cowboy boots and a leather vest. He was an Oklahoma boy through and through and he would not let this date change that. For food he had begun to prepare a simple steak and potatoes plate. He was about to set to task on the asparagus when the door chime rang. "Hey come on in. My home is your home." He called to the door and when it opened he froze. Tyler Malbrooke had seen a number of beautiful things in his time in Starfleet but the vision that was before him beat them all. He was stunned to the point that he could not find the words, so all he did was whistle. "Gorgeous simply gorgeous."

Stormy felt her cheeks burn at the compliment. "Thank you. You look good, too." She'd known a few rodeo riders and some who worked for her father that dressed in similar fashion, but there was something about Tyler that set him apart. "Can I do anything to help with dinner?" She felt a little nervous and didn't want to just sit and stare at him--much as she might like to do just that.

"You can come on in and have a seat. Dinner is almost ready. A simple steak, potatoes and asparagus. Tell you what why don't you pour a couple of glasses of the red wine over there and get to tellin' me all about you." Being in these clothes and cooking this food seemed to bring out his Oklahoma accent more. It was not something that he could control at the moment. He thought that at least it worked well to contain his nerves.

She poured two glasses of wine and took them over to the table. "I've told you some. I'm from Montana. My father is a forester and environmentalist. So's my brother. My mother is a poet and scholar. That means she studies a lot and writes papers and poetry. I chose history and archaeology. I basically found a way to combine the outdoors and research. What about you, Ty?" She cocked her head to one side. "Or do you prefer Tyler?"

"Ty will suit just fine." He never really went for nicknames. However, the sound of Ty coming from her mouth just felt write and was something he wanted to hear more often. Tyler made his way over to the table as the asparagus roasted. He took a sip of wine more to steady his nerves than anything. He had no idea what was going on with himself. Tyler had been on other dates and yet never felt this nervous. "I was born in Oklahoma. My father was a cattle rancher and then later a history professor. My mother, rest her, was Yeoman to Admiral Latham. I get my love for the outdoors and animals from my father, but I wound up in Starfleet because of my mother."

"I'm glad you ended up in Starfleet," she said softly. That was a bit too honest a response. She picked up her wine and took a sip, hoping he wouldn't notice. "What made you choose operations?" She watched him as she waited for his answer. There was something about him that drew her. Maybe it was his Oklahoma roots. Or his ever-present charm that she found hard to resist.

"Throughout my entire life I have always been fascinated by the how. I have known Engineering students who loved to talk about what makes something work. As for me it was more how does it work? How does a warp core power the whole ship. The older I got the more I wanted to know. So, when I got to the Academy it was an easy decision to go into Operations. Perhaps, one day I will get the center chair but that can wait. I guess it is great to live in a time where we can pursue the things we have loved since childhood." Tyler sipped the wine again and went back in the kitchen. He made up the plates and presented them to her. "For dinner it is traditional rancher fare. A sirloin steak with grilled mushrooms and onions. Loaded mashed potatoes and roasted asparagus on the side. I hope you enjoy."

"It looks great." She set her wine glass on the table and took a bite of steak, taking a minute to enjoy the flavor. "That's perfect." She tried the potatoes next, and then the asparagus. He was an excellent cook. "I'm interested in all the questions. I think that's why I chose history and archaeology. I get the who, what, when, where, why, and how."

Tyler tucked into the meal he was a man who not only enjoyed to cook, but he enjoyed to eat. "I can see that. Get the total picture. After all, if we don't learn from those that came before us we are doomed to repeat their mistakes." He was not sure how personal he could take the conversation at least not yet. So, he decided to test the waters for a moment by hinting at another date. "I'll tell you what. Next time you tell me your favorite meal and I will make sure to prepare it."

She considered that for a moment. "Or I could fix it for you. I'm not as good a cook as you are, but I'm competent." Her meals were usually simple and easy, but she could fix something a little more elaborate if she chose to. It was mostly because of her mother who always had something she was working on that meant meals often consisted of a stew or casserole. But Stormy had begun to experiment more when she left home.

"You got yourself a deal. Right, so what is your favorite meal exactly? Flower?" Tyler decided that perhaps the best route here was to ask the general get to know you questions and see where it took them. He knew that there was a physical attraction. Now, it was time to see if there was any compatibility. Although there was a part of him that thought the compatibility meant nothing. She, was gorgeous.

"My favorite food depends on the day and the mood. I like a lot of different things. I'm not very fussy or fancy. Desserts are generally a yes, unless they're too rich. And I like cinnamon. Cinnamon candy and cinnamon tea. If I have to pick a favorite, I'd say steak and potatoes or hamburgers and fries. But I also like soups and salads or pasta and bread." Stormy grinned. "I'm afraid I can't get more specific than that. Sorry. For flower, I can say I like lily of the valley is probably my favorite flower. Now, what about you? What are some of your favorite things?"

Tyler made sure to take note of the lily of the valley. He would try to obtain some for their next get together. "For food you can never go wrong with a good meatloaf or a stew. I tend to like the simpler time, the simpler food. In fact, most of the time when off duty you can find me on the holodeck reenacting the old American West. Doc Holiday is a particular interest of mine. Camping, horseback riding anything that removes technology. While I have a knack for tech, and use it in my career. I tend to eschew it while off duty."

"Doc Holiday? I haven't read about him or the Old West in a while, but it was a fascinating period in history." She had to think for a minute before continuing. "I don't think I've done much on the holodeck myself, outside of an occasional camping trip. My dad likes to horseback into the wilderness every now and then. I'd go with him from time to time when I went home for a visit. I hadn't realized until now just how long it's been since I went camping." She shook her head. "It is not good to get too focused on work." She'd definitely set aside some holodeck time. It was probably way too early to ask Tyler if he wanted to join her. Would he want to join her? That was the other question, but not one she'd voice just now.

"Oh, the Old West is more than fascinating it was, well in my opinion, the greatest chapter in Earth history. If you would like one day you can join me. You can be Big Nose Kate. She was Doc's better half, although they were never married. Experience the people and the time yourself. We can go to the OK Corral and join the Earps if you want." Tyler's eyes lit up when talking of the west and the people that inhabited that time. He took a few more bites of food and smiled. He could definitely see a future with this woman, the question was did she see a future with him.

(To be continued...)

Lieutenant Tyler Malbrooke
Chief Operations Officer

Lieutenant Stormy Knight
Chief Science Officer


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