
A Down Home Dinner (Part II)

Posted on Mon Sep 16th, 2024 @ 12:45pm by Lieutenant Stormy Knight & Lieutenant Tyler Malbrooke
Edited on on Mon Sep 16th, 2024 @ 12:46pm

1,614 words; about a 8 minute read

Mission: The Quasinon Gambit
Location: Tyler's Quarters


"Oh, the Old West is more than fascinating it was, well in my opinion, the greatest chapter in Earth history. If you would like one day you can join me. You can be Big Nose Kate. She was Doc's better half, although they were never married. Experience the people and the time yourself. We can go to the OK Corral and join the Earps if you want." Tyler's eyes lit up when talking of the west and the people that inhabited that time. He took a few more bites of food and smiled. He could definitely see a future with this woman, the question was did she see a future with him.


"Okay, but maybe not Big Nose Kate." Stormy rubbed her nose and laughed. "I'd rather be Annie Oakley. She appeals to me more. But yes, I'd like you to show me more of the Old West. At least I already know how to ride a horse." It would be fun to explore history with Tyler. Maybe, after the Old West, they could find other times in history. She looked over at him. Or whatever they chose to do. She found she liked spending time with him and hoped this would lead to something more.

When the meal was over, Tyler smiled. "I think perhaps a nightcap over on the couch." It was a ruse, and not too clever of one, he was sure she would see that. He wanted to sit next to her, get an excuse to be close to her. He picked up a bottle of pinot noir and two glasses. "Right this way."

She knew exactly what he was up to and decided she didn't mind. He was a nice guy, and it had been a while since any guy gave her butterflies. "Okay. Can I help you clean up first?" That was a habit drilled into her by her mother. Always offer to help clean up. It also gave her a few minutes to get those butterflies under control--if only a little.

In truth Tyler's mind had not even thought about cleaning up, but now he found it quite endearing that she suggested it. "Yes of course some help would be appreciated." He picked up the two plates and appreciated her figure as she walked by to get some of the other plates. Tyler took only a moment and then made his way to the replicator to place what he had there.

When the cleanup was done Tyler poured two glasses of wine and made his way to the couch. He sat down and sipped the wine. "You know I have a confession to make. From the moment I saw you at the luau I wanted to get to know you better."

She took a sip of her wine before responding as she wanted to say the right words--although, with her luck, it wouldn't matter. She didn't have the best luck with men once they got to know her. "I confess that I noticed. At first, anyway. It was in your eyes. But, once we started talking, I wanted to get to know you, too." There was also something about him that caught her interest. He was different than a lot of men and she liked it. She liked him, and that made her nervous.

Tyler sat next to her and as much as he wanted to kiss her he resisted that urge as it was probably too soon. "So, tell me what are your likes, movies music and things of that nature. I tend to high fantasy movies, and country music." He sipped his wine if for no other reason than to give himself something to do that was not kissing.

"I like fantasy and science fiction movies. Well, more of the softer science fiction. I tend to get annoyed at movies that try to be hard sci-fi and get the science wrong." She shook her head and grinned. "I guess it's an occupational hazard. I also like a good mystery if there's some humor involved." She really wasn't too picky, but he did ask about her favorites. "For music, I like classic rock, some country, classical, and musicals." She looked over at him. "I also like old earth music from the mid to late 1900s. Especially the 1940s to 1980s, with some music both before and after. There were some great movies during that time, especially if you count 1939." She took another sip of wine, not sure how he'd take that answer. "I think you can call my taste eclectic."

"They don't call the 1940s to the 1980s the golden age for nothing. I get your point about when books get the science wrong. I mean we live in a time when there are so many advancements in science. It should not be hard to depict something accurately..." Tyler sighed before he continued to speak. "I guess I just prefer a simpler time, one where we did not have to worry so much. That is why I tend to reenact those times on the holodeck. Just helps me clear my head and sort of rejuvenate before going back to the grind as it were."

She took a sip of her wine and nodded. "Makes sense. That's why I gravitate to fantasy. The world's made up and it often has magical creatures." She smiled at Tyler. "And they're not always out to kill you. But there are definitely periods in history that have their own appeal. Especially on a holodeck."

His eyes lit up briefly when she mentioned living through history on the holodeck. "You have that right. I love to experience Tombstone Arizona and all the people that lived there, in that time. As I said I tend to cast myself as Doc Holiday. But, there are other times that I enjoy very often I will sit at the round table with King Arthur. But, perhaps my favorite story to be a part of is Lord of the Rings by JRR Tolkien. Gimli is the guy for me, often I fill his boots in the holodeck."

"Gimli? I can see why you like him. My favorite character has to be Aragorn. Or maybe Samwise. But if I got to play one of them, it would be Aragorn. If you count the Silmarillion, I'd add Arwen. Or maybe Eowyn." She grinned. "Too geeky?"

She is a Lord of the Rings fan. She may very well be my soulmate. Tyler thought. "Not at all. You must be the total package, brains, looks, and you like Lord of the Rings. I feel the need to give you fair warning, you have exactly three seconds to say no before I kiss you."

"I...umm..." She really couldn't think what to say--or if she wanted to say anything. At least she'd finished her wine so she wouldn't spill it.

Since she did not say no Tyler placed his wine glass down and leaned in and kissed her passionately. He kissed her as if this would be the last kiss he would ever give or receive. He had been physically attracted to her since he saw her for the first time. However, new emotions welled up inside him. Tyler knew that he was absolutely doing the right thing with the right person. He pulled her closer and held her tightly in an embrace.

With anyone else, Stormy would pull away and say it was too soon, but being in Tyler's arms felt like she finally found something--or someone--her life had been missing. A part of her wanted to analyze this new awareness, but her heart overruled her head. A moment later, she wrapped her arms around his neck, her thoughts on nothing but this moment and this man.

After what definitely seemed like an eternity, the kiss broke and Tyler leaned his forehead on hers. He was rarely at a loss for words and yet here he was without a thought in the world as to what to say. "Ummmm... Wow..." he breathed if for no other reason than to break the silence. There was more that his urges told him to do, and yet he knew that things had to move apace. He would have to wait and see where the rest of the night took them.

"Wow indeed." She shook her head. "You're pretty potent, Malbrooke." She put a hand on his cheek and smiled. She wasn't making light of the kiss, but a little humor would give her a moment to regain her equilibrium.

"You bring out some potent feelings. Either that or it could be something we used to say when I was a kid. Go big or go home." Tyler returned her joke with one of his own. At the moment it was hard to gauge but he wondered if she enjoyed it and would be open to a dating relationship.

She looked around his quarters and grinned. "I think you are home. At least as home as it gets in Starfleet." She gently kissed him on the lips. "I admit I'm not quite sure what to say." She felt the heat of a blush rise to her cheeks. "That"

"Say, I can make you breakfast." Tyler said with a boyish grin as he ran his fingers through her hair.

Her blush deepened. "I don't normally... I mean..." They didn't know each other well enough, did they? At the same time, she'd never been drawn to anyone like she was to Tyler. She met his eyes and grinned back. "I love breakfast."

A Post By

Lieutenant Tyler Malbrooke
Chief Operations Officer

Lieutenant Stormy Knight
Chief Science Officer



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