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Doc Reports In

Posted on Thu Oct 17th, 2024 @ 3:02am by Captain Rylan Gray & Lieutenant Patrick Ryan
Edited on on Thu Oct 17th, 2024 @ 1:03pm

513 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: A Silence of Friends
Location: Captain's Ready Room, Deck 1, USS Thunderbird
Timeline: MD001 - 0830

After arriving on board and getting his belongings in his quarters Patrick’s first order of business was the check in with the captain to make sure there wasn’t anything going on with crew or anything special he should know of. He headed to the captains ready room and pushed the chime to ring so he would be allowed entry.

"Enter," Rylan said as he looked up from the briefing he'd been reading. When the man entered, Rylan rose from his seat out of manners instilled in him a long time ago (or so it sometimes seemed).

Patrick walked into the room and smiled at the Captain. “Captain Gray, my name is Dr Patrick Ryan. I am your new Chief Medical Officer. A pleasure to meet you,” he said with a smile and his Irish accent.

"Please, have a seat," Rylan responded, his British accent, refined in boarding schools throughout his childhood, evident in his speech patterns. "I reviewed your personnel file and I understand that this is your first time in the role of Chief Medical Officer?

"Yes sir. I've been in various different medical positions before but this is the first time as actual chief," Patrick said.

"And you're comfortable taking on the managerial tasks that come along with the Chief position," Rylan asked.

"Oh of course Captain. I've led many teams during my prior ships tenures and acted as Chief when my former chief was laid up for a few months," Patrick replied.

"Dr. Hart, our previous Chief, was called away rather abruptly so I'm not sure how you'll find the department. Hopefully, in good working order. Do you have any questions, Doctor?"

"No. I will take a look at the medical files for everyone and go from there. My plan is to get to go through them and get sickbay in working order soon." Patrick said.

"Very well then. Lieutenant, I am formally accepting your transfer to the USS Thunderbird in the position of Chief Medical Officer. Computer, please take note of this and provide the Lieutenant with the proper access."

"Lieutenant Patrick Ryan is now Chief Medical Officer for the USS Thunderbird," the computer responded.

"Welcome aboard, Lieutenant," Rylan said. "You're dismissed."

"Thank you, oh and you can call me Doc. Most everyone does." Patrick said on his way out.

Not bloody likely, Rylan thought as he turned his attention to the next thing on his list and then, almost immediately, silently chastised himself. What he was feeling had little to do with their new doctor and more to do with the last away team. Course, he did wonder what Dr. Hart would think about Lieutenant Ryan feeling the need to get Sickbay organized and that notion dispelled his bad mood. She'd been very particular about getting things set up or so he'd heard anyway. What's done is done, he reminded himself. So, no more taking the bad mood out on the crew. There's work to do.

A Post By

Captain Rylan Gray
Commanding Officer
USS Thunderbird


Lieutenant Patrick Ryan
Chief Medical Officer
USS Thunderbird



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