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Lost Privileges

Posted on Thu Oct 17th, 2024 @ 12:46am by Lieutenant Commander Harrison Knox & Commander Zhaan D'Sai

1,215 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: A Silence of Friends
Location: Deck 2 | First Officer's Quarters
Timeline: MD001 - 0600

Lieutenant Commander Knox was not one to get too heated or angry. His mother raised him right and he wouldn't do a thing to disappoint his gran. She always said he could be sweet as her apple pies if he wanted, but not all apples were sweet. He needed to mind his manners and be a good example. Now, it was early hours and Knox wasn't due on shift for another few. He had just come up from deck five's workout room after some weight lifting and was dressed in a gray tank and some athletic pants.

His back was pressed up against a bulkhead as he leaned up against it, looking at a door with familiar numbers. His quarters. At least they used to be. No longer First Officer, Knox had to move all his belongings out and into other quarters. He waited for his replacement to step out. "Mornin'" he greeted her pleasantly enough. "Came by to have chat if you have time. I take you are heading to grab a little something to eat before your duty shift? Maybe over a coffee or two?"

"Yes, I was," Zhaan answered, as she stopped just outside her door, letting it shut behind her. Rather than surprised, his presence felt almost like relief. After all, she'd been expecting it since she'd come aboard and had, in fact, put it on her mental list of things to do today. "Why don't you join me and we can have that chat."

Knox smiled. "Sounds peachy," he said leading to addressing his state. "Apologies for the disheveled jock look. I was doing my morning exercises with some of the other crew, used to use the exercise room Rylan and I had, but not being First Officer and all," he explained. No further explanation was needed. He lost his position and the perks that came with it.

"Hope your new quarters are comfortable" noted Knox, pining for the luxury of additional space his former quarters had. "Thunderbird is a good ship, ma'am, and the Captain is one of the best in the fleet."

"Wasn't my idea," Zhaan said as they headed toward the turbolift. "The change of quarters. I didn't ask for it. As for the Captain, he's got a good reputation." As they entered, she gave instructions, and then once the lift was underway, continued. "I checked."

Knox nodded "it's alright. I wouldn't have you sleeping anywhere else aboard. You are the First Officer now. I'm sure you did your research on the Captain, and probably on me. Getting knocked down to Second Officer can be an interesting experience."

"How is that," Zhaan said. They exited the turbolift and made their way to the Officers' Mess where they found a seat off near a viewport. Meals were served by crewmen so there was no need to use a replicator. "What makes it interesting, I mean."

"We don't have the luxury of being a Galaxy class starship, Commander. Second Officers are typically in a dual capacity overseeing a department. I'm not a Department Head at the moment. So, I got stuck with temporary quarters until they sort out where to put me" explained Harrison Knox.

He shrugged. "Not that I mind it. I get to have watch of the bridge at times, take care of some tasks that would otherwise be shot upward to you. I've inspected weapons lockers, ensured we have escape pods and life rafts, and gone over evacuation procedure and routes."

"Back to basics," Zhaan said. "And is there a department you have your eye on? I don't think we have a lot of openings at the moment other than Helm. She grinned as she nodded towards a crewmen. "Pilot at heart?"

"Not unless you want to crash land," teased Knox. He could pilot shuttlecraft just find, and starships practically piloted themselves most of the time. "No offense, Commander, but right now my primary career objective is to show that I should be First Officer. It's a steep mountainous incline, I know that, but I'm working on it."

"I suspected as much," Zhaan said, waiving the crewman away and settling back in her seat. "Gunning for my job, eh? Well, I read your file and I understand the circumstances that led to your demotion. Steep and moutainous might be an apt description, especially since Commander DeVane is not held in high regard."

"Is it Commander now?" Knox inquired. "She was still Captain last time I saw her, and turned down promotion. Didn't want one of those desk jobs" Knox replied. He wasn't unaware she had fallen from grace.

Knox gestured at the replicator. "I had better get an espresso if you are about to shatter my world even more, Commander. And no, I'm not gunning for your job. I'm gunning for mine, you are a fine officer, I'm sure. Nearly perfect probably. Any other ship under any other Captain would be a place you could root yourself."

"Right now though it is my job because you chose to take DeVane's advice over your Captain's orders," Zhaan said. "Not my fault and up until a moment ago, I was entirely sympathetic to your situation but let's be clear. I am the First Officer of this ship until Starfleet and the captain say otherwise. I won't stand for politics or game-playing. Do your job and we won't have a problem. Come after me, and this conversation will go a lot differently."

"Commander, rest assured. I meant you no disrespect nor will I every question your position and authority." stated Knox. "I have no intention of coming after you. If anything, I will be your most vocal support on this starship."

"So, a warning then," Zhaan said, arms folded across her chest, "not to get too comfortable?"

Knox shrugged. "Friendly hope you get a command of your own or a nice cushy XO seat on a larger starship." Lieutenant Commander Knox had his espresso. "Now, you said Commander DeVane."

"Not likely, Commander," Zhaan said. "You've marked your territory. Message received." She rose smoothly to her feet. "And now, if you'll excuse me, I'll be about my day."

It's just a chair thought Knox regarding the First Officer position. "Don't leave on my account, ma'am. I don't want this to be a frosty reception."

"Should have thought of that," Zhaan said, "before you opened your mouth this morning. Nothing about what you said was either warm or welcoming, Commander. But's that's alright. If you play right, you'll get the crew on your side, if they aren't already, and completely sabotage my chances here. Lucky for you, all I'm going to do is my job. Do your worst, I can take it."

"I have absolutely nothing to throw at you, Commander. Zero interest in picking a fight with you, and if anyone gives you a difficult time, it will not be me and not anything I condone. Have a good shift, ma'am."

"Just don't get too comfortable, eh," Zhaan said. She turned an walked out of the Officers' Mess. For the duration, she thought, however brief or long it turns out to be, I'm eating in my quarters.

A post by

Commander Zhaan D'Sai
First Officer
USS Thunderbird


Lieutenant Commander Harrison Knox
Second Officer
USS Thunderbird


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