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Waterlogged (Part II)

Posted on Wed Jul 3rd, 2024 @ 9:39am by Lieutenant Tyler Malbrooke & Lieutenant Stormy Knight

1,484 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: The Quasinon Gambit
Location: Arboretum


"I grew up in the wilds of Montana and spent a lot of time outdoors. I still love trees and mountains." She poked around his tools until she found the hyperspanner and handed it to him. "And, when you study ancient civilizations, you also learn a bit about how they lived, what they wrote, what they ate, what they wore, and some of the plants that grew around them. You find detritus in their garbage pits, too. But I think it's more because we all need some time with growing things, especially in space." She waved her hand to the plants clinging to the mud. "Like these. They air is cleaner here, and it just...feels better. You know?"


Tyler took the hyperspanner and set to the task. When she mentioned the air he did inhale deeply through his nose. "You know I have been in many arboretums during my time in the fleet and I never thought to simply smell the air. Now that I have, I have to say that you are right. The air does seem fresher, not as stale. Could be because the air in here is not recirculated like it is on the rest of the ship. Could be an interesting idea for environmental on a ship." He reached back out and handed the took back. "Mind handing me the ODN recoupler. Now we have to reconnect the power intake on the pump to the main supply from the ship." He hoped that he didn't bore her with the technical talk, but then again she did ask to learn how it was done.

She put the one tool back before looking around for the other. "Plants have long been used to purify the air. Some smaller ships still use them to boost the air filtration system. Starships generally have no problem with filtration, but sometimes you notice the extra oxygen--as well as the scent of plants and earth when you're in here." There it was. She pulled it out and handed it to him. "ODN recoupler."

"Thanks!" Tyler set to work on the pump. This was the last step in repairs for it and if all went well it would be in working order shortly. "Back in the Academy I remember reading that some of the NX ships would keep plants and herbs aboard. The Docs used them to treat patients. It was quite the interesting read."

"I haven't read that article. I should look it up." Maybe if Tyler remembered it, he could help her find it. "Plants are still used as medicine on some worlds. Not just as herbs and poultices. They'll burn incense or boil plants in rooms so people can breathe them in. On earth, the Chinese have been using the same remedies for thousands of years. I don't know as much as I'd like about it, but I am familiar with the benefits of some herbal teas." Although she was interested in the subject, she didn't want to make the conversation all about her interests. "You know a lot about plants. What else are you interested in?"

"I had to learn as much as I could about plants. When I was growing up my parents wanted me and my sister to know as much as we could about surviving alone in the wilderness. Comes from years of being a cattle rancher in Oklahoma. As for my interests that would be a simpler time. I love the old American West. There is something about being on a horse and the wind blowing through your hair, the dust, the personalities everything. I play tabletop role playing games, and the fiddle." He suddenly found himself thinking about those old western stories his mother used to tell him. Except now he played the hero and Stormy was the damsel tied to the railroad tracks.

"Knowing how to survive in the wilderness is important. With my parents, it was the forests and mountains of Montana, although they aren't as high as some farther south." She pushed some of the mud away from her and wiped her hands on her pants. "What sort of tabletop games?"

Tyler blushed slightly and hoped that she did not notice the blushing. Gaming was his guilty pleasure of sorts, there had always been a stigma against people who played the role playing games that he liked, and now he thought that it may cost him a shot at this beautiful woman. "Games that date back to the twenty first century, Dungeons and Dragons and Pathfinder. You create a character and along with other players tell a story."

"Really? I've heard about them, but never played myself. They sound interesting." She wasn't sure what sort of time investment was needed, or how often he played, but from what she heard, people enjoyed them.

"They are interesting and it is a great way to get away from whatever life is throwing at you at the moment. You should create a character and come play." Two quick pulses from the recoupler and Tyler put the instrument down. He was not sure if was his own attraction or the closeness but he really wanted to kiss her right now. However, instead he smiled. "There you go ma'am all fixed. Now you should not have a flood in your garden."

"Thank you." She should get up and start cleaning, but she wanted to stay where she was for just a minute or two longer because as soon as she did, he'd be off to operations again. So, to delay him longer, she asked, "Where would I find information about creating a character and playing a game?"

"The computer has all the information. If you are actually interested I would be glad to help you create a character." Tyler could not believe that she would be interested in gaming. The urge to kiss her grew stronger and he decided that if she did not move soon to allow him to rise he would simply toss caution into the wind.

"I'd like that." She looked into his eyes and lost her train of thought. Then she realized that they were still tightly confined in a small space and he couldn't get up until she moved and felt herself blush. "I, uh...guess I should let you get out and..." He was far too close and it was causing little butterflies to do some sort of psychotic disco number in her stomach. Her gaze dropped to his lips. She wanted to stay where she was so he would lean forward and kiss her. But wasn't that a form of entrapment? Give the poor scientist a kiss so you can get out of the arboretum?

With that thought she blushed more and backed up enough for him to get out and sat to get herself under control before she embarrassed herself.

For the briefest of moments Tyler was unsure what she was doing. She wriggled and moved and he assumed it was so she could get out of the confined space. He began to panic slightly as he realized that her moving may make it so he could not get up, at least not without being embarrassed about what arose. However, he was elated when she did sit up before anything got worse. He made his way out from under the console and glanced at her, the decision to throw caution into the wind was sealed. Tyler leaned over and pressed his lips to hers and embraced her, mud and all. Tyler Malbrooke was bad at verbally expressing feelings, however, he tried to express all of his feelings in this one kiss. When he broke the kiss he stammered slightly as he talked. "Ummmm.... I am sorry that was something I wanted to do since seeing you at the party. It won't happen again, that unless you want it to."

"Wow." It was a very nice kiss. She took a breath to get her emotions back under control. "I...uh, was just thinking that it would be nice if you kissed me. So, I hope this isn't the only time." She felt herself blush again, but this time she didn't care.

Tyler smirked in that boyish charm kind of way. "Right then. Dinner tonight at my place. What say you?" He suddenly realized that the Thunderbird was going to be a lot more than just an assignment.

Stormy smiled. "Yes. What time?" She didn't think she had anything nice to wear, but she could replicate something--after she showered.

"1930 hours. I am a good cook, but I must warn you I cook down home country food. You can take the boy out of Oklahoma and all that." Tyler smiled and packed up his tools. He was on proverbial cloud nine, as he had a date with a stunning woman.


Lieutenant Tyler Malbrooke
Chief Operations Officer

Lieutenant Stormy Knight
Chief Science Officer


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