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Quasinon Fumble

Posted on Thu Oct 17th, 2024 @ 2:28pm by Captain Rylan Gray & Captain Tauren Zelar

654 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: A Silence of Friends
Location: Gul's Office Aboard the Ocett
Timeline: MD001 - 0800

"The mining team on Quasinon left in advance of the ion storms," Zelar said. He sat behind his desk, his gaze drifting toward the starfield outside his viewport for a moment to mask, however poorly, his disgust over their actions. "Leaving the prisoners unattended for a short while."

"And facing a reprimand for their actions. Official and otherwise." The individual on the other side of the screen nodded, his gaze trained on the information spread out across his desk. "From this report, they were already six months overdue for a replacement and unwilling to remain even a second longer. Idiotic considering the value of the prisoners they were set to guard."

Zelar nodded as well. "Indeed. How did the other side find out about it? A all but worthless chunk of rock. One of your better strategies, old friend, as a means of containing high value prisoners. No one ever thought to look there, until now, of course."

"A minor clerk with access to the right information," the man said as he sorted through the data in front of him and found the report he was looking for. "Seems he had a weakness for Bajorans. He was seeing a diplomatic aide. I've no proof as yet but that was how found out. Most likely, they were looking for proof of his death."

"And the aide," Zelar asked. His aide stepped in with a cup of hot bitter tea in hand. Zelar accepted the cup and the aide departed as quickly as he came. "Disappeared no doubt?"

"Like she never existed," the man said. "Not that we aren't looking for her. Melan Lurana. Or at least that was the name the clerk knew her by. Harder now that the treaty is in play but we'll find her. Course finding Dar and his team, well, that will be much harder."

"About that," Zelar said as he picked up his tea and took a long sip. "When we arrived in system, the Federation already had a ship minutes away. I took a chance while they were out of range to send a volunteer down to the base. He was able to plant three trackers in that wreck of a ship. An obvious one because you have to play to expectations. A subtle one that will be much harder to find and a third passive one that activates when the ship is quiet, sends a short burst of information, and goes passive again."

"Tell me that it's working," the man said, his dark eyes gleaming. Old as he was, he was as much a hunter as Zelar himself. They both lived for the chase.

"Sending you the information now," Zelar said as he reached for his console. "Dar is unnaturally clever. I don't know how long it will remain active."

"We can at least extrapolate a flight path. Try to figure out where he's going," the man said."Though I have some ideas."

"He'll go to Maki," Zelar said thoughtfully, "but he'll be looking for her."

"I suspect so," the man said. "I'll start gathering information for you. You are coming on the way home?"

"Two days out," Zelar said. "A night with my family and then I'll come to your house. You can show off that new cook of yours."

"Looking forward to it," the man said. "But for now, I have to go. We've a ship to track and information to gather."

The call ended and Zelar swiveled in his seat so that he could look out at the stars while he drank his tea. The Ocett was built for hunting as was he. A short while at home to take on supplies while his crew spent time with family and friends and then, they'd be off. Doing what they did best. Hunting high value targets. Targets like Severyn Dar.

A Post By

Gul Tauren Zelar
Commanding Officer
CDS Ocett


An Unknown Cardassian


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