Welcome to the USS Thunderbird!


The armistice between the United Federation of Planets and the Cardassian Union was signed in 2367. Under the terms of the cease-fire agreement, both sides agreed to end major engagements and to open diplomatic channels. It wasn't perfect. Minor skirmishes continued on both sides, primarily over unresolved issues such as control of border planets and of course, the occupation of Bajor.

Negotations between the two sides continued and through their efforts the Cardassians left Bajor -- two years later. Finally free, the celebrations on Bajor lasted for days but, as it always happens, reality set in. Things were far from settled. The Bajorans faced a long period of recovery from a brutal, fifty-year occupation; many in the resistance were left with an all-consuming rage against Cardassians responsible for countless atrocities.

While some struggle to form a government, members of the Kohn-Ma, under the leadership of a former member of the resistance, Sayal Mazi, decides that the guilty cannot go unpunished and begins to lay plans of their own.

And they were not alone. Colonists on border worlds, fearing the loss of everything they've built, take inspiration from resistance fighters in World War II on Earth and form the Maquis. Operating in the demilitarized zone between the Cardassian Union and the United Federation of Planets, they seek to safeguard their way of life against all comers whether they be Cardassian or Federation.

Among the Cardassians, Gul Zelar, commanding the CDS Ocett, a Galor Class Type-III cruiser, emerges as an outspoken opponent to the peace. Politically savvy with familial ties to the Obsidian Order, Zelar lays plans of his own.

In the Federation, with the memory of Wolf 359 barely two years old, Starfleet looks to improve their ability to respond to threats. Pre-production testing is scheduled to begin on a ship designed for a combat role while still capable of patrol and exploration. Five vessels, Akira Class, are scheduled for launch and crews are assembled.

The USS Thunderbird is one of these five. The captain and first officer are experienced in combat having been at Wolf 359. They arrive at Uptopia Planitia, after surviving an unexplained explosion on their former ship, the USS Ark Royal, that cost the life of their captain and key members of the crew.

Newly promoted and fresh from the memorial, they arrive to take command of the USS Thunderbird and their patrol route will take them right into the heart of the conflict.



Latest Mission Posts

» Rescuing the Bajorans (Entry)

Mission: The Quasinon Gambit
Posted on Thu Jul 11th, 2024 @ 10:25pm by Lieutenant Cayde Sechs & Captain Rylan Gray & Lieutenant Tyler Malbrooke & Lieutenant Daegan Baas & Lieutenant Stormy Knight & Lieutenant Ayren Kelan & Lieutenant Commander Harrison Knox & Lieutenant JG Shizuru Chikura

[On Quasinon III]

Daegan and another of his team made entry to the first chamber. Just as the scans had said there was no one here, but the room was cluttered with gear. From appearances the space was a changing area to put on or take off work covering and…

» Waterlogged (Part II)

Mission: The Quasinon Gambit
Posted on Wed Jul 3rd, 2024 @ 9:39am by Lieutenant Tyler Malbrooke & Lieutenant Stormy Knight


"I grew up in the wilds of Montana and spent a lot of time outdoors. I still love trees and mountains." She poked around his tools until she found the hyperspanner and handed it to him. "And, when you study ancient civilizations, you also learn a bit about how…

» Waterlogged (Part I)

Mission: The Quasinon Gambit
Posted on Wed Jul 3rd, 2024 @ 9:10am by Lieutenant Tyler Malbrooke & Lieutenant Stormy Knight & Ensign Robyn Loxley


Stormy walked into the arboretum to see how the new plants were adapting. She didn't expect to see a muddy botanist.

"I was just about to call you." Robyn took off her boots and socks so she didn't track mud any further. "There's a leak in the irrigation tubes."…

» Surf's Up (Part 2)

Mission: The Quasinon Gambit
Posted on Tue Jul 2nd, 2024 @ 4:30pm by Captain Rylan Gray & Lieutenant Tyler Malbrooke & Lieutenant Daegan Baas & Lieutenant Stormy Knight & Lieutenant Ayren Kelan & Lieutenant JG Shizuru Chikura

Hanging back Daegan watched as people started to get their food. The show programmed was set to start until everyone was seated but the music was playing and mixing with the waves behind him. Scanning his shipmates he arched a brow as his eyes followed a pleasing shape. He was…

» Rescuing the Bajorans (Arrival)

Mission: The Quasinon Gambit
Posted on Fri Jun 21st, 2024 @ 12:59am by Lieutenant Cayde Sechs & Captain Rylan Gray & Lieutenant Tyler Malbrooke & Lieutenant Stormy Knight & Lieutenant Ayren Kelan & Lieutenant Commander Harrison Knox & Lieutenant JG Shizuru Chikura

Quasinon III thought Lieutenant Commander Harrison Knox aboard the shuttlecraft that Chikura had prepared for them as the away team aboard sat in their seats with the young helmswoman piloting them towards the Cardassian world, third planet in the system, a system Knox knew little to nothing about. Nothing about…