Delivering the Archeologists
Posted on Mon Dec 30th, 2024 @ 8:19pm by Commander Zhaan D'Sai & Captain Rylan Gray & Lieutenant Tyler Malbrooke & Lieutenant Daegan Baas & Lieutenant Patrick Ryan M.D. & Lieutenant Ayryn Trynn M.D. & Lieutenant Stormy Knight & Lieutenant Commander Harrison Knox
2,096 words; about a 10 minute read
A Silence of Friends
Location: Guran System, Guran III
Timeline: MD003 - 0800
Guran III had once been the center of a vast empire but that had been thousands of years ago and all that remained were a network of communication relays that no longer functioned and a vast city, once home to millions of Gurani. What had happened to them or how the planet had remained untouched for so long were among the questions the archeological team hoped to answer while they were planet side.
"Arriving at Guran III, Sir," the on-duty helm officer said. While well within regulations as far as appearance went, Washburne gave a somewhat soft appearance. He lacked hard musculature because he favored sleeping in when he could and valued his down time to the point where he regularly chose spending time with friends over time sweating in a workout room. He had pale blue eyes and spiky, nondescript brown hair but was saved from mediocrity but a smile that seemed to light up the room and a ready laugh.
"Very good," Rylan said as he leaned forward slightly in his seat. "Establish a geo-synchronous orbit over the site. Mr. Malbrooke, notify our guests to prepare for beam down and start sending their gear down. Commander D'Sai," he said as he looked over toward his First Officer. "If you could assemble your away team." He smiled in her direction and she nodded back, relaxed and at ease.
"Lieutenants Knight, Baas, Knox, and Malbrooke, join me in the transporter room. Also notify Lieutenants Ryan and Trynn." Zhaan rose smoothly from her seat. "With your permission, Captain, we'll get to work." When Rylan had acknowledged her request, she headed for the turbolift along with those of the away team that were on the bridge. "Deck 10," she announced as the doors closed.
Tyler sent the notice via internal communications to the scientists and notified the cargo transporters to begin transport of the needed supplies and gear. "Cargo transporters in bay two have begun to transport the equipment Captain." Once that was done he stood from his console and joined the rest of the team in the turbolift. There was a small amount of trepidation in his gut as this was the first mission where he would work with Stormy since they had begun to date.
Baas had called for his relief officer to replace him on the bridge as he attached his phaser and belted his tricorder. He had teams standing by to install the security measure he had discussed with the Dr. Rush but he was getting ahead of himself.
Assisting with inspecting some cargo in one of the Thunderbirds cargo bays, Lieutenant Commander Harrison Knox received the notification that he was being assigned to an away team, he would need to pass his work off to another officer which he did promptly. He then proceeded to make his way to the specified transporter room.
From her office, Lieutenant Trynn acknowledged the order to report to the transporter room with no small amount of curiosity. The mission which lay ahead of the archaeologists was an impressive undertaking, one any person in their field would dream of.
It was a short trip, and she arrived just behind the others.
Patrick prepared his travel kit for the away mission. Hyposprays, medical tricorders and everything else a doctor would need. Carrying it like a messenger bag it wasn’t heavy or bulky which was good as he could be flexible and move quickly at a moments notice. He gave a few instructions to his staff and headed down into the lift and arrived in perfect timing.
Stormy had been in her office, going over the details for the scientists' year-long stay on the planet. She was excited to follow the team's progress and what they learned about the Gurani. As an archaeologist and historian, she had a keen interest in the success of this particular venture. When she heard the call to meet in the transporter room, she quickly stood, grabbed her go bag, and headed for the turbolift.
[Transporter Room]
After a quick stop to get a phaser, Zhaan entered the transporter room to find the archeologists already assembled, excitedly talking amongst themselves. Their heads all swiveled in her direction as she approached and she found herself smiling as she held up her hands. "I know, I know," she said. "You want to be the first ones to step on the planet, right?" At their collective nods, she said. "There's a slight risk. Sensor scans are clear but," she shrugged, "Starfleet loves to err on the side of caution. Better second than in trouble, eh?"
"Of course," Dr. Rush said quietly. "We'll be there for quite a long while so ... we can wait a few moments longer."
"Appreciate your understanding," Zhaan said. "We'll try to make it as quick as possible." She stepped onto the transporter pad and waited for the rest of her team to join her.
Baas nodded to Dr. Rush as they waited. "Morning, Doctor."
Stormy walked into the transporter room and smiled at the scientists, knowing how eager they were to get down to the planet. Then she nodded to the other two officers and took her place on the transporter pad.
Tyler stepped into the turbolift and saw the sheer amount of people gathered. In the moment he wanted to say 'hail, hail the gang's all here...' He wanted to but didn't. Instead he gave a curt nod to the gathered scientists and stepped onto the transporter pad. In two deft motions he checked his phaser was charged and set to stun. Then checked his tricorder was set to wide beam scan and holstered both pieces of equipment.
Stormy watched Tyler join them and and nodded in greeting.
Following the others, Trynn took up a spot towards the back of the transporter pad, making another quick check on her equipment. It had been a while since she had been on an away mission like this and she hoped it went smoothly. Yet as soon as the thought occurred, she realised many would say she was ‘jinxing’ it. She hoped not.
Harrison entered the transporter room after grabbing the necessities in the lockers. He gave a professional nod at D'Sai acknowledging her as the leader of the away team. He knew this was already going to go better than his blunderous away mission prior to his being knocked down to Second Officer. "Reporting as requested, Commander" he added.
Doc made his way to the transporter room. His favorite place. He was just like some other doctors from the past. Teleporting or transporting was crazy. Give him a good old fashioned ship and he'd go anywhere. But he came fully prepared nodding at those already assembled and got onto the pad.
Zhaan looked around at the assembled team and nodded to the technician on duty. "Energize."
[Short While Later]
Moments later, the team appeared on the planet's surface. The site the archeological team had chosen was just outside the city on a wide expanse of level ground. A wide, stone-paved road left out from the city and away into the hills that were, from what she had studied on the map, about twenty miles distant. This featureless expanse ringed the entire city with paved road extending out from each of the four gates, positioned at the compass points (north, east, west, and south) and leading away for miles. Three of the gates were tightly closed leaving the northern gate, only fifty feet or so away from where they stood, the easiest way into the city.
"Mr. Malbrooke," Zhaan said quietly, "If you could oversee cargo beam down and Mr. Baas, if you could assist with the security setup once the modules are in place?" She turned toward Stormy and added, "once the scientific equipment is in place, if you could help with final checks to make sure everything is working properly."
Baas nodded to XO, "On it." Stepping away from the group he looked toward the city as he and a member of he team consulted a tablet talking amongst themselves as the pointe to various locations. While engineering saw to the construction of the various facilities he teams could see to the installation of the perimeter sensors to surround the city.
Stormy nodded. "Aye, ma'am." While she waited for the equipment to be set up, she'd have a quick look at the general setup of the area the scientists would be working on any artifacts they found.
"Mr. Ryan, if you could do a quick check, once the medical pod is in place, to make sure that everything is as it should be. If anything's damaged, best we know about it now, eh?"
Doc nodded. "Aye Captain." he took out his equipment and walked to the area that had been designated for the medical pod and waited to get ready to make sure all was in order.
"Mr. Knox, if you could help Lieutenant Malbrooke with getting things organized, that would be great. And Lieutenant Trynn," Zhaan said, "not much for your to do at the moment." She moved closer, gesturing for her to join her off to one side. "You and I will be doing whatever menial labor is required for now but, as will often be true, keep your finger on the pulse of both teams. If you see anything problematic, let me know at once."
“Not a problem,” Trynn assured the commander. She wasn’t averse to helping and saw it as an opportunity to observe those officers present to get a better feel for the relationships and potential issues. “Happy to help.”
Knox nodded. Whatever D'Sai wanted of him on this mission, Harrison was going to do. This was supposed to be a relatively easy mission which meant a perfect opportunity for him to watch, listen, and learn from the First Officer. She was seasoned. "Of course, Commander." Okay. Help Malbrooke thought Knox. He could do that. He sought to follow Tyler and help organize and coordinate.
Daegan tapped his commbadge. "Baas to security teams. Begin beaming down and installing the sensors in your quadrants as briefed. Remember to use the natural surrounding to conceal the sensors. I Will be monitoring the progress as the sensors come on line and direct and adjustments, if anyone has any issues just contact me. Baas out." A short time later the transport effects could be on the road that led from the city and the various teams moved away from the city. Once far enough from the city each would arch towards the starting point of the team to their right as they placed the their sensors. He watched as team one disappeared into the tree-line as he moved to report to the XO.
"Ma'am, I have 4 security teams installing the city's perimeter sensors now.'
"I'm going to have a look at the cleaning, cataloging, and storage rooms while the scientific equipment is installed and checked," Stormy informed the XO. While she was itching to walk into the city, she was here for a different purpose and needed to stay focused.
[Some Time Later]
Everything seemed to be in order and he was eager to get started. The lab wasn't large and, at the moment, was a bit crowded with personnel doing final checks on the equipment. Tomorrow, when the Starfleet people were gone, the work would begin in earnest but for now, there was little for him to do. And so, restless and so very eager to get started, he took a walk down the short stretch of paving stones that led into the city. He stopped at the wide gates, surveying the city that was, after hundreds of years, still pristine and caught, or at least he thought he caught, a flash of something. He walked forward into the city, straining for a better vantage point.
The voice, harsh and masculine, broke the planetary quiet, loud and authoritative, as it broadcast through communication devices and on every screen, both on the planet and on the ship:
Mina olen Striel
Te olete sellesse maailma sissetungijad
Teil on kakskümmend neli tundi, et siit maailmast lahkuda
Algus nüüd
A Post by:
Commander Zhaan D'Sai
First Officer
USS Thunderbird
Lt. Commander Harrison Knox
Second Officer
USS Thunderbird
Lt. Stormy Knight
Science Officer
USS Thunderbird
Lt. Daegan Baas
Chief of Security
USS Thunderbird
Lt. Tyler Malbrooke
Chief of Operations
USS Thunderbird
Lt. Patrick Ryan, M.D.
Chief Medical Officer
USS Thunderbird
Lt. Ayryn Trynn
USS Thunderbird